Guild Info

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Level 100 Patch Notes

Up-coming features that are particularly interesting:
#14. New high level instances that allow you to choose your difficulty level - and the potential rewards are very nice!  Flame Crystal, Elemental Star Essence, and Devirock Shard!
#16. Guild Auction, a weekly event, has the potential to offer mounts, level 95 Elemental Gears, and level 90 Gemini Weapons.
#23. Players won't be able to view the name-plates of other players in the following locations: Lost City, Frostgale Fjord, and Heart of Ice and Fire.  WHAA??? Why is this a thing??

#24. Second set of combat assist so you can program two sets and switch between them.

Players can no longer gain Conqueror Reputation in the Advanced Random Instances.  D:
Vengeance fix: Lost Hearts will now be randomly issued during PvP battlefield events in order to reduce the number of people getting into 90s Lost City.
New Content
1. Increased level-cap: The level-cap has been increased to 100
a) New Attributes: Block Rate and Block Strength; A successful block will be displayed in a form of floating text; Block Rate affects the chance to perform a block. Block Strength affects how much damage is reduced when performed a block.

b) New Attributes: Unaspected Mastery and Unaspected Resistance; The two new attributes will be taking into account when a monster attacks you. These attributes cannot be obtained through Mastery Resistance Training, however, some Talents do provide them.

c) Added Rank 5 Hero Gear and Defensive Class Gear Set. All new gears and upgrade items can be exchanged from Astraea and Roxy, who can be located at Hall of Glory in Nightfall Citadel.

d) Added a new level for Phoenix Order, Dragon Order, and Faith Order: Players are able to purchase all the new Orders from Melinda.

2. New Feature: Elemental Relic
a) Morin, who is located in the Winter Heights, will allow you to begin this quest line.

b) Elemental Relics can be merged together in order to raise their Growth. Furthermore, you can recover their potential powers by going through Evolution or infusing Relic Spirits.

c) To unlock the Elemental Relic feature, please complete the main story quests of Ever Abyss.

d) Elemental Relics and Relic Spirits can be obtained by venturing around the world.

3. New Main Story Quests: The counter-attack of Winter Heights is almost at its end, but the flame shall not be extinguished, for a second counter-attack has been planned. Players with level 90 will get the starting quest upon logging-in.

4. New Map: Ever Abyss. Rose Queen, your former comrade, will be waiting for you in the bottom of the abyss, along with the evil archdemons and their savage devil minions.

5. New Map Event: The Abyssal Hermits
a) A group of Dark Union Contacts have appeared in the east of St.Rosale Palace. They sell information, the information of the whereabouts of the Abyssal Hermits, and they accept only Soul Coins.

b) The Dark Union Contacts only sell information about the low-tier hermits. To find out the whereabouts of the high-tier hermits, you need obtain several Hermit Scrolls through challenging the low-tier hermits, then piece them together with the
Dark Union Contact. The high-tier hermits are powerful beings that cannot be taken down solo, thus, forming a group beforehand is recommended.

c) The harder the scroll can be obtained, the more powerful the hermit will be, and the better the reward they will yield upon defeated.

d) White Hermit Scroll and Green Hermit Scroll can be obtained once per day; Blue Hermit Scroll can be obtained once per week. If you run out of scrolls to do, you can help your friends to do their scroll and get some share of the loots.

6. Karma Choice
a) The Dark Union Contacts will offer you choices, every choice will lead to a different result, so think carefully before you act.

b) The reputation gained from choosing a certain choice will help you with your new capabilities, so choose wisely.

7. New Party Event: The Weeping Trees
a) The monsters who live in Silent Jungle have a habit of collecting tears dropped by Weeping Trees, but something are trying to prevent them from doing so. If you wish to help them, please find the leader of the Silent Jungle monsters after reaching level 95.

b) A party of 6 is recommended to proceed this event.

8. New Social Event: The Sigil of Bond
a) Every day from 17:30 to 18:00, you can receive a Sigil from Rose Princess. Then, you need to form a party of three that contains members who have the same Sigil as you. Finally, go back to Rose Princess with your 3-man party and proceed to the next step of the event.

