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Friday, November 13, 2015

Arm Winebarrel Village /Anima Shelter Questline

First stop: Obiazulu, He gives you the Village Named for Wine Barrel quest that asks you to talk to Netta. This does have an autoroute in the text to get you to Netta.

Netta gives you a quest called Dwarves in Desperation which tells you to talk to Borta. Autoroute is in the text.

Borta gives you the quest Bitter wine and tells you to taste the wine. You need to go to the barrel to collect the wine. Autoroute in text. Once you collect the wine, look in your bag. You will find an amber bottle labeled Drinks. Right click to taste it. It's pretty nasty and takes some health from you. Go back to Borta to discuss your findings.

Borta gives you a quest called Wine Barrel Village's Rats. You need to go kill 5 Vicious Ratman and 15 Plagued Rat. Autoroute. You might as well take the quest from Murphy who stands by the fence outside the area that you will be collecting. His quest is similar.

Go back to Borta with the completed kills and he'll give you the quest Secure the grain asking you to collect 3 samples of Contaminated Grain. Autoroute.

Bring the samples back to Borta. He'll give you the quest Sage's Guide sending you back to Obiazulu. He'll give you the quest Plague Researcher sending you to Murphy - you know, that guy I mentioned earlier. Autoroute.

Murphy will give you the quest New Way of Brewing sending you back to Borta. Autoroute.

Borta gives you the quest Test fruit wine telling you to toss the fruits into the furnace. Once you click the furnace, the quest turns into Overflowing fruit fragrance sending you back to Borta.

Borta gives you an achieve and another quest about missing children.

Ellina missing is your first missing child quest sending you to talk to Ellina's mother. Autoroute. (She's standing near Borta).
Clara missing, autoroute to Clara's mother. She's across from the fountain.
Essie's missing autoroute to Essie's mother. She's on the other side of the fountain.
Clear clue sends you back to Netta. Autoroute.

Netta gives you The Haunted Treasure Hills quest that tells you to see the Conjured Eye. Autoroute.

The Conjured Eye wants you to kill 5 Wraith which you will find around the edge of the arena the Eye sits in. When you kill 5 the quest changes to Special Badge sending you back to Obiazulu. Autoroute.

Obiazulu gives you the quest Ambush On All Sides which send you to the halfway point to Treasure Hills with the badge to see what happens. Autoroute.

When you get to your destination, you will get a message that the badge is emitting a red light. Suddenly a group of Mecha Killers attack. Attack them and your quest turns to Escape. Autoroute back to Obiazulu.

Obiazulu will give you the Arm Wine Barrel Village quest which sends you to Rodgers in Nightfall. Autoroute. (he's at the fountain in the big circle in Nightfall Citadel).

Rodgers gives you the quest Lionheart Camp asking you to complete Junior Lionheart Camp once. Press T, click the Solo tab on the left, and choose Lv20 Lionheart Camp. Apply. Completing Parade Drill completes this quest. Head to Henry now.

Henry will give you a quest to complete 10 Godlike Glory - basically self promotion since they are his daily quests. Complete 10 of these (you could send a pet if you have pet journeys). I think this is where many people lose the quest. They forget that the Henry quest is part of the line and don't complete it, or possibly even abandon it.
Once you complete all 10, Henry gives you another quest Trip Accompany that asks you to go talk to Rachel. Autoroute. (spoiler alert: finally you get a pet stone and your soul catching skill...)

Rachel gives you Buy Remedies that asks you to buy 200 Basic Health Tonics. There is an autoroute to Ammy. Buy them and talk to her.

Ammy gives you the quest Not Alone sending you to Alexander to find a guild. Autoroute. Choose his quest Guide: Guild.
He'll ask you to join a guild and then talk to him again. All you have to do is join the freshman guild - but if you can no longer join that guild, guess it's time to find a guild if you don't have one. Afterwards, Alexander will give you the quest The Next Step that asks you to talk to Rodgers again. Autoroute.

