Guild Info

Monday, February 16, 2015

Freedom Falls - Reported Issues

Can not find character. You are probably logged into the wrong server. Try switching servers (right hand corner of the login screen)

"Cannot load game data. Please verify the patch." No answer yet.

Can't change server without using a second client. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. (There is a temporary work around for this on the forum. I also posted this work around on this site.) 

Realm shift cooldown dc's you but leaves your client up. No answer yet. You do have to force quit as the quit game service in game won't work either. Seems to be prevalent with trade realm. This is still happening a year later but not as much. To prevent the dc, realm shift from character screen.

Lower levels being booted from party when the instance the system chooses is above their level (fissure commonly - we tried having the lowbie queue in and they still got kicked). No answer yet. Workaround is go in with enough lowbies that they can't all be kicked and still have a viable party.

Lower levels in party still getting higher level instances in random - and getting into these instances. (we had a 75 get into SI!). No answer yet. There is no workaround for this without using manual entry.

Random players placed in interval after leaving an instance. No answer yet. We have had some luck with kicking them from the party and re-inviting them. Dismissing party and reassembling has also worked at times. This seems to be linked to resetting instance while the member is still inside or porting out - so it may help to wait to reset until everyone is out. UPDATE (5/10/15): this is from reapplying before the 5 minute interval is over - you just finished the instance too fast! xD

Skills not activating for periods of time. No answer yet. Someone did suggest jumping or moving to get them to activate again. I went to xserver and they started working again.

Mana not replenishing for mages when using pots. No answer yet. This seems to have resolved itself.

Autoreply can spam players until they crash. Getting fixed. 

Auction House/Rankings sometimes do not display. Changing realms resolves this.

Items changing icons in bag - look like other items; and items being locked into place when a strange piece of gear is won with it. No answer yet. Workaround - go to xserver and it should resolve. I have not gotten this in a while - perhaps this is fixed.Update: no, not fixed - you still have to jump realms. Fixed.
Lottery icons in the wrong place (trade gold and soul gold icons are flip-flopped). They are currently testing this.

Otis not taking token of faiths. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Fixed.

Otis' is missing some items. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Some of these items have returned. 

Soul Crystals cannot be redeemed. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Fixed.

Henry giving quest for health potion and mana potion with no viable way to get the materials to make them. No answer yet. These potions require boiling blood or bound essence, both of which can only be found in one of the Wraith Castle fissures. Seriously, I have only been able to get into Wraith Castle once since the expansion and even bringing lower levels doesn't help - they get kicked and the rest of us go to a higher level fissure :/ This appears to be fixed - but you still get these pots for guild donation quests. You can now obtain these items via environmental mobs.

Henry gets obsessed with health potions on the 10th glory quest of the day. No answer yet. Abandoning to get a new quest doesn't help; he just gives you the same quest again, over and over and over until all your ded has run out. Best bet right now is do 9 henries, then send a pet for the rest. Fixed.

Heavenly Soulforce trinket not working for anyone not lv5 cs. They have this on the list of things to fix. This has happened in past expansions and hopefully will be fixed soon. FIXED!

Soul Force Trinkets may not be getting the correct number of attribute slots. Acknowledged, but no answer yet.

Projection crystal not working. It says that your level isn't high enough even if you are 90. No answer yet.

Some fashion that now says it is dyeable is not showing the colors it is dyed. No answer yet.

Some lycan fashion inexplicably broke after upgrading. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. 

Demon/Elf Dance/Emote pairing breaks animation. Acknowledged, but no answer yet.

Bounty Points have been wiped. Unclear how to earn additional points. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Bounty points are most likely lost for good - but the Ode to Guardian that took their place are so easy to accumulate, really doesn't matter.

Luck Bounty Quests reference the wrong monster bounties. Please pull bounties appropriate for your level to still get credit.

Some skill calls in Lionheart Training lv40 are incorrect. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. The skills you should use are some of the first that you get. Prot and mm have one mis-called skill each. Find out which skill he's actually asking for and use that one instead.

Instance list is listing incorrect open times for Nightmare Carnival (and Fort Khoaway). The times are being fixed in the listing. If you cannot T-menu apply during the time that FK says that it is supposed to be open, you should still be able to manually apply via Balberd in the Kings Room. This has happened in the past.

Demon Hellfire Talent based cooldown reduction is not displayed in the tooltips when upgraded. Acknowledged but no answer yet.

Where is Lord of Storms? This is a bug and is in the process of being fixed. (The Lord of Storms appeared in the Storm server after the era changed). Seems to be fixed.