9. New Dynamic Quest
a) Guider and Styx Elder will show up in Ever Abyss from time to time, asking for you to help.

10. New World Bosses
a) Powerful beings will show up in Silent Jungle, Styx's End, and The Serpent Pit, waiting for brave champions to challenge their fearsome strength.

b) The new world bosses will spawn in 24-48 hours after every weekly maintenance.

c) According to Era Power standards, in every week, players who have reached a certain Era Power will be rewarded with an Abyss Champion Treasure. Players who have not reached the required Era Power, however, will be rewarded with additional Soul Coins. The world boss events provide a large amount of EXP, Soul Power, and random gears or Soul Coins as reward for participation.

11. Legend has it that in ancient times, three powerful demons have ruled Ever Abyss, their influence to the land still haunts around even to this very date.
Recently, the evil spirits across the entire Ever Abyss are trying to gather up in three separated lands. The evil spirits will feed the lands, and once the lands are contented with the evil essence, three ancient evils will be awakened!

a) On every Wednesday 22:30, three powerful demons will spawn in Inferno Abyss. Defeating them will reward you with a Demon Key, which can be used to unlock the treasure chests dropped upon the demons' death. The treasure chests contain Soul Bubbles of the demons.

b) The Soul Bubbles begin to burn under the influence of Litany's curse. Soul Bubbles can be used to perform Soul Perfusion in your guild. To do so, you need to firstly hand Soul Bubbles to the Soul Perfusion Master in your guild, then find 7 Elite Players to help performing the ritual at your guild base. A successful Soul Perfusion will guarantee a yield of Pure Demon Crystal, moreover, it also has a chance to yield level 90 Gemini Weapons. Pure Demon Crystals can be used to upgrade level 90 Gemini Weapons.

c) The players who have participated the Soul Perfusion ritual will receive a Weaken status. (For more detail please read the World Boss Introduction interface)

12. The force field of the Elemental Prison has gone unstable, hence the former ways of entering the place are no longer valid. However, the Elemental Prison Teleporters were able to get a crack on this issue —– their research shows that every once in a while, three Field Vortexes from the Elemental Prison will spawn in the Land of Origin, and jumping into the vortexes will lead you directly into the prison. Defeating the Elemental Spirits inside the Elemental Prison will yield level 95 gears from Elemental Set.
a) The event starts at 20:00 of every Thursday. You need to sign up from the Elemental Prison Teleporter before jumping into the Field Vortexes.

b) The vortexes of Thunder Elementa, Water Elementa, and Fire Elementa will spawn at 22:10.

c) The vortexes of Earth Elementa and Wind Elementa will spawn at 22:20.

d) The vortexes of Light Elementa and Dark Elementa will spawn at 22:30.

e) In order to guarantee the vortex entrance, everyone needs to sign up 10 minutes before of the event.

13. Three new Gear Instances have been added. The instances require a 3-men party with level 90 players to enter. The instances can be entered by either talking to the NPCs at the entrances, or by queuing up the Random Challenge Instances (Expert) in the Instance Finder interface.

a) The Bottomless Inferno: Both Ever Abyss and The Bottomless Inferno are nowhere near the real ground floor of the nether world, the only difference is, the latter is deeper, and has more powerful beings crawling inside. The Bottomless Inferno is also gated by The Flowing Abyss, preventing the beings of The Bottomless Inferno from reaching Ever Abyss.

b) Gorge of Bravery: Diphilus and the three angles from Temple of Disciples were the four arch angles of the heaven, however, the three angles have been controlled by demons, leaving Diphilus fighting the hopeless battles, alone. Diphilus, while became untrusting to anyone else, is still hoping a fateful champion could save the three possessed angels one day. Thus, Diphilus has ordered his subordinate Eelzzy to set up a trial: one that only the champions of true bravery could conquer.

c) Ruin of Calamities: Calamities were one of the most dangerous demon species, until almost all of them are wiped out. However, the ones that have lived are still hiding somewhere inside this ruin, waiting to strike back.

