Guild Info

Monday, February 13, 2017

Guild Base Invasion/Defense

This event can be opened by the guild once per week.

It can only be opened by the guild leader.
It can only be opened between 11:00 and 23:00 each day.
Duration: 1 hour
8 ded, 900 champ pts, soul power, exp, guild pts, special reward for boss kills
You do not have to be in the guild to participate.

It is a good idea to have a raid set up ahead of time. It can even help to have the different areas of the base assigned to each party to keep things organized. The raid leader may have to switch people around as the event progresses, since it's more likely you'll get credit for a kill if you're in the party of those killing with you. Conversely, people not in your party killing in your area can be reducing the pts you can collect, so make sure you are with your party or ask to be switched!

The event has four stages. Each stage is 15 mins long.

You should be prepared and ready to go as soon as the event is opened. Be in the raid and know where you are going for stage two! Make sure to have several bag spaces - you will need at least 1 space to pick up the quests, and more for each weapon you want to pick up. Be sure to have a flying mount as well.

Stage One
The guild leader will talk to the Guild Defense Manager to open the event. This will send an announcement into World Chat inviting everyone on the server to come to your guild's base to help out. Although the game makers intended this to be a cross-guild event, not all guilds want outsiders at their event. I actually have only run into one guild on Storm server that has asked me to leave, so in general, guilds are ok with you coming, just make sure to do what they say once you're there!

  • You will automatically receive the 100 pt quest when the event is activated. This is the quest you really want to finish since it is worth 900 champ pts!!
  • An npc will spawn next to him that gives you other quests. You don't need to take them now, but if you see an 80 kill quest, take that. This quest does not retro-fill.
  • The npc will also offer a 60 kill quest, this one does retro-fill and it's timed - so you may want to wait to take it (I always just take it right away;)
  • Weapons will appear around the guild base. There are set spots for these to appear, but which of those spots it is each week is random. Once you do a few of these events and look around the base for them, you will get to know where they pop up. These are worth 3 pts. I recommend hanging on to them until you are going to turn in your 100 pt quest. I will explain later.
  • Special mobs will spawn around the base as well. These mobs are worth 5 pts! They also appear randomly at a handful of set places around the base (explore and get to know these places for farming them). You do not need to be the one that kills them. More than one person can get credit for the same mob. They do not need to be in your party. To get credit, you only have to hit it once and be there when it dies - so travel in a group to share these kills! The guards will kill these mobs if they see them, so be quick!
  • Be courteous to the guildies that have trouble getting their quests done - don't kill these mobs or pick the weapons if you don't really need them to complete your quest. Help them find them instead!