No manual entry for fissures. No answer yet. There are mats in some of these fissures that are required for various quests and we can't get into them.

No manual entry for GL. No answer yet. Possibly intentional.

Nightmare Carnival npc that usually gives trade gold is giving soul gold instead. In the patch notes, this is intended.

Shard gear guys are missing. The Oodles are gone. After many years of service they have been replaced by Lionheart Chromatic Badges.

Gem collector skill quest seems to have disappeared. They are currently looking into this.Seems to be fixed.

Previously completed guide quests cannot be completed or abandoned. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. (I'm stuck with the flying guide quest and can not abandon it, but can not complete it since it wants to teach me flying 1 and I already have that).

Unable to locate flight quests. No answer yet. Emblems can be purchased from an npc in the market using Ode to Guardian pts earned from running instances - a lot of these points drop in the end rolls of lower instances and Borderlands Invader. This npc stands at the opposite end of the marketplace from Figaro and next to Klass in Heroes Hall.

No Mercury quests. It is intended that you will sell them to the guild instead.

Can not get Shelter. This is now automatically gotten after lv60 from completing main quest line. Obiazulu gives you the shelter. The quests in the line will say "cannot complete until level -". You want to get to the one that says "60".

Soul Gate 30 still asking for Balloon Bonanza but the quest is no where to be found. If you look at the quest text, it should say "A friend is waiting for you" and tell you that you need to do a Nightfall daily. Clicking on "friend",  will take you to Azreal for Nightfall Daily. Also, the one that asks you to kill the boss in GT completes if you complete Evernight Island. The one that asks you to do SoL will complete by completing Random Fissure. The one that asks you for glory is completed by getting that much dedication instead. I have updated the soul gate requirements HERE.

Master/Apprentice quests gone. No recruits in Shylia or Amelia. Seems they are revamping the MA program, but you can still graduate the apprentices you have! Just do the same as always, except all of the graduations now take place at Hugh Sutherland. You can still recruit apprentices/mentors. You can still do the apprentice led quests. You can get 100 friendship by going with your apprentice to one of their level instances. No recruits or elimination orders needed - it's automatic. Other members in the party do not always get the added mentor pts anymore.

No quest line for 2nd soul tree (Breaking the Limit).  It's part of the new main quest line. Seems to be a lv75 quest. Possibly pops up from guide quest book. My alt is being offered this quest directly from Rogers in Nightfall. I am unsure of the level which triggers this quest.

Morin in Sleeping Jungle not giving "Woman Troubles" quest which is one of four quests needed to unlock ASHM. No answer yet. Other npcs do still give the other three quests. Go HERE for more info. I think that this quest may have changed names and is now acquired at a different npc - I have seen people with a different quest wanting ASNM.

Cannot locate the quest line start for mounted combat. No answer yet. Someone suggested finding it in the quest log, but others have said that they could not find it there. Ancient blood is a rare drop in the mystery boxes won from personal rolls at the end of some instances, from attendance boxes, and from Otis' mount boxes - good luck! This questline was broken after the last expansion and was only available to some older characters. It seems to be completely broken now and may be intentional.

Reset tokens won in roulette are cash shop level dependent like the soulforce trinket. Not acknowledged. No answer yet.

FYI - stupid stuff that was intended: 

Borderland npcs will disappear and not allow your party in if you have a member that has gone 10x that day. No warning...

Dedication rewards include coupons that deplete the guild midas fund without actually doing guild midas.

You can only open 7 Free Isle boxes per week. If you forget to open them one week, oh well.

The new level for learning to fly is 55.

Domino reports that they will be putting together a revised schedule for instances to make them more available to all.
Can't happen soon enough... Right now I tread water in the morning waiting for noon so I can do things I haven't already run to death that day.

If you are having trouble switching to a different server or pulling up a second client, try this fix from Domino:

Run a copy of the game and log into gameplay (loaded through either arc or steam, doesn't matter just have a version of the game running and be logged into a server when you do the below steps)
Now go to your Forsaken World folder. NOT the Arc folder. This is where people get confused because most people assume the Arc folder is the Forsaken World folder. It is not.
So your paths will look something like this:
If youre using an older version of Arc:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Forsaken World
If youre using a new version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Forsaken World_en
If youre using Steam:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Forsaken World
Once you get to that Forsaken World folder, open it and look for a subfolder called "update"
Open that subfolder
Then look for that pem file. You can tell because the file image is an elf lady with a blue background
Double click that executable and run it. You will be brought to a login screen where you'll be able to switch servers.
Remember: You must be logged into a server on your first client before you start double clicking that pem executable.

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