Rodgers gives you the quest Armed Dwarves sending you back to Obiazulu. Autoroute.

Obiazulu gives you an achievement and a bunch of quests: Tyra's Blessing (complete Tyra's Blessing luck quest once), Trial of the Evernight Island (complete Evernight Island - you can send your pet), and Land of Origination (complete one run of Land of Origination/Polarland Invader quest), Best Defense (complete the Random Challenge Instance Basic once), Solarien's Gift (complete Solarien's Gift luck quest). All of these quests will autofill if you have already completed them that day.

He also gives you the quest Find the Way which sends you back to Netta. Autoroute.

Netta gives you the quest The village chief's friend which sends you to Medina. Autoroute.

Medina gives you the quest Picky Medina which sends you out to gather 10 Clean Crab Meat from the crabs down the shore. Autoroute. Young, Luluk, and Ojier also have related quests, so pick those up if you like. One of Ojier's quests is timed, so watch your time.

Kill the crabs and pick up Clean Crab Meat. Return to Medina. He'll then give you the quest Moreno's Requirement sending you to Moreno, Autoroute.

Moreno has three quests. The one that is part of the Arm Winebarrel Village is the one with the "?"
This gives you the Rare Fine Food quest which sends you out to get 5 Spider Leg Meat. Autoroute. You might as well take his other two quests as well. Kill the Soul Web Spiders to get the leg meat. You do need to pick these legs up - they do not automatically go in your bag if you are not botting.
You do have to open the spider legs to see what's inside - hopefully meat.

Return to Moreno. He'll give you the quest The Last Shard for the leg meat. This sends you to Ochoa. Autoroute.

Ochoa will have three quests. The one that is part of the Arm Wine Barrel Village questline is the one with "?"
Go kill bears and wolves. Autoroute. Bring the meat back to Ochoa and use the barbecue fork in your bag near the bonfire to make Wild Delcious. Make sure you have at least 2 spaces in your bag. Once you make Wild Delicious, and have the fork back in your bag, your quest changes to Wild Delicious.

Next it becomes Moonwish Necklace and when you complete that, you get another achieve. Click on the quest in his list called The altar on the cliff  to continue the Arm Wine Barrel Village quest line.
The altar on the cliff  sends you to Moonwish Cliffs to stand before the Goddess' Potrait. Autoroute. As soon as you reach your destination, a quest message pops up.

The quest changes to Moon Goddess' Response and has another auto quest message. When you click "I'll go at once", you are auto-ported to Naga Village and the quest is now Desolate Village asking you to talk to Suri. Autoroute.

The Goddess will give you an achievement and another quest Annoying Sand Worms asking you to kill 20 Sand Worms. Autoroute.

Take the completed quest to Suri. Autoroute.
Suri will give you the quest Vanguard Known As Fodder that asks you to kill 15 Fishkin Vanguards and 15 Fishkin Scouts. Autoroute.

Go back to Suri and he will give you the quest Moonlight Revists which asks you to go to the Dragon Statue on White Beach. Autoroute.

When you get to the correct spot, an auto quest text will pop up.  You will get an achievement and another quest called Moonlight on White Beach which turns to Undispersed Soul once you click Confirm. This quest wants you to go talk to Okun and says that you must be level 40 to complete. Autoroute.
A quest will automatically popup once you get there. This will become Firm Stoneman, which then becomes Biel the Eldest. Talk to Biel right next to Okun. Then talk to Okun again. He gives you the quest Bloodpact Contingent asking you to kill 30 Lancet Bloodpact Members. Autoroute, or just go to the left xD

Hand the quest in to Okun. He'll give you two achievement and the quest An Unlikely Pair sending you to Gazrot. Autoroute.
Gazrot has you talk to Melisah who gives you The Kidnapping Goblin Gazrot which just has you talk to Gazrot again but says you have to be 45 to complete.

Gazrot gives you A Belly of Steel asking you to collect 1 Toxic Lizard's Blood. Autoroute.

