Guild Info

Sunday, February 22, 2015

ASNM unlock ASHM

There are a number of quests that you have to complete in order to unlock ASHM. Luckily now as long as you have one party member that has completed this, you can get into hard mode; but it's still a good idea to finish these quests.

Image of Fighting:
Get this quest from Nikas Lohgad next to Whitney.
He will give you a crystal that you will use to capture an image of one of the media in AS.
Note: this crystal will time out, be sure to check the time left on your crystal before going into AS.
This quest can be completed in normal mode or hard mode.

Algazon's Records:
Get the quest from Hugh Sutherland.
Defeat Algazon in the second room to obtain the records.
Tip: Some say that you can not die during this fight or you do not find the records.
This quest can only be completed in normal mode.

Sources of the Plague:
Get this quest from Ammy.
She will give you a bottle that you will collect a sample of the plague left over from the dead spider (3rd boss).
Note: this bottle will time out, be sure to check the time left on your bottle before going into AS.
Tip: this quest can be completed before the boss is dead. The plague shows up directly behind her as she leaves her eggsac (or so people I have been with have told me - I have long ago completed this quest and have not tried this myself).
This quest can only be completed in normal mode.

Woman Troubles:
Get this quest from ? (Used to be Morin in Sleeping Jungle that gave this [Special] quest that took you to AC to see how Charlotte changes from her human form to the form that you will meet in AS, but he doesn't seem to be giving the quest anymore. Perhaps more of the main quest needs to be opened first to get this quest. This quest did bring you to Nien to get a potion, so perhaps he has the starting quest now - nope, Nien does not have any quest either. Someone told me that they thought that the name of this quest had changed and is now introduced during the main quest line).
Tips: Morin does not always appear after defeating Larex in AC and you need to talk to him to finish the first part of this quest. It is suggested that you must allow Goutah to assist you in your fight in order to trigger Morin, so make the fight last long enough to give him time to climb up the ramp to come help you.
Defeat Charlotte and talk to the mouse.
This quest can be completed in normal or hard mode.

{Pacala Blood Sample}
Get this quest from ?
This completes automatically if you are alive when Pacala dies.
This quest can only be completed in normal mode.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Trouble Shooting Server Switch and Second Client Problems

If you are having trouble switching to a different server or pulling up a second client, try this fix from Domino:

  • Run a copy of the game and log into gameplay (loaded through either arc or steam, doesn't matter just have a version of the game running and be logged into a server when you do the below steps)
  • Now go to your Forsaken World folder. NOT the Arc folder. This is where people get confused because most people assume the Arc folder is the Forsaken World folder. It is not.
  • So your paths will look something like this:
    • If youre using an older version of Arc:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Forsaken World
    • If youre using a new version:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Forsaken World_en
    • If youre using Steam:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Forsaken World
  • Once you get to that Forsaken World folder, open it and look for a subfolder called "update"
  • Open that subfolder and look for that pem file. You can tell because the file image is an elf lady with a blue background
  • Double click that executable and run it. You will be brought to a login screen where you'll be able to switch servers.

Remember: You must be logged into a server on your first client before you start double clicking that pem executable.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Freedom Falls - Reported Issues

Can not find character. You are probably logged into the wrong server. Try switching servers (right hand corner of the login screen)

"Cannot load game data. Please verify the patch." No answer yet.

Can't change server without using a second client. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. (There is a temporary work around for this on the forum. I also posted this work around on this site.) 

Realm shift cooldown dc's you but leaves your client up. No answer yet. You do have to force quit as the quit game service in game won't work either. Seems to be prevalent with trade realm. This is still happening a year later but not as much. To prevent the dc, realm shift from character screen.

Lower levels being booted from party when the instance the system chooses is above their level (fissure commonly - we tried having the lowbie queue in and they still got kicked). No answer yet. Workaround is go in with enough lowbies that they can't all be kicked and still have a viable party.

Lower levels in party still getting higher level instances in random - and getting into these instances. (we had a 75 get into SI!). No answer yet. There is no workaround for this without using manual entry.

Random players placed in interval after leaving an instance. No answer yet. We have had some luck with kicking them from the party and re-inviting them. Dismissing party and reassembling has also worked at times. This seems to be linked to resetting instance while the member is still inside or porting out - so it may help to wait to reset until everyone is out. UPDATE (5/10/15): this is from reapplying before the 5 minute interval is over - you just finished the instance too fast! xD

Skills not activating for periods of time. No answer yet. Someone did suggest jumping or moving to get them to activate again. I went to xserver and they started working again.

