Guild Info

Thursday, October 29, 2015

New Voice Chat - Razer Comms

I've been looking for a decent free, easy to install, easy to setup, easy to use, quality voice chat that the guild can use. We had Raid Call, but many of us didn't use it because there were problems with it - mostly bad audio, too much white noise.

I tried out the Arc voice - don't even bother. Too complicated, you have to run Arc, AND the sound is even worse than RC.

I did some research and found this one that is in beta: Razer Comm.
Go to this website (be sure you are at the correct website - highlighted in the address bar of the pic - there is a mimic out there) and click the download button. It should give you an .exe file to run and ask you to set up an account. You will need to activate your account via the email address that you provide.
Once activated, you can login and you can create communities and groups. I have already created a community for Enigma (as you can see in the picture). And I have created a group within that community that any member can invite people to.

I'm going to try to be on it every time I am on the game this week. So if any of you guildies would like to try it out with me - join me!

Push to talk is under Profile and Audio.
To add friend currently in the community, right click their name, click Profile, click Add Friend.

Monday, October 19, 2015

October Login Rewards!

[Via the Forsaken World Website]

By Gwaera
Mon 19 Oct 2015 05:00:00 PM PDT

Greetings Forsaken World Community,
Show some love to your pets and friends this month with the October login rewards!
 Log into Forsaken World the required amount during the event and you’ll receive free rewards via the in-game mail system!

Start date: Monday, October 19th, 2015 at 17:00 PDT
End date: Thursday, October 22th, 2015 at 23:59 PDT

The more you log into Forsaken World between October 19th and October 22nd, the better your rewards will be! Below are the requirements and rewards for each Tier:

Tier 1 - 
Login with a character that is LV50 or higher on at least 2 separate days during the login promotion to receive:
Pet Shrink Pill x10
Make your favorite pet more adorable by using these pills to shrink its size!

Tier 2 - 
Login with a character that is LV50 or higher on at least 3 separate days during the login promotion to receive:
Flowers x25
Give to friends as a gift! There is a special ranking for players who receive the most flowers.

Tier 3 - 
Login with a character that is LV50 or higher on at least 4 separate days during the login promotion to receive:
Pet Growth Pill x10
Make your pet stand out from the crowd by using these pills that make your favorite pet bigger!

*** Please wait up to 2-3 hours after your character has qualified for a tier in order to receive the mail containing your rewards. ***

  • You character must be level 50 in order to receive the rewards. If you reach a required level during the events, you need to login again to start qualifying. 
  • You need to exit the game and relog again for the next day to count.
  • In order for a specific character to qualify for a tier, you must log into it at least once each day.
  • It doesn’t count if you stayed logged in the game continuously for 4 days.

Please note: 
  • The items will be sent to your mailbox. 
  • Login challenges are not repeatable. Ex: If the login criteria is 2 days and the user logs in for 4 days, they do not receive 2x of the 2-day reward.
  • The days are separated by UTC time, 12:00AM (midnight) - 12:00AM (midnight next day), except for the first and last days.
  • A character that fulfills the highest tier of requirements will receive all the rewards that apply to the tiers below it. Ex: Someone who completes the tier-3 challenge will receive T3, T2, and T1 rewards.
  • Login rewards can only be redeemed once per character. A user can only earn 1x T1, 1x T2, and 1x T3 prize, regardless of number of logins.

Make sure to log in every day to earn all these great rewards!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ToK - Tomb of Kings

This guide is adapted from Ben Rico's guide found HERE.

Tomb of Kings

Level: 75+
Location: T (party queue), Nightfall, lower level, just south of the bridge

Late entry: yes

Head to Nightfall Citadel and look on your map. Looking near the Twilight Bridge, you will notice an instance entrance icon near it. Head to it (it is located next to an ominous looking chasm) and you will see this fellow:

This is Ramses Desollar, brother to King Akena Desollar. He is cursed to guard the entrance to his brother’s tomb for all time. King Akena Desollar created the tomb as a test for would be champions. If you pass all his tests, you will be rewarded greatly.

Once you are inside, you must remember to stick together. All of the bosses will close the entrances and exits from their rooms, so if you have party members that lag behind, or if the worst happens and you die, then you will be stuck until the fight is over, one way or the other.