Hand in the quest to Gazrot and he'll give you Toxic Gallbladder which asks you to get a Sand Lizard's Gallbladder. Autoroute.

Go back to Gazrot. He'll have you taste the concoction which will cause damage (be prepared to heal). Then he'll give you the quest Freedom and you will need to talk to Melisah again. She will give you an achievement and another quest: Okun's Advice sending you back to Okun. Autoroute.

Okun will give you the quest Strange Human sending you to Samba. This quest can only be completed once you are 50. Autoroute.

Samba gives you the quest Lame Hunter sending you out for 10 Hydra Meat. He's surround by hydras - have at it.

Samba will have 3 quests after you bring back the hydra meat. I think the Resident of the Desert quest is the continuation, but you might as well take both of the yellow ! quests to be sure.

Gem sends you to Whitney in Nightfall and says you have to be 50 to complete. Autoroute. (The auto brings you to a spot under the bridge that Whitney stands on, so you will have to manually go to her from there). This quest opens up fusion gems to you. Yay!

Resident of the Desert sends you to Teemer and says you have to be 55 to complete. Autoroute.
Teemer will give you an achievement and another quest Capture Weapons that sends you to collect 10 Gator Weapons. Autoroute.

Completing this quest gives you another achievement. Teemer will also now have four quests. Two are yellow ! - take those.
Wear wings send you to Nadine who will give you the flying quest. It's bugged. This quest requires you to be 55 to complete. Autoroute.

Tough Fish Skins sends you to collect 10 Tiger Shark Skins. Autoroute.

Take them to Teemer and you will get the quest Illusion that has you kill 50 Deepsea Naga. Autoroute. *

Tell Teemer you killed the Nagas, then he will turn you into one for the next quest! Queen From the Deepsea will send you to Naga Queen's Shadow. Autoroute.

The Naga Queen's Shadow will send you back to Obiazulu with the quest Return to Wine Barrel Village. Autoroute.

Obiazulu will send you to Hugh Sutherland with the quest Report to Sutherland. Autoroute.  You must be 60 to complete this quest.

Hugh Sutherland will give you an achievement. And that is pretty much the end of the quest line, except one last thing - click the guide quest scroll and you will get the quest [Anima Shelter] which sends you back to Obiazulu. Autoroute.

*I lost the quest line from my log, maybe I didn't pick up the quest when it was first offered. In any case, later, I had nothing from the quest line in my log and I could not remember where I was at in the quest line. If this happens to you, take a look at your achievement book to see which achievement in Polar Borderland you are missing. It seems you need all the achievements to get the quest that sends you to Obiazulu and then to Hugh (which will trigger the guide quest which will send you back to Obiazulu for your shelter).

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Running With Hanks

Dan, in the Citadel, has a quest for Running With Hanks. This quest is occasionally one of the daily luck quests, but the things you get from the quest make it somewhat worthwhile to do even if it is not: lots of exp, lots of sp, ded, and once in a blue moon - DIVINE TOKEN! You can send a pet, but the only way to get a chance at the divine token is by running it yourself.

The hardest part of the quest is finding him! Luckily, he runs a specific route, so finding him is a matter of knowing the route, and patience.

Below is the map of his route (marked in green). The yellow arrow is my character facing the direction that Hanks runs. You can find him along this route.
Completing the quest is pretty basic, run with Hanks for 30 legs. You need to stay with him, on foot. You should see a purple eye buff in your buff bar. you get credit for time running as long as you have that buff up.

Another way to get credit is by killing any Lancet Assassins that appear. These will give you 5 legs each. They were sent to kill Hanks, but they don't seem very interested in him - or they are very bad at their job. Having this route map should help you catch up with Hanks once you kill the assassin. (you no longer get pts for killing these).

