Guild Info

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Becoming a God

Note: this is a quick guide from what I remember as a god for a current guildie that is a god this week. I do have screenshots from my time as a god and will be adding them later and adjusting some of the information when I review the screenshots. Thanks!

The gods for each week are decided during the calculations each Monday. Most of the gods are decided randomly among the top point givers from the previous week - so give your points to the gods for your chance to become one.

When you are a god, you get a couple ways to give out gifts to everyone: projection and blessing buff.

The projection can be set up once a week. You can set it up any time you like during the week. Talk to the representative of your god at the temple to start the projection. It lasts 60 mins. You don't need to stay with the projection to keep it up - once it is activated, you can do what you like. It's best to announce in world chat ahead of time when you will be starting it so people can prepare. The projection can give an unlimited number of gifts within that time. The person wanting the gift takes the quest from the projection. Two of the projections have a one part quest where you only have to talk to them once: Conqueror and Retribution. The others have a two part quest where you have to talk to them twice; if you miss the second part, you will not receive the gift. You can be any level to receive the gift from all projections except Conqueror. Conqueror requires that you have completed your level 70 soul power gate.
  • Luck: 5 lucky tops
  • Flower: 10 mysterious dyes
  • Conqueror: 250 champ points and a 24 hour buff for double champ pts (never tested if this works)
  • Destruction: 1 gb quest shell (completes a whole envelope of gb quests for you! Give to the GB Manager)
  • Storm: 5 arena badges
  • Deceiver: HR resets
  • Retribution: 1000 Winter Heights rep pts
The transformation allows you to actually play as the god. The button to activate the transformation is attached to the end of your lower skill bar. The transform menu has a meter. This meter is filled up via prayers and offerings to your god. So, if you want a lot of time to use the skills the god has, encourage people to pray to your god and give your god offerings!

You can stop the transformation after 20 seconds - so you can use it multiple times per week provided that you have enough in your meter to activate it. If you deplete the meter, you will have to wait until there is enough in the meter to activate it again. I didn't see any way to see how much time was in the meter without actually transforming, unfortunately.

Blessing Buff (for Luck god only)
The Luck god has a blessing skill that allows them to give people a blessing that allows them to collect a reward from the Luck god envoy. Activate the blessing buff via the Transform button. The blessed person has a limited amount of time to receive the gift (I think it is 10 mins). The blessing skill has a short cd, so you can't really spam it, but you can still bless quite a few people in a short amount of time. Get the people that you want to buff into a raid for easier targeting and faster blessing. You need to target the person and bless them - it's an individual buff. I would bless them then call their name to let them know that they now had the buff, target the next person, when the cd was done, repeat the process.

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