14. A new option "Random Challenge Instances (Expert)" has been added to the Instance Finder, which includes the following instances: The Bottomless Inferno, and Gorge of Bravery

a) Level 90 players are able to queue up the new instances through Instance Finder, both solo and premade.

b) Expert instances require 42 Energy to enter. You will obtain 2 Lottery chances upon defeating the instance. You can also choose to spend extra Energy and Gold to obtain extra Lottery chances.

c) Normally, if you are with a premade group, you can enter instances directly through their entrances. However, to enter Expert instances, you and your group must queue up in the Instance Finder, only by doing so will you get to choose the difficulty of the instances.

d) Only Random Challenge Instances (Expert) will offer you the choice of difficulties. Upon entering the instance, the party leader can change the difficulty by talking to Mysterious Man. Rising the difficulty of the instance will power up the bosses in the instance, making the fights tougher to be beaten. Clearing an instance will grant you extra treasure chests (guaranteed), and rare materials (by chance, not guaranteed) such as Flame Crystal, Elemental Star Essence, and Devirock Shard. The higher the difficulty is, the higher the rare material drop rate will be.

e) The following difficulties have been added for now: Easy (default difficulty), Normal (difficulty 2), Hard (Difficulty 3). More difficulties are coming in near future.

f) The bosses are extremely tough in Hard difficutly, thus, an appropriate party composition, along with characters with higher PVE Tenacity, are the keys to conquer those hard fights.

g) You can completed any instance-related Luck Quest and any Hero's Fate Challenge in any difficulty.

15. New Raid: Temple of Disciples. Level 95 players are able to enter the raid through "Shadow of Rose Queen". Huge rewards will be granted upon defeating three bosses!

16. Guild Auction event has been added:
a) A new guild support building has been added: Guild Auction House. The building increases the Guild Financial Point of your guild by 20000 upon constructed.

b) As your guild members participate events such as Battlefield PVP, Arena PVP, Raids, Guild Invasions, they will obtain Adamantine Coin, which can be handed to the Guild Auctioneer in exchange for Guild Financial Points.

c) At 18:00 of every Monday, your Guild Auction House will update 1-4 new items for you to bid, the quantity of updated items is depending on the current Guild Financial Point of your Guild. The potential categories of the updated items can be: Mounts, level 95 Elemental Gears, and level 90 Gemini Weapons.

d) From 18:00 of Monday to 19:00 of Sunday, all guild members who have joined the guild for 7 days long will be able to place bids on items in your Guild Auction House.

e) Once an item has been sold successfully, the item will be sent to the buyer through mails. In addition, 50% of the amount of payment received will be added to your Guild Midas Bonus.

f) If you failed a bidding, all the funds that has been used to bid will be returned to you through mails.

17. New Era: Awakening Era
a) When Awakening Era is unlocked, players between level 60 to level 89 will receive EXP Bonus.

b) When Awakening Era is unlocked, the God of Renaissance will befall on your land.

18. New God: God of Retribution
a) By participating the map event: counter-strike boss, you will enter a competition set by the God of Retribution. The more bosses you've killed, the more favor you will gain from the God of Renaissance.

b) The God of Retribution will reward its disciples with Reputation of the Counter-strike Boss map.

c) A new Divinity Skill has been added. The skill can be learned when the Divine Reputation of all 7 elementals reach to tier 11

19. New Couple Events
a) Wedding Parade: A new sub-event "Wedding Parade Red Packet" has been added. The marrying couple can submit Red Packets to [Wedding Manager] Larry White in order to summon Tricksters. Upon defeated, the Tricksters will potentially drop Red Packets! The Red Packets have 3 tiers, each of which can only be submitted once per day.

b) New Daily Random Events: Added new random events for players who have married in-game. The events will spawn at 0:10 of every day. The husband and the wife can accept different quests from [Wedding Manager] Larry White, so make sure you change your party leader AFTER completing the quest of your other half! A large amount of Happiness Points will be granted upon completing the quests. Happiness Points can be used to exchange for unique Couple Titles!

c) New Daily Couple Quests: Couples can hand Love Tokens to [Wedding Manager] Larry White in exchange for items. In addition, they can also receive "Divination" and "Make A Wish" daily quests.

20. New Job Recipes
a) As explorers have discovered new herbs and mines in the Ever Abyss, crafters have also created new potion recipes and off-hand item recipes.

b) Potion recipes, Green Off-hand Recipes, and Blue Off-hand Recipes can be bought from Base Merchants. Purple Off-hand Recipes can be bought from Quartermaster Avari in Hall of Glory.

