Guild Info

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Running With Hanks

Dan, in the Citadel, has a quest for Running With Hanks. This quest is occasionally one of the daily luck quests, but the things you get from the quest make it somewhat worthwhile to do even if it is not: lots of exp, lots of sp, ded, and once in a blue moon - DIVINE TOKEN! You can send a pet, but the only way to get a chance at the divine token is by running it yourself.

The hardest part of the quest is finding him! Luckily, he runs a specific route, so finding him is a matter of knowing the route, and patience.

Below is the map of his route (marked in green). The yellow arrow is my character facing the direction that Hanks runs. You can find him along this route.
Completing the quest is pretty basic, run with Hanks for 30 legs. You need to stay with him, on foot. You should see a purple eye buff in your buff bar. you get credit for time running as long as you have that buff up.

Another way to get credit is by killing any Lancet Assassins that appear. These will give you 5 legs each. They were sent to kill Hanks, but they don't seem very interested in him - or they are very bad at their job. Having this route map should help you catch up with Hanks once you kill the assassin. (you no longer get pts for killing these).

Tip: if you prefer not to run the whole route looking for him, stand at a spot where he runs past twice in one full route. I usually put a char there with the quick quest list on their screen where I can see it while I run a second client (I layer my clients so I can partially see what is going on in the client that I am not directly working in). Once the Hanks quest goes from 0/30 legs to 1/30 legs, I know he just ran by and can find him pretty easy :)
Even easier: akf the quest! sit your char at a double route point as above, and just sit there until he runs past you 30 times xD. Make sure to hand in the quest before reset though! (if the double route point doesn't work for you, try the spot where you exit GFC - I have always been able to get leg credit there).

Fun Stuff: Hanks is named after Tom Hanks. If you look at the various characters that run with him, you will see names from some of the movies that Tom has been in: Jenny, Wilson, Woody, and Turner. And then there is the guy that gave you the quest - Dan, as in Captain Dan xD

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