Mana not replenishing for mages when using pots. No answer yet. This seems to have resolved itself.

Autoreply can spam players until they crash. Getting fixed. 

Auction House/Rankings sometimes do not display. Changing realms resolves this.

Items changing icons in bag - look like other items; and items being locked into place when a strange piece of gear is won with it. No answer yet. Workaround - go to xserver and it should resolve. I have not gotten this in a while - perhaps this is fixed.Update: no, not fixed - you still have to jump realms. Fixed.
Lottery icons in the wrong place (trade gold and soul gold icons are flip-flopped). They are currently testing this.

Otis not taking token of faiths. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Fixed.

Otis' is missing some items. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Some of these items have returned. 

Soul Crystals cannot be redeemed. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Fixed.

Henry giving quest for health potion and mana potion with no viable way to get the materials to make them. No answer yet. These potions require boiling blood or bound essence, both of which can only be found in one of the Wraith Castle fissures. Seriously, I have only been able to get into Wraith Castle once since the expansion and even bringing lower levels doesn't help - they get kicked and the rest of us go to a higher level fissure :/ This appears to be fixed - but you still get these pots for guild donation quests. You can now obtain these items via environmental mobs.

Henry gets obsessed with health potions on the 10th glory quest of the day. No answer yet. Abandoning to get a new quest doesn't help; he just gives you the same quest again, over and over and over until all your ded has run out. Best bet right now is do 9 henries, then send a pet for the rest. Fixed.

Heavenly Soulforce trinket not working for anyone not lv5 cs. They have this on the list of things to fix. This has happened in past expansions and hopefully will be fixed soon. FIXED!

Soul Force Trinkets may not be getting the correct number of attribute slots. Acknowledged, but no answer yet.

Projection crystal not working. It says that your level isn't high enough even if you are 90. No answer yet.

Some fashion that now says it is dyeable is not showing the colors it is dyed. No answer yet.

Some lycan fashion inexplicably broke after upgrading. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. 

Demon/Elf Dance/Emote pairing breaks animation. Acknowledged, but no answer yet.

Bounty Points have been wiped. Unclear how to earn additional points. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. Bounty points are most likely lost for good - but the Ode to Guardian that took their place are so easy to accumulate, really doesn't matter.

Luck Bounty Quests reference the wrong monster bounties. Please pull bounties appropriate for your level to still get credit.

Some skill calls in Lionheart Training lv40 are incorrect. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. The skills you should use are some of the first that you get. Prot and mm have one mis-called skill each. Find out which skill he's actually asking for and use that one instead.

Instance list is listing incorrect open times for Nightmare Carnival (and Fort Khoaway). The times are being fixed in the listing. If you cannot T-menu apply during the time that FK says that it is supposed to be open, you should still be able to manually apply via Balberd in the Kings Room. This has happened in the past.

Demon Hellfire Talent based cooldown reduction is not displayed in the tooltips when upgraded. Acknowledged but no answer yet.

Where is Lord of Storms? This is a bug and is in the process of being fixed. (The Lord of Storms appeared in the Storm server after the era changed). Seems to be fixed.

No manual entry for fissures. No answer yet. There are mats in some of these fissures that are required for various quests and we can't get into them.

No manual entry for GL. No answer yet. Possibly intentional.

Nightmare Carnival npc that usually gives trade gold is giving soul gold instead. In the patch notes, this is intended.

Shard gear guys are missing. The Oodles are gone. After many years of service they have been replaced by Lionheart Chromatic Badges.

Gem collector skill quest seems to have disappeared. They are currently looking into this.Seems to be fixed.

Previously completed guide quests cannot be completed or abandoned. Acknowledged, but no answer yet. (I'm stuck with the flying guide quest and can not abandon it, but can not complete it since it wants to teach me flying 1 and I already have that).

Unable to locate flight quests. No answer yet. Emblems can be purchased from an npc in the market using Ode to Guardian pts earned from running instances - a lot of these points drop in the end rolls of lower instances and Borderlands Invader. This npc stands at the opposite end of the marketplace from Figaro and next to Klass in Heroes Hall.

No Mercury quests. It is intended that you will sell them to the guild instead.

Can not get Shelter. This is now automatically gotten after lv60 from completing main quest line. Obiazulu gives you the shelter. The quests in the line will say "cannot complete until level -". You want to get to the one that says "60".