21. Twilight Seed and Encyclopedia:
a) As the counter-attack goes on well, the Lionheart Champions wish the new recruits can progress their capabilities faster, in order to join up with the verterans in the frontline.

b) The content of Twilight Seed, also known as the beginner's pack, has been adjusted. More and better items have been added to help you with your leveling processs, in addition, there are also chances to obtain Exchange Tokens for Epic Gears as well as Retro Combat Mounts and Retro Flying Mounts.

c) Moreover, all the knowledges regarding leveling your character will be recorded in the in-game Encyclopedia, including Event Introductin and Function Introduction.

23. Players won't be able to view the name-plates of other players in the following locations: Lost City, Frostgale Fjord, and Heart of Ice and Fire.

24. Combat Assist Adjustment
a) The second preset configuration has been added, players can switch between the two presets with hotkey Shitf+C (default).

b) Added 3 extra customizable Quest Bars, they can use Memory Berries automatically.

25. The gaining method of Conqueror Reputation has been adjusted: Now, players can only obtain Conqueror Reputation by killing the final boss of the Expert dungeons. Players can no longer gain Conqueror Reputation in the Advanced Random Instances.

26. The level scale of King's Edict quests has been raised to level 100, the reward and EXP cost have been adjusted as well.

27. The mysterious Swift Blood has befallen. Swift Blood can be used to unlock the speed cap of some Mounts.

28. New options "Pursue Attack" and "Click to move" have been added. They are turned on by default.

Class Skills and Class Awakening
1. Disciple of Light, Disciple of Darkness - Class Awakening
a) Two powerful twins of the Ever Abyss, Child of Light and Child of Darkness have made their appearance in the Judgment Square. They are both recruiting their own disciples: Child of Light grants the power of holy light while Child of Darkness grants the power of abyssal darkness. Every class needs to choose a twin to follow.
b) Every class benefits from the power of Light and the power of Darkness in a very different way, so choose wisely.

2. As the war against Storm Legion wages on, the casualties of war have raised to the brink of being uncontrollable. In order to solve this issue, the elder clans of the land had to dig into their own histories, ones with honor as well as ones with scandals, to find those lost arts that could help the champions to survive.
a) Warrior: Heart of the Sentinel
Claudius Aepelio, the best of the best within the Warrior rank, is going to teach you one of his best art —— "Heart of Sentinel", the warrior would guard their allies by detering nearby enemies.
b) Protector: Gust Bond
The Stoneman Protectors have discovered the power of the gust in the ruins of their ancestors. Empowered by such strength, the Protector would ride the wind in the journal to protect their own kins.
c) Assassin: Blade of Sorrow
Assassin Dante has asked you a question: What is the life goal of an assassin? To kill by following orders? Or to protect through killings? The Blade of Sorrow is not a blade to cause sorrow, instad, it ends sorrow.
d) Marksman: The Eye of Winterfall
Pippi was good, perhaps too good to be a best hunter. He tracked a sizable troop for a whole night without being detected while still being able to leave marks for his potential reinforcement. The Eye of Winerfall, Pippi has been granted with this title after killing the leader of the troop with only himself, and his beloved firearm.
e) Mage: Grimore of Trinity
Legend has it that the Grimore of Trinity can provide infinite magical power for its wielders. Now, the grimore has been discovered, everything will be changed. Although the mages have barely scratched the surface of what its true power could be, the grimore still provides more than enough power to make the Storm Legion die crying!
f) Priest: Primal Soul
Can the word holy and the word devotion trully be defined by the ones with physical minds? To find the answer, the priests have discovered a way to temporarily rid of their physical form, and embrace the purity of being a living soul.
g) Vampire: Sanguine Kiss
It goes without saying that a single kiss from a vampire could drive one mad.
h) Bard: Voice of Tides
Siren's harp, a once vile instrument, now purified by the lord of the ocean. Now the harp would play out the voide of the tides should the bards weave their fingers on its strings, and swallow anyone who dares to harm the ocean.
i) Reaper: Gale of Chaos
The Reapers are as bloodthirsty as the Vampires. They used to manipulate the power of the wind in their advantage to track and immobilize their target. Now the power has come back to them, a feast of wild hunt will soon begin.
j) Tormentor: Inferno Sacrifice
Ancient demons would summon the inferno from the nether world by sacrificing one's body and mind slowly to the burning flame, tormenting them in the process. That, is what the Tormentors have discovered after years of researching the art of tormenting.