There are 5 bosses with a 6th unlockable boss. To unlock the 6th boss, you must complete all five achievements during the instance. Each of these achievements pertains to a certain boss in the instance, and involves defeating them in a specific way.


Fall off of the pillar and you will land near an Exit Crystal. This is your last chance to leave, because it’s a long way down to the next room, and there is no going back once you drop down. Once you enter the next room, dispose of the Scavenger Beetles and prepare for your first boss:


ACHIEVEMENT:  A Furious Ending
How to get: Defeat High Priest Imho while he is in the Furious State.

At first Imho, in my humble opinion, can seem pretty straight forward, but he has a couple tricks up his sleeve which can be devastating if you are unprepared. First he can inflict Slow on you, which hinders your movement speed.  He also has a nasty power named Brainstorm, which causes you to lose 5% of your Health for 5 minutes, and cannot be dispelled. The effect will end when either 90% of your health is gone or the 5 minutes are up, whichever comes first.  He also has the ability to change into a raging monster, also known as the Furious State.

While he is in the Furious State, he will have his Attack and Crit Chance greatly increased, but he will also have his movement slowed. Kill Imho when he is in this state to get the achievement.

The last thing Imho does to you is when he dies, he places a curse on you. For the rest of the instances, you (or your party members) will be randomly attacked by Royal Specters.

When a specter attacks, you have 30 seconds to kill it; otherwise it will afflict you with Lost Soul, which reduces all of your stats and abilities for 5 minutes - or until you die, whichever comes first. The person must kill their own specter - if even their pet kills the demon, that person will be afflicted. These demons come at fairly regular intervals, so if it has been awhile since you have seen one, it might be a good idea to wait to start the next boss until the next demon is killed to avoid a misplaced aoe sabotaging a party member.

Once Imho is vanquished, continue to the large room with several undead foes. Dispatch them, and look around for a knocked over column on the left side as you enter. Notice how it makes a convenient ramp? Walk up the column and you will come to a doorway. Head through it and down the passage. Blow through more undead foes, and you will come to a room with a rather large fellow:


How to get: Defeat the Medusian Monstrosity before the 11th riddle.

Now this is an interesting fight. In addition to being a hard-hitting, tough-as-nails boss, he will also ask you a series of riddles, which matter for two reasons:
1) Answering any riddle incorrectly will result in that character being ensnared and unable to move for a short while, and 2) You must defeat the Medusian Monstrosity before he asks the 11th riddle in order to access the secret boss.

Other than that, it’s a pretty straight forward fight. Once it is defeated head back the way you came and back down the pillar and turn left, towards the way you didn’t go before.

Head up the passage, past more goons, until you come to a circular room with a comely lass just lounging around the tomb.


ACHIEVEMENT: Indifference
How to get: Defeat Queen Deville while Krue and Ella are still alive.

Meet Queen Deville, wife of King Akena Desollar and cursed by Vyda for all time. When you enter her chamber she will summon her two servants, Krue and Ella, to aid in her defense.

When they appear, each one will have a different color aura around them. This is their area of attack, and they will only go after someone if they are in their area. If no character is in any one bosses’ area, then they will unleash AOE attacks against the entire party. They all also possess the ability to afflict someone with a Melody debuff, one for each of the three women.

Siroccon Melody:
Your Crit Chance is increased, but your damage taken will be increased when under the effects of the melody. Unable to dispel.

Moonlit Melody:
Your Attack is increased, but your damage taken will be increased when under the effects of the melody. Unable to dispel.

Passionate Melody:
Your Crit Damage is increased, but your damage taken will be increased when under the effects of the melody. Unable to dispel.

Now what makes these so brutal is that not only do they stack, they also stack with each other. So if you are affected by all three melodies, you will be able to do a lot of damage, but you will also be extremely vulnerable to it as well, so keep that in mind. Queen Deville also has the ability to slow and stun you, in addition to the melodies, so be prepared.
To get the Achievement, you must defeat Queen Deville while both Krue and Ella are still alive-no small challenge.

