Guild Info

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ToK Achievements

In the Tomb of Kings instance, you can get 7 achievements.

First Boss: A Furious Ending 
Kill Imho in beast form.
The boss starts out in priest form. After awhile it turns into a rampaging beast. This is the form you want to kill. I find it easiest to get him down to about 5 strikes worth and then just tank and heal until he turns into the beast. Put your pets away!

Bonus Imho Achieve: Clearing the Heart
Kill your own demon
When Imho dies, he curses the party to fight their own demons. Periodically throughout the rest of the instance, a demon will appear. It belongs to someone in the group, and that person must kill it. Killing it not only gets you the achievement, but it also prevents you from losing massive amounts of hp and stats.

Second Boss: Riddle This!
Do not let the boss ask more than 10 riddles
This boss is often skipped by groups. He is up the ramp to the left in the room just after the first boss. When he asks riddles, you will be unable to move until you answer it correctly or the riddle times out. If you answer incorrectly, you will be stunned. Go HERE for the answers!

Bonus Riddle Achieve: Smartest 
Answer a certain number of riddles correctly
You will get the "Smartest" achieve for this. Riddles are also asked during the King's battle and on the bonus boss!

Third Boss: Indifference
Kill the Queen while her maids are still alive
This one is easy since this is how everyone does this room!

Fourth Boss: A Tiny Bit of Land
Kill Mohgo when all the platforms are poisoned
This one fails a lot because the boss is killed too quickly, the platforms lose poison, or it just glitches out.

Fifth Boss: Decisiveness
Kill King Desollar after he has summoned four helpers
This one is also easy since he summons them all automatically when he reaches a certain percentage of health.

In addition to adding the achievements to your list, completing all the boss achievements in the instance opens up a bonus boss and gives you access to fusion gem stones for the level 6 fusion gems!

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