3. Blessing Skills adjustments:
a) Blessing of the Humans: Now increases all Masteries by 25. Also increases Basic Health by 3%.
b) Blessing of the Elves: Now increases all Resistances by 25. Also increases Maximum Mana by 5%, and Accuracy by 25.
c) Blessing of the Dwarves: Now increases Crit Chance Reduction by 1%. Also increases Crit Damage Reduction by 5%.
d) Blessing of the Kindred: Now increases Basic Health by 8%.
e) Blessing of the Stonemen: Increases Basic Defense by 3%. Also increases Overall Damage Reduction by 1%

4. Race Active Skills adjustments:
a) Natural Extraction has been revamped into Natural Concealment. Natrual Concealment: Boosts the target's Evasion to extreme for 3 seconds while restoring 5% of their Maximum Mana every 1s. (The skill can be used while being controlled. The skill can be used on self)
b) The effect of Vampiric Kiss has been revamped: Restores the target's hp equalling the amount of 15% of your own HP. In addition, dispels all Stun and Bleed effects on the target while rendering them both Silenced and Invincible for 3 seconds.

Class Balancing
Universal Skills adjustments:
Lightning Slash: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 45%.
Evil Ward: No longer reduces cooldown by 6s when being in Combat Stance.
Bash: The cooldown has been reduced by 2.5s when being in Combat Stance.
Thunder Slash: The additional damage has been adjusted.
Thunderous Cleave: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 10%. (Also fixed a text error in its tooltip, now the damage value should be displayed as 140%)
Bloodsuck Slash: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%
Aegis Talent:
Fading Corruption: Each level now provides Evil Ward with a 2 meters range bonus. The Taunt duration as been increased from 2s to 4s.
Toughness: The Basic Health gained from each level has been increased from 1% to 4%.
Lightning Fury: Each level now reduces the cooldown of Lightning Slash by 2.7s when being in Combat Stance.
Enhanced Defense: Instead of increasing Physical Resistance by 15 per level, now the skill increases Unaspected Resistance by 66 per level.
Combat Defense: The additional Defense provided by each level has been increased to 60.
Damnation: The cooldown of Raging Shock has been reduced by 2s. The additional PVE Tenacity effect has been removed. Raging Shock can now reduce the target's Unaspected Mastery by 200 for 10s.
Will of the Warrior: The PVE Tenacity provided by each level has been increased to 66.
Die Hard: The HP regeneration effect has been increased from 2% per level to 5% per level.
Contempt: The Threat provided by each level has been increased by 200%.
Bloodlust Talent:
High Frequency Blade: A new effect has been added —— Increases the Basic Attack Damage of Bash by 20% per level.
Sacrifice: The additional damage gained from Health has been increased.
Rampage Talent:
Lightning Mystery: The required skill for learning this skill has been changed to level 1 "Lethal Lightning".
Soul Power related adjustments:
Added a new effect when Dyos' Fervor reaches to 100: The amount of additional Attack provided by Sacrifice will always be calculated in a situation where the Warrior's HP is above 90%.
When Dyos' Nature and Nyos' Nature reach to 85 points, the Basic Attack Damage of Thunder Slash will be increased by 50%.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Hard Smash: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Diamond Talent:
Soul of the Land: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 50%. In addition, increases Movement Speed by 30% upon casting the skill.
Crushing Attack: The Cooldown has been reduced by 2s. The Basic Cast Time has been adjusted to 1s. The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%. After learning this skill, it will replace any effect that was previously associated with the "Fury" generated by Counter Strike.
Marble Talent:
Stone Skin: Each level now grants 50 Unaspected Resistance. The Physical Resistance effect has been removed. The overall effectiveness of the skill has been increased.
Protection Fortify: The Defense gained from each level has been increased from 36 to 50.
Unbending: No longer provide PVE Tenacity for Faith of Protection status.
Tenacity of Rock: Provides 66 PVE Tenacity per level, and no longer provide Crit Chance Reduction.
Firepower Coverage: Now provide 260% additional Threat per level.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Assassinate: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
If pets are going to attack an Assassin under Stealth, they will be Recalled by force.
Venom Talent:
Mysterious Spike: Increases the additional Attack of Assassinate by 6% per level.
Killer of Darkness: Increases Mastery by 15 per level.
Dual Stings: The value has been adjusted to 10% per level.
Edge Talent:
Final Seal: The Attack Reduction provided by each level has been increased to 40.
Keen Eye: Increases Mastery by 15 per level.
Drastic Banish: The value has been adjusted to 10% per level.
Seal Thorn: Increases the additional Attack of Assassinate by 6% per level.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Divine Judgment: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 20%. The Basic Mana lost caused by Judgment Sigil has been reduced by 60%.
Ice Blade Strike: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%.
Holy Prayer - Enigma: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%.
Frost Concentration: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%.
Divine Strike: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 50%.
Prayer - Trance: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 100%.
Heal: The Basic Cast Time has been reduced by 0.5s.
Divine Talent:
Blessed Recovery: Increases the average healing amount of Heal by 100 per level.
Source of Magic: Provides fixed amount of Mana of 200 per level.
Divine Light: The Maximum Health increase provided has been increased to 5000 on the first level. Every subsequent level now provides 2000 additional Maximum Health increase. The Health increase effect has been doubled.