Tip: if you prefer not to run the whole route looking for him, stand at a spot where he runs past twice in one full route. I usually put a char there with the quick quest list on their screen where I can see it while I run a second client (I layer my clients so I can partially see what is going on in the client that I am not directly working in). Once the Hanks quest goes from 0/30 legs to 1/30 legs, I know he just ran by and can find him pretty easy :)
Even easier: akf the quest! sit your char at a double route point as above, and just sit there until he runs past you 30 times xD. Make sure to hand in the quest before reset though! (if the double route point doesn't work for you, try the spot where you exit GFC - I have always been able to get leg credit there).

Fun Stuff: Hanks is named after Tom Hanks. If you look at the various characters that run with him, you will see names from some of the movies that Tom has been in: Jenny, Wilson, Woody, and Turner. And then there is the guy that gave you the quest - Dan, as in Captain Dan xD

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Hotkeys Not Working

I recently had my Shift+Z command suddenly stop functioning. It was working and then it wasn't. I made no changes that I knew of, it just quit working while I was playing - it wasn't even at a restart.

It started off doing this on just one character. But as I relogged each one, it happen to them as well.

I tried reassigning the bot start/stop command, but that did not work.

I cleared my cache. Didn't work.

I checked my other computer they could all use the command just fine on that computer.

I soon learned that this has happened to other people as well. Everyone's advice was to use Shift+X to open the bot menu to manually turn bot on and off while I wait for it to randomly start working again.

I checked the forums and got this:
Hey guys. I did no real changes to my settings at all, after the new update, aside from change the bot commands from shift back to ctrl out of habit and randomly today I can no longer use the shortcut to activate the bot. Ctrl-z fails, even resetting to defaults doesn't work. Anyone have a solution? Tried fluting and asking around...everyone gave me the whole "you know it's shift-z now right?" routine. HALP

I posted the above about two weeks ago, and still no fix. I tried submitting a ticke tnad went through all the jazz of it. Following steps were suggested

1. Change the settings individually
2. use shift-z instead
3. change pvp settings
4. reset settings to default

Even had a ticket guy tinker on my account (creepy, by the by). Any help here? I did no changes at all.
To which someone answered:
yup since yesterday got the same problem no matter what key i asign to start the bot wont work. can only do through the botting interface and click start

had Shift + z for interface
had Ctr + z for start / stop

now Ctrl + z wont work

if i set Ctrl + z for the interface that works ( so not a problem recognising the key combination )
These weren't working for me - and setting bot settings to default >.>  I even tried changing the hotkey command - nothing.

All my other hotkeys were working. But, in addition to Shift+Z not working, scroll arrows were not working in the game either. I had to grab the scroll bar, or hover and use the mouse scroll. Arrows did nothing.

I verified the game - still nothing.

Xios_Soul had one last suggestion - restart my computer.

That worked! When I restarted my computer, I also saw that my Flash Player needed an update, which I know bugs out my browser if it sits undone too long, so I will be updating that as well.

Hope some of these suggestions help you if this ever happens to you!

UPDATE (12/21/15): this happened to me again. I restarted my computer and once again, Flash Player was asking for an update. I am pretty sure that this issue has something to do with Flash Player being out-of-date. A restart and a FP update seem to do the trick :)

UPDATE (2/29/16): if you have a character that has repeated problems with their bot while none of your other characters do, try resetting their bot. That worked for one of mine. Also, using the BOT 2 helps.

UPDATE (2/20/17): I uninstalled Flash Player on one of my computers and never had this happen again on that computer.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Light Health Potion and Light Mana Potion

Henry, Jessica and the guild alchemist all will ask you to make these. But the ingredients are very difficult to get.

Specifically, the undead essence and bone ash have been giving people trouble. There are mobs that drop these items - but the mobs are high (and the chars that get these quests are lower level, go figure); the drop rate is low. I botted for 30 mins and only got 9 bone ash. The same amount of time on the undead essence mobs only gave me 3 undead essence.
The area marked in yellow is where you find the Lava Flames - they drop undead essence.
The area marked in orange are the Wraith Pirates - they drop bone ash.

The violet kelp can be found in the Polar Borderlands. I found some along the ridge that runs south of Winebarrel Village. There are other spots in the Borderlands as well.

Good Luck!