Guild Info

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Getting Dedication

The Forsaken World gods have made things pretty tough getting ded now. But we still need the same amount for some pretty important things - like soul gates.

So how do you get all the ded you need? Here's the list of current dedication

It's not easy, but you can get over 100 from potentially easy sources:
5x7 (35) Luck quest
3x7 (21) Nightfall Dailies
1x7 (7)  GBQs
1x7 (7)  Karma Choice
7x1 (7)  Weekly orders (DOs, POs)
2x7 (14) Henry (this may be higher if you did not do the quests the week before)
1x7 (7)  20 memory berry consumption
1x7 (7)  GT2 - send your pet
1x7 (7)  Evernight - send your pet
1x7 (7)  CV/IP (you only need 3 characters to enter)
1x6 (6)(9)*  Daily event (FK, ANC, GFC, IP, Wota(3)*, NC)
8x1 (8)  Exo
That's 133(136)* ded if you can complete all of these for the entire week.

If you are 100, you can get 35 pts (5pts daily) from your king's gift.

If you do the nm raid run you get another 14 pts (ESNM and ToD are 2pts, FHoF and MI are 5pts).

That's a total of 182(185)* pts, which should cover any of the quests you need to do that require dedication. It's still a lot of work, but is doable if you concentrate on just the ded for the week.

*You actually can get 1 ded for each Wota round 15 boss you kill - up to 3 each Friday.

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