Purifying Light: Can now dispel more types of negative effects.
Wild Light (Lycan): The multi-effect triggered by Heal has been increased to 20% per level. Fixed the text error in the tooltip, the correction is: This effect will not end the Light of Healing effect.
Rebel Talent:
Penalty Mark: Increases the Basic Attack Damage of Strike of Punishment by 20% per level.
Light Punishment: Increases the Basic Attack Damage by 10% per level.
Glacial Talent:
Conviction: The Mana lost effect has been removed.
Stilled World: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%.
Prayer of Frost: The Basic Attack Damage increase effect has been reduced to 25%.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Shadow Scar: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 50%.
Vampire's Sigil: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 30%.
Gale Wings: The skill can now be used while under Blood Control effect.
Dark Contract: Reduces the Basic Healing Potency by 20%.
Blood Talent:
Withered Space: The skill has been replace by the new skill "Bloodmourner". Bloodmourner is a Single-target blessing skill.
Bloodmourner: Single-target blessing, uses 5% of the target's Health to generate a barrier on the target, reducing all incoming damage by 10% and granting 400 Defense. Can be applied up to 3 stacks. Lasts 10s. In addition, upon casting, the caster will gain an effect that dispels negative effects on self and grants immunity towards Reflection Damage for 5s. During such period, if the caster casts Dark Contract and Seed of Life, their effects will be duplicated onto the caster themselves as well. This skill requires Blood Control status to cast.
Blood Addiction: Increases the Healing Potency Received for the target by 5%.
Demon Realm: Upon casting Bloodmourner, increases Crit Damage Reduction by 15% for 3s.
Bloody Evil Strike: The amount of Health Absorption has been increased to 500 per level.
Blood Sign: The amount of Health Absorption has been increased to 50 per level.
of Life: Can be cast while being controlled. Can only be cast while under Blood Control status. Dispels a single negative effect on self upon casting. The Basic Healing Potency has been reduced by 40%.
Blood Control: After learning this skill, Feast will no longer do any damage, instead, it will heal your allies.
Blood Curse: The skill has been replace with the new skill "Blood Surge". Blood Surge is a multi-target blessing.
Blood Surge: Group Recovery Skill, restores 1586-1838 Health every 2s for 15s. If a target affected by Blood Surge is attacked, they will gain a 2400 Health increase for 20s, this effect can be apllied up to 5 stacks, in addition, they will also have a 10% chance to enter Vampire Form upon receiving damage.
Cold Vein: Increases the Healing Range and reduces the Cooldown of Blood Surge.
Soul Power related adjustments:
Adjusted the effect when Dyos' Nature reaches 100: After using Imp Form, the damage of Charmed Strike will always be 270%.
When Dyos' Wisdom reaches 80 yellow energy, it will provide Bloodmourner with a 450 Defense increase.
When Dyos' Wisdom reaches 100 yellow energy, it will provide Bloodmourner with a 15% Crit Damage Reduction for the caster themselves.
When Nyos' Wisdom reaches 65 yellow energy, it will provide Bloodmourner with a 3% Movement Speed increase. Every energy point provides an additional 0.2% Movement Speed increase. When Nyos' Wisdom reaches 85 yellow energy, it will provide Bloodmourner with a 450 Defense increase.
When Nyos' Wisdom reaches 100 yellow energy, it will provide Bloodmourner with a 15% Crit Damage Reduction for the caster themselves.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Tuneless Sound: The skill has been revamped into a single-target blessing with a Mana restoration effect.
Rhapsody of Wind: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Chord of Wind: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 5%.
Rhapsody of Water: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 60%.
Chord of Water: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 15%.
Light Talent:
Solo of Light: Effect has been changed from Self-target blessing to Single-target blessing.
Advanced Solo of Light: Reduces the cooldown by 4s per level.
Concerto of Life: The skill has been revamped into a multi-target blessing skill.
Blessings of Light: The amount of Health restoration when applying E Chords to self has been increased to 800 per level.
Concerto of Life: The skill has been revamped into a multi-target blessing skill. Restores 2337-3895 Health for the nearby allies, while restoring Health for self equalling the amount of 4% of your current Mana (up to 4876 Health can be restored). In addition, you also gain a barrier that absorbs damage equalling the amount of 100% of your current Mana (Cannot excess the amount of 1.5 x your Maximum Health). The barrier effect can only be triggered once per 28s. The skill will also dispel a single negative effect upon casting. The skill requires Holy Light Melody to cast.
Holy Song: Applies a Mark of Light on self for 18s, restoring 5% of your Health when attacked. The effect can be triggered up to 10 times.
Shine: The Attack Damage bonuses associated with Concerto of Life have been removed.
Crescendo: The Attack Damage bonuses associated with Concerto of Life have been removed.
Blind: The talent has been adjusted. Now it enhances the barrier provided by Concerto of Life. Starting from 100% of your current Mana, each level grants an additional 15% absorbtion based on your current mana. (15%/30%/45%/60%)(Cannot excess the amount of 1.5 x your Maximum Health)
Tuneless Light: Reduces the cooldown by 1s/2s/3s, and generates a C Chord or a D Chord.
Water Talent:
Tuneless Water: Reduces the cooldown by 1s/2s/3s, and generates a C Chord or a E Chord.
Wind Talent:
Tuneless Wind: Reduces the cooldown by 1s/2s/3s, and generates a D Chord or a E Chord.

