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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

FW Classes Overview

Original article posted at Forsaken World Class Selecting Guide18. Jul, 2012 by --- I have done some heavy editing to the original text and added two classes. 

Forsaken World offers 12 different classes (2 were added after this was posted - see end for info)

Like most traditional MMORPG’s, the classes can be separated in three general roles:  

The talent tree for each class allows you to tweak your character into cross-over roles that allow for greater versatility. But this guide will only be covering the basics.

Tanks are the tough guys of the game world. Their main role is to keep the bosses busy (holding aggro). Virtual damage sponges, they absorb the bulk of the damage while the not-so-tough heavy-hitters take the boss down.

The Protector  
The Protector in Forsaken World is a classic Tank. He even looks the part with his huge size and stoney looks. If you like standing toe to toe with giant bosses while wielding a huge hammer, protecting your teammates, then the Protector could be a good choice for you. Protectors also can have some great CC (crowd control) skills, helping take care of those boss helpers as well. The Protector can take a lot of damage, but with the right build, it can deal some major damage too. Protectors can only be males, and only Stonemen can be Protectors.

The Warrior
The Warrior is generally thought of as a DD class but with the right talent tree (Aegis) they can be a pretty good tank. Warriors have one of the highest hp plus+damage+defense of all the classes, giving it the possibility to be a good versatile tank. in addition to being able to protect the team from direct attacks, the Aegis warrior also has some healing skills! Warriors can be male or female, but only Humans and Elves can be Warriors.

The Reaper
The Reaper is also generally thought of as a DD class, but with the bind tree, it can hold some serious aggro! With that tree and a solid hp+defense build, the Reaper can distract the boss while the rest of the group bring it down. Reapers can be male or female, but only Kindred or Lycans can be Reapers.

Support/ Healer
Support classes are never in the front lines of battle; they rather step back a little and help their team mates differently than the tank. It doesn’t make them less important, they are just as crucial for success.

The Priest
The Priest using the divine tree is the main Healer in Forsaken World. The divine Priest is responsible for keeping the party members alive. They have the best single target heals of all the healing classes. They have great support buffs, and can revive dead players, but only when not in combat. Priests can be male or female as Human or Elf, but only the female Lycans can be Priests.


The Bard  
Generally not as good for healing as the Priest; however a well built Light Bard can rival many divine priests in keeping a party alive. Their ability to keep heals going continually merely through attacking make this class great choice when constant heals is needed. Also, the Light Bard can revive dead players while in combat! The main role of the Bard is to give party buffs that will enhance all the party members’ abilities. The Wind tree is the best tree for buffing the party up. The Water tree is great CC and pretty decent damage. With on-deck heals, the Bard has great survivability too. The Bards have a harp for a weapon and make the most beautiful skill sounds of all the classes. Bards can be male or female, but only Elves can be Bards.


The Vampire
The Blood tree of the Vampire is a great choice for those who want to heal, deal damage, and assist with buffs. Although they are not generally as good at healing as a divine priest or light bard, a Blood Vampire with the right build can keep a team alive, with a little extra damage as a bonus. They have great survivability. Vampires have a cross as a weapon, but actually use their hands to attack. Vampires can be either male or female, and only Kindred can be Vampires.

The Tormentor
It is a new class to Forsaken World. Its specialty is DOT - damage over time. The Torture tree is the best at taking advantage of this specialty. Although it's damage may start out relatively weak and slow, it builds and eventually can overwhelm a foe. Although typically low on defense, they have one of the longest ranges of any class allowing them to hit from outside an opponent's attack field. Check out that weapon! The Tormentor can be either male or female, but only Demons can be Tormentors. 

These are the classes of DPS (damage per second) and DDs (damage dealer), so these are the classes which main role is to kick ass. They can usually deal more damage than the Tank or the Support/Healer classes, but they have less defense, and generally little support/heal skills.

The Warrior
The Warrior can be kind of slow, but they hit hard! Mainly single target DD, although the Elemental tree is chocked-full of AOES. Warriors are one of the most versatile and durable classes in the DD pool. They carry a big sword and lots of swagger. With high defense, high attack, and high hp; they can head straight into the front line swinging. Warriors can be male or female, but only Humans and Elves can be Warriors.

