Guild Info

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

LCS Daybreaker

Level: 60+
Location: T party menu What Passes for Fate grouping
Number of entries: unlimited
Late entry: no

This instance takes place on a boat with two side boats. If your party is mostly below 70, you will have trouble completing the whole boat - you will want to do left wing only. Although you can get in at 60, you will see many parties asking for 70+ or 75+ only. This is to ensure that they have a party for full boat. If you do the full boat, and you get enough points, you can turn them in immediately for a scroll box that produces a random blue or purple skill scroll.

I recommend having a party with two healers; if something happens to one, you have a backup.

The faster you kill the mobs that show up, the more courage pts your party will get. These courage pts are what you turn in to Charlotte at the end for the extra rewards. Pets can steal kills, so it may be advisable to not use the pets on the mobs at all.

I have had good experience with killing the mobs further up the boat, close to where they spawn, rather than attacking them from near the bridge.

When the boss comes, you want to be amongst the crates at the front of the boat. The hits from the boss are not as hard if you stand there.

As soon as the left side is done, run to the right side and repeat.

When the right side is done, you will fight mobs on the main boat. It is very important that no one have any pets out during this fight. The pets can either keep the mobs trapped under the ship not allowing your party to attack them - OR, they can aggravate the mobs so much that their attack increases and your party starts to wipe. It doesn't happen all the time, but really not worth taking the chance; and once it starts, it is hard to reverse.

If you have at least 2600 courage pts after this middle boat battle, you should have enough at the end for a scroll box!

Once these middle mobs are done, and you see the announcement for the main boss, run to the front of the main boat. Do not attack the boss until everyone is in position. The boss will not attack until he is attacked. Anyone not amongst the crates can die pretty easy and ressing after that is hard.

If you do die during this last part, have the person who has aggro turn the boss so that he is attacking across the ship.  Ressurect and run to the side ship to hp up. Run along the side of the main boat to the front of the ship.

Each death reduces the number of courage pts your party receives, so it's best that no one dies.

Once the main boss is dead, you can go back to where you entered the boat and find Charlotte. She will have rewards that you can buy with your pts from that run. you need 4200 for a blue skill scroll and 4400 for a purple skill scroll. If you don't have enough for a skill scroll, I recommend getting the soul gem box. They are unbound after opening and can be sold in AH. Use up all your pts as they are lost once you leave.

There is also an npc on this boat that offers skill boosters that you can purchase with courage pts. These do help somewhat, but their real benefit is in the achievements that they can give you.

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