Precision Talent:
Burst Fire: Futher reduce the cooldown of Fire At Will by 0.5s per level.
Aimed Shot: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Soul Talent:
Burst of Rage: The Basic Attack Damage of every level has been adjusted to 100%.
Burst Talent:
Heat Bullet: Soul Snipe no longer provides additional Attack, instead, it provides Basic Attack Damage by 5% per level now.
Soul Burn: Reduces the cooldown of Soul Snipe by 1.5s per level.
Bullet Screen: Increases the Basic Attack Damage of Rake of Fury by 5%.
Soul Power related adjustments:
When Dyos' Wisdom or Nyos' Wisdom reaches to 85 energy: Reduces the Cast Time of Extreme Sniping by 80%.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Fireball: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 25%.
Thunderclap: The Basic Attack Damage has been adjusted to 100%.
Ice Arrow: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 15%.
Arctic Rage: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Fury of Ice: The value of the additional Attack has been adjusted.
Nature's Fury: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Fire Talent:
Flame of Fury: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 10%.
Spark Burst: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 30%.
Lightning Talent:
Purgatory of Lightning: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 10%.
Lightning Shadow (Kindred): The effect of the skill has been changed. Now the skill increases the Basic Attack Damage by of Thunderclap 15%.
Might of Thunder (Kindred): The effect of the skill has been changed. Now the skill reduces the cooldown of Thunderclap and Streak of Lightning by 1s.
Frost Talent:
Ice Spike: The additional Attack provided by the Deep Freeze effect has been increased from 100 to 1000. The starting point of of Deep Freeze is 1000 Attack.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Breeze of Serenity: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 20%.
Shadow Grip: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 15%.
Shadow Cyclone: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 20%.
Shadow Twister: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 40%.
Bloodbrawl Talent:
Hostility: The increased Bonus Damage effect
Root of Bloodfight: The Basic Attack Damage of Grand Cleave has been adjusted from 10% to 20%.
Shadowbind Talent:
Provocative Cleave: No longer provides Taunt effect.
Cleave Master: Reduces the cooldown of Grand Cleave by 1s on level 1.
Dark Shadow Wall: The effect of the skill has been changed. Now it increases Unaspected Resistance by 66 per level.
Corrupting Seizure: No longer provides Taunt effect.
Cursed Poison: No loner triggers Corruting Skin effect.
Dark Shadow Armor: No longer increases Crit Chance Reduction, instead, it reduces overall damage taken by 3.5% per level.
Shadewrath: The Threat provided by each level has been increased by 200%.
Soul Power related adjustments:
When Wisdom reaches to 40 energy, the Cast Time reduction potency for Sinister Speed has been increased to 100%.

