Guild Info

Monday, November 18, 2013

Guild Midas

Level: 60+
Requirement: must have 80 dedication and guild construction envelopes
Location: guild base
Duration: 1 hour
Reward: large chunk of soul power and exp, as well as trade gold for each envelope completed dependent on the amount of dedication that you have at the time

The event is fairly simple: during the time that the guild midas is activated, complete construction envelopes to get the extra rewards. The quests do not change from regular envelope quests, you just get an extra reward for doing them.

The Guild Leader or Interior Officer can open this event. It can only be done two times a week. The envelopes must be redeemed during the hour that the event is open to get the rewards.

We have chosen Friday at 23:30 to allow enough time in the week for people to get their 80 ded and the time allows for two days worth of envelopes to be done during the event as reset happens during the event and makes a new set of envelopes available.
Sunday at 16:00 was chosen as it is right after Astral Shine and it allows more people to participate due to it being during the day and the last day of the week when more people will be likely to have had an opportunity to have 80 ded.

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