Once you dispose of the Royal Queen, step into the teleporter that appears, and head into the deepest parts of the tomb. When you are on the other side, move down the passage, until you come into a room with three platforms on either side of a broken walkway, and prepare to fight a challenging foe:

ACHIEVEMENT: A Tiny Bit of Land.
How to get: Defeat Executioner Mohgo once all six platforms have been irradiated.

No that picture is not upside down, this boss is, in fact, on the ceiling. This boss has a tremendous defense; your attacks will do minimal damage, so in order to win, you must switch tactics. Notice the platforms? Well every few seconds a device will appear on one of them that can be used, and when done, will damage the boss. This is the primary way to defeat Mohgo.

It’s all simple right? Wrong. As time progresses, each platform will slowly be irradiated, causing damage to anyone caught in the radius of the green cloud. Along with that, falling off the edges will prove fatal, and you can't be revived from these falls.

Beware the scarabs that give you speed buffs and cause you to leap to your death! These buffs also speed the health drain you get from the green mist. So stay out of the green mist while buffed for speed from the scarabs.

To get the achievement, you must defeat Mohgo after all traps on the platforms depleted.

Once Mohgo is put in his place, enter the final room, and prepare for an audience with Akena Desollar-immortal King of the Desollar Empire.


ACHIEVEMENT:  Decisiveness
How to get: Defeat King Akena with at least 4 other guardians present.

This is it. The big showdown for the fate of the world! (At least he would like you to believe that, anyway.) Now in addition to all the normal ‘he’s-a-boss-so-he-hits-hard-and-takes-little-damage’ business, he has a few particularly nasty tricks up his sleeve.

First, he can afflict you with the Corrosion effect, which lowers healing effects used on you. Next, he can cause characters to fall asleep, and the kicker is that only attacks will wake them. He has a reflect last about 25 secs each turn which has proven devastating to many a would be champion! Finally, he can summon guardians to protect and fight for him. These are no ordinary servants though-they are the bosses you just fought through in order to get here! That’s right; King Akena can summon all of the bosses from this instance to come to his aid. So be extremely prepared for a long and drawn out fight.
If Kaible comes out - kill him. He stuns constantly which can eventually wipe your whole party. Otherwise, just concentrate on Akena and ignore the side bosses he summons.

Use the lava to create an attack to bring you out of endless sleep. OR use a wind bard - they have a buff that makes you immune to the sleep.

To get the achievement and unlock the secret boss, you have to kill King Akena with at least 4 guardians present in the room. Good luck!

Secret Boss: Royal Executioner Biggs

So you successfully vanquished Akena Desollar and his underlings, and gotten all 5 achievements, but what was it all for? The secret boss of course! If you followed my steps correctly, when you kill King Akena, a teleporter will appear to transport you to another dimension to battle with the Royal Executioner of the Desollar Empire-Biggs himself.

Once you step through the teleporter, you will appear in a place that’s familiar to anyone who paid attention to the splash screens during the installation process of this game. You will appear on a floating platform, and the boss will be located below you. Once you drop down, be ready for a fight.

Expect a really tough fight against Biggs. He can slow you and has a TON of Health.

He has poison as well. He will call out the name of a member he intends to poison. Anyone caught near that person will also be poisoned. This is why pets here is not a good idea. Each of them can also spread the poison by being in the vicinity of any person poisoned. This essential increases the range of poison each time he dishes it out.

He also asks riddles! And you thought you were done with riddles. You cannot move until you answer the riddle, so try to be out of poison before he asks.

He also has speed scarabs! These speed up damage while in poison, but can come in handy when you have to move fast!

Once you triumph, however, a fellow named Rarr will appear. Speak to him and he will give you your rewards, including Champion reputation! Not too shabby!

Well that just about covers all there is to know about the Tomb of Kings! I hope this guides helps you, and as always, see you next time!