Universal Skills adjustments:
Stare from the Depths
Gut Drain: The lost potency of Movement Speed and Cast Speed has been increased from 15% to 50%.
Demon Contract: No longer has Damage Reduction effect. The Basic Attack Damage increase has been increased from 30% to 42%.
The Soul jailer: Basic Attack Damage has been reduced by 20%. The additional Attack provided has been increased by 20%.
Painful Torture: The Basic Duration has been reduced to 7s.
Hellfire Talent:
Ignition: The active duration has been increased to 2s.
Inferno Rain: The skill will only be triggering the Stun effect when critically hit.
Burning Rage: The effect of the talent has been adjusted. Now the talent provides a conversation that a 2% of your damage taken will be converted into a 2% Crit Chance increase.
Torture Talent:
Cruelty: No longer provides Invincibility after killing, and the Health restoration effect has been doubled.
Fallen Embrace: The damage of Soul Harvest will be doubled against targets with less than 20% Health.
Brand of Purgatory: The damage type has been adjusted to Additional Damage. Fading Suffering will no longer be affected by this skill.
Darkpact Talent:
Cascaded Thrust: After learning Primal Power, the cooldown of this skill will be reduced to 2s. The skill no longer requires Primal Power to cast.
Thrust of Slaughter: The Basic Attack Damage has been increased by 50%.
Soul Power related adjustments:
The effect that occurs when Wisdom reaches 100 can only be triggered once per 45s.

Dimensional Wars has started:
Dimensional Wars is fully started on all servers. You can talk to Peter in Twilight Square every Sunday at 20:30 to go to Sapphire Heart from all cross-server realms and enters the Dimensional Battlefield.
A repsawn position error issue has been fixed.
Added a respawn platform to each captured site exclusively for the defending team.
Removed the Silence restriction in safe zones.
When you have fought in the battle zone for over 15 minutes, you will get a "Reward Voucher" status, with which you can collect the final reward.
Arena available times are changed: Sunday 6v6 and 3v3 Arena schedules are now the same with the Saturday schedules.
6v6 Arena is now available 15:30-18:30
3v3 Arena is now available 15:00-18:00

All boss monsters' attack is lowered by around 30%;
The issue has been fixed that defeating Nightfall Altar Vexxers now yield proper rewards;
Vengeance quests are now shared within the party (not shared within the raid);
The Corpse Bugs' number and attack are lowered in the Ancient Gate area;
Maya at the Eclipse Hollow now provides Space Recharging services and sells Space Recharging items (instead of selling potions);
Too many adventurers are swarming into LV90 Lost City. Marquesta's dark magic is having a hard time sustaining the place. Powell decided that some LV90 players who have played the battlefield and have completed the battlefield activity quests will be randomly selected to acquire a Lost Heart. Only those who have a Lost Heart may take part in the battle of the Lost City. To make sure it is balanced, modifications have been made to low level Lost City rewards.
Now Lycan can wear Christmas fashion purchased from the Market.
Players are no longer prompted to collect the Sanguine Infusion when collecting daily bonuses.
The Recommended Events list in the system options window (F12) will be sorted by player levels. Events that require higher level than yours will not be visible.

Issue Fixes
Corrected Nyos' Vice skill description: when Nyos' Wisdom is activated, Mental Focus' boost attack effect will only be triggered when attacked.
Fixed the issue that Tormentor's Demonic Torture is not lethal.
Fixed the issue that Gear Upgrade preview function incorrectly displays extended attributes.
Fixed the issue that incorrect quantity is broadcasted when Dimensional Wars Giftpack gives Soul Leaves.
Entry logic to the cross-server realm changed; entrance will be selected according to your original server. If your server has a high lag, please log out and select another low lag server before entering cross-server.

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