Stage Two
There will be a message announcing the mass mobs. These mobs are only worth 1 pt each. They show up in groups around the guild base. These areas are always the same.
  • Go to the area assigned to your party, or where ever the raid leader tells you to go.
  • You don't have to be the one that kills the mob, but you must hit the mob. 
  • AOE as much as you can, unless you kill too fast, then take it down a notch to accommodate your party members or they won't get credit for any kills.
  • Kill as fast as you can, you want to try to get to your 100 pts during this stage.
  • You will occasionally see your count go backwards. If the guards die, you lose a pt, so protect the guards. This is why it's a good idea to have lots of people at your event! Just make sure they get in the raid! Non-raid-member kills don't count.
  • Please keep your raid posted as to where you are at with your count so that they can get you help if you need it. 
  • Make sure you have at least 102pts before going to hand in your 100pt quest. This will give you buffer in case you lose pts during travel. If you see that you are losing pts quickly, make sure you have even more extra pts for buffer.
  • The weapons you collected can also serve as a buffer. When you turn in your 100pt quest, you can use the 3pt weapons to make up for any lost pts during travel!
Stage Three
There will be an announcement that the three bosses have arrived. There is one in front of the tavern, one at the rune npc, and one at the lower pond. Killing these three bosses will gain you an extra reward and ded. These bosses stun and poison, and generally make your day miserable if you're caught off guard.
  • Guards are more likely to die during this stage, and you will see your count start to drop faster. This is why you want to get to 100 during that 2nd stage. You can still get to 100, but it will seem like swimming upstream.
  • Since guard deaths make counts go backwards, it helps if people keep killing even if their quests are done.
  • Since the bosses kill more guards, and there is a limited amount of time to kill these bosses, it's probably a good idea to just start killing the bosses. 
  • Anyone who is not very close to 100 is unlikely to finish at this point anyway. If you are not very close to 100, hand in your weapons and leave the base. It will preserve your points, and if you can get into another guild's event before weekly reset, you will see your pts re-appear and you can pick up where you left off. 
  • If you are close to 100, let your raid know! They can decide whether to hold off killing bosses to give you more time to complete - because once the bosses are all dead, all the mobs disappear.
  • It might be a good idea to go flying and get the 5pt mobs again at this point. Although nearly the entire base is an aggro field during stage two and three, making it difficult to get onto a flying mount - it is not impossible . Once all mobs are killed at the altar and you're waiting for the next wave, you will see your mount light up. Also, near the artisan npc, once the mobs are killed, you can sometimes get onto your mount.
  • Once you have killed a boss, you can pick up a quest at the shorter npc that will give you a reward. Once you have killed all three bosses, you can pick up the extra reward at the taller npc for the guild reward. If you are not in the guild, that three boss quest won't be available at the non-guild npc, but may be available at your own base's npc. You can get the reward from your guild's npc if your guild kills all three bosses, even if you weren't there for any of your own guild's killing. But the npc is only there while your guild's invasion is active.

Stage Four
This stage only appears if all three bosses were not killed. This stage is identical to the first stage. Your pts will not decline during this stage since all the bosses and mass mobs disappear. The 5pt mobs and weapons will still be appearing around the base. Finish up your 100pt quest killing these mobs and gathering the weapons. Turn the weapons in as soon as you get them at this point, since once the npc is gone, you cannot turn them in, and they are timed.

Once this stage is over, everything disappears. If you still had pts to gather for your 100pt quest, they will remain with you until weekly reset. Watch WC for event announcements and get there as soon as it opens to get the 5pt mobs and weapons to finish up.

100pt Quest Strategy: 
Getting to 100 pts can be very frustrating, especially if you don't have many aoes and you don't kill fast. Here are some tips:
  • Get all the pts you can in the first round.
  • Gather a few weapons to hold until you hand in your quest.
  • Have guildies who finish their quests easily help you find these mobs and weapons!  
  • Learn where these mobs and weapons pop up so you can find them faster each week.
  • Get in a group that kills fast, but doesn't one-shot things - you need to be able to hit things before they die.
  • Aoe like crazy!
  • Tab-hit, tab-hit, tab-hit -- you don't need to kill, only hit, so tab and hit everything.
  • Keep your raid informed about your quest progress so they can help you.
  • Many guilds have pretty much everyone kill at the altar and don't worry about parties within the raid. I have had mixed success with straight raid organization in this event, and have found parties within the raid to be much more effective - but see if it works for you! 
  • Keep in mind that if someone in the area is killing faster than others can hit, they will keep those people from completing their quests. Ask them to kill elsewhere or slow their attacks.
  • Make sure everyone in the area is at least in the raid. I have gotten credit at times from hitting mobs that non-raid members kill; however I've observed this to be inconsistent. It is safer to have everyone in the raid.
  • If you are done with your quest and continue killing to help save guards, do it away from areas that people are using to finish up their 100 quest unless you are also helping them with that quest.
  • If you don't have your 100pts by the third stage, consider leaving the base to preserve your pts.
  • If your event has a fourth stage, you can try to clean up your additional pts at this time.
  • If you do not have your 100pt by the time the event ends, watch wc for other guilds' defender events. Get there right away and finish up your pts.

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