The Assassin 
The Assassin is the other single target damage specialist. One of the highest DPS out of all the classes. The Assassin does not have as much HP as the Warrior (highest HP of all the classes) so it relies on evasion instead, which means it tries to avoid getting hit in the first place. Assassins have the ability to actually become invisible for a time to allow them to get into position for the killing hit. They have dual daggers for weapons, lightning speed, and some pretty fancy acrobatics. Assassins can be male or female if Human or Kindred, but only male Lycans can be Assassins.

The Vampire
Good for multi target damage with its AoE skills and can be played as a support role thanks to its heal abilities. The Vampire is a versatile class that can be useful for solo and team play also. With a certain build like Inferno, it also has good CC capabilities. But the best tree for targeted damage is the Dark tree. Carrying a huge cross on its back makes the vampire one of the coolest looking characters. Vampires can be male or female, but only Kindred can be Vampires.

The Mage 
The Mage is not only a great damage dealer but it has probably the best CC abilities and AoE skills. Very useful when you need to clear out multiple enemies in a short period of time. With great damage, of course, comes low defense. The mage has low survivability, so it needs to put out damage as fast as it can to finish his opponents before they do the same to him. Mages have an elaborate staff as a weapon, and a bonus to the mage - great attack effects! Mages can be male or female, but only Kindred and Humans can be Mages.


The Marksman 
The Marksman can deal some serious damage through special skill boosts. It tends to be low on defense, but its speed, range, and CC can help them avoid attack. They have great AoE skills, almost as good as a mage, and one of the longest ranges. The Marksman has an actual gun as his weapon, so if you like guns, the Marksman might be for you. But if you don't like picking boogers, a female Marksman would be a better choice. Although the Marksman can be either male or female, only a Dwarf can be a Marksman.

The Reaper
The Reaper deals some pretty substantial damage. The best trees for damage are Bloodbrawl and Bloodwind. Reapers have a unique skill that drags their target to them, which comes in quite handy! They also carry a scythe for their weapon. Reapers can be male or female, but only Kindred or Lycans can be Reapers.

The Tormentor
Although its DPS isn't as good as some of the other damage classes, its attacks keep building on themselves and ticking away health over time giving them a pretty good damage score if they can stay alive. Although typically low on defense, they have one of the longest ranges of any class allowing them to hit from outside an opponent's attack field. The Darkpact and Hellfire trees are best for damage dealing. Darkpact for directed damage and Hellfire for AOEs. The Tormentor can be either male or female, but only Demons can be Tormentors.


There are now two additional classes (which I will incorporate properly into this post when I have more time): the warden and the ranger.

It's the kitchen-sink class with heals, dps, defense, and cc there is not much that this class can't do. Their weapons are a shield and rapier. Wardens can be male or female, but males must be Elvesand females must be Kindred.

An archer with cc and long range; it's great for stopping an opponent in it's tracks allowing time to bring them down. It has dodge skills that allow you to jump sideways, backwards, or forwards to avoid attacks. Rangers can be male or female, but only Demons and Elves can be Rangers.

NOTE: This guide is only meant as a starting point. Each class can be built in a number of different ways using the talent trees, gear, and accessories.


  1. Thank you for the guide ..if I may, the male warden can only be Elves not demons and the female can only be kindred

  2. Can i have more information about wardens, meaning they are more into healing or damaging? I like this class but sometimes it feels useless

  3. Oh, thanks, I will update this to correct that!

    The warden is a kitchen-sink class. As in, "everything but the kitchen sink". They can do pretty much everything. I have not played the warden yet, so I don't have any direct experience with them, but they have very good dps, buffs/debuffs, and heals.

  4. Can this guide get an update please?

    Thank you in advance.

  5. I'll try to update when I have time, but haven't really played the newer classes.

  6. One note on Warden healers- they are the only AOE mana recovery tree- mana to full for the party in about 10 sec with 1 min cooldown depending on runes; It's one unique skill to them that I find especially useful on my Astro Warden, though I do have my Heal Effect up to 11250; In general, the Warden heals are target based, as in they heal a percentage based on the target's HP and MP rather than the skill's, mob's or bosses as is a factor in your other healers; Additionally, almost all self heals are AOE so you can heal yourself and the party without as much multi tasking- though, bards remain the only healer that can revive during active combat- add their higher natural defense and they do well in raids and such. Hope that helps out.

  7. is there anything about dragoon knight