Code for Holy Light Potions

By SheepClouds Mon 05 Oct 2015 10:04:00 AM PDT

A terrifying new creature has appeared in Forsaken World and we must act before it reaches the city! Help us fend off this beast by sharing the event post on:

The Beast:

The EVIL Mister Fluffington

Monster Total Health = 750
Health Reduced Each Share = 2  (No more. No less. Two shalt be the number, and the number counted shall be two. Three shalt not be given, nor either one)
Don't let this creature's furry, adorable exterior fool you, he has a vicious streak and would destroy us all given a chance! The only way we can defeat such an impressive foe is to combine our forces and taunt it on social media until it makes a mistake. Spread the word to save us all from this cruel, foul and bad tempered creature. Be on your guard for his huge, sharp... just be on your guard!
Once we reduce his health enough by taunting him, he will drop a fabled sacred relic, the [Holylight Potion] of Antioch and flee back to his lair.

Monster Current Health = 0

 Evil Mister Fluffington Used "Run Away" - It was very effective

As he ran he dropped [Holylight Potions] of Antioch every step of the way. We gathered them to share with those who helped defeat this formidable foe. Use the code below to claim yours:

Grants 15 Holylight Potions - 1 Redemption per account - Code Expires 10/13/2015
Gather around and rejoice as we destroy his pile of death with this Hand Grenade to prevent him from returning in the future!

Arc and Game Outage Coming

This email is to notify you that all of our PC games and the Arc platform will be offline for an extended period of time on October 13th, 2015 in order to implement critical network improvements. We estimate that the downtime will be between 6AM PDT to 7PM PDT.

For updates during the downtime, please visit our social pages at:

We appreciate your understanding.

Best Regards, Perfect World Entertainment

Extended Platform Maintenance – October 13

By Alex Tue 06 Oct 2015 04:46:54 PM PDT

On October 13, our teams will be performing an extended maintenance to make networking improvements on our servers. This maintenance will affect our Arc platform as well as all pages on our domain and games hosted from our servers that are launched from Arc and other platforms. The following games and services will be inaccessible during maintenance:
  • Arc Games forums
  • Arc Games main website, product pages and news pages
  • Arc Games platform including billing and messaging
  • Arc Games support websites
  • Battle of the Immortals
  • Blacklight Retribution (launched from Arc Games)
  • Champions Online
  • Forsaken World
  • Fortuna
  • Jade Dynasty
  • Neverwinter (PC & Xbox One)
  • PWI
  • Star Trek Online
  • Swordsman
  • War of the Immortals
  • Additional games launched from Arc Games

We anticipate this maintenance to run from October 13 starting at 6:00 am PT and running to 6:00 pm PT. We will be providing updates via our Arc Twitter page and Facebook page as well as social channels for each of our titles.
We appreciate your patience as we work to improve our platform.
Arc Team

ToK Achievements

In the Tomb of Kings instance, you can get 7 achievements.

First Boss: A Furious Ending 
Kill Imho in beast form.
The boss starts out in priest form. After awhile it turns into a rampaging beast. This is the form you want to kill. I find it easiest to get him down to about 5 strikes worth and then just tank and heal until he turns into the beast. Put your pets away!

Bonus Imho Achieve: Clearing the Heart
Kill your own demon
When Imho dies, he curses the party to fight their own demons. Periodically throughout the rest of the instance, a demon will appear. It belongs to someone in the group, and that person must kill it. Killing it not only gets you the achievement, but it also prevents you from losing massive amounts of hp and stats.

Second Boss: Riddle This!
Do not let the boss ask more than 10 riddles
This boss is often skipped by groups. He is up the ramp to the left in the room just after the first boss. When he asks riddles, you will be unable to move until you answer it correctly or the riddle times out. If you answer incorrectly, you will be stunned. Go HERE for the answers!

Bonus Riddle Achieve: Smartest 
Answer a certain number of riddles correctly
You will get the "Smartest" achieve for this. Riddles are also asked during the King's battle and on the bonus boss!

Third Boss: Indifference
Kill the Queen while her maids are still alive
This one is easy since this is how everyone does this room!

Fourth Boss: A Tiny Bit of Land
Kill Mohgo when all the platforms are poisoned
This one fails a lot because the boss is killed too quickly, the platforms lose poison, or it just glitches out.

Fifth Boss: Decisiveness
Kill King Desollar after he has summoned four helpers
This one is also easy since he summons them all automatically when he reaches a certain percentage of health.

In addition to adding the achievements to your list, completing all the boss achievements in the instance opens up a bonus boss and gives you access to fusion gem stones for the level 6 fusion gems!