Soul Gate 30 still asking for Balloon Bonanza but the quest is no where to be found. If you look at the quest text, it should say "A friend is waiting for you" and tell you that you need to do a Nightfall daily. Clicking on "friend",  will take you to Azreal for Nightfall Daily. Also, the one that asks you to kill the boss in GT completes if you complete Evernight Island. The one that asks you to do SoL will complete by completing Random Fissure. The one that asks you for glory is completed by getting that much dedication instead. I have updated the soul gate requirements HERE.

Master/Apprentice quests gone. No recruits in Shylia or Amelia. Seems they are revamping the MA program, but you can still graduate the apprentices you have! Just do the same as always, except all of the graduations now take place at Hugh Sutherland. You can still recruit apprentices/mentors. You can still do the apprentice led quests. You can get 100 friendship by going with your apprentice to one of their level instances. No recruits or elimination orders needed - it's automatic. Other members in the party do not always get the added mentor pts anymore.

No quest line for 2nd soul tree (Breaking the Limit).  It's part of the new main quest line. Seems to be a lv75 quest. Possibly pops up from guide quest book. My alt is being offered this quest directly from Rogers in Nightfall. I am unsure of the level which triggers this quest.

Morin in Sleeping Jungle not giving "Woman Troubles" quest which is one of four quests needed to unlock ASHM. No answer yet. Other npcs do still give the other three quests. Go HERE for more info. I think that this quest may have changed names and is now acquired at a different npc - I have seen people with a different quest wanting ASNM.

Cannot locate the quest line start for mounted combat. No answer yet. Someone suggested finding it in the quest log, but others have said that they could not find it there. Ancient blood is a rare drop in the mystery boxes won from personal rolls at the end of some instances, from attendance boxes, and from Otis' mount boxes - good luck! This questline was broken after the last expansion and was only available to some older characters. It seems to be completely broken now and may be intentional.

Reset tokens won in roulette are cash shop level dependent like the soulforce trinket. Not acknowledged. No answer yet.

FYI - stupid stuff that was intended: 

Borderland npcs will disappear and not allow your party in if you have a member that has gone 10x that day. No warning...

Dedication rewards include coupons that deplete the guild midas fund without actually doing guild midas.

You can only open 7 Free Isle boxes per week. If you forget to open them one week, oh well.

The new level for learning to fly is 55.

Domino reports that they will be putting together a revised schedule for instances to make them more available to all.
Can't happen soon enough... Right now I tread water in the morning waiting for noon so I can do things I haven't already run to death that day.

If you are having trouble switching to a different server or pulling up a second client, try this fix from Domino:

Run a copy of the game and log into gameplay (loaded through either arc or steam, doesn't matter just have a version of the game running and be logged into a server when you do the below steps)
Now go to your Forsaken World folder. NOT the Arc folder. This is where people get confused because most people assume the Arc folder is the Forsaken World folder. It is not.
So your paths will look something like this:
If youre using an older version of Arc:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Perfect World Entertainment\Forsaken World
If youre using a new version:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Forsaken World_en
If youre using Steam:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Forsaken World
Once you get to that Forsaken World folder, open it and look for a subfolder called "update"
Open that subfolder
Then look for that pem file. You can tell because the file image is an elf lady with a blue background
Double click that executable and run it. You will be brought to a login screen where you'll be able to switch servers.
Remember: You must be logged into a server on your first client before you start double clicking that pem executable.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Freedom Harbor Has Fallen!

Lots of new stuff. My head is spinning!
First, for those that use the bypass to access the game - you will need to redo your links. Go HERE for info.

Second, if the last place your character was located is now an occupied territory, your char will end up at the new starting areas. Refer to your map to get to the Nightfall Citadel (red dots on the main map - probably going to want to hit the middle one as that is right in the middle of the city). When you get there, reset your town portal to the trackstone there.

Now, for some details on the new stuff. This list will be updated periodically, so check back here for additions. I will put new stuff since last post in Green. New new stuff is in Purple.

  • Henry is still here and he's still making us all run his errands. He also has all the things he had before (checkins!). Only thing different is his dailies have a different name.
  • Otis is still here, but he's having some difficulty recognizing tof at the moment. Good news, Otis got his memory back! \o/
  • Alchemy and chef dailies have changed...for the worse :/
  • Guild manager is inside the building directly behind the central trackstone. He lists all the guild bases, so all guild entrances have been centralized!
  • You can buy things with wargod points! VALUABLE things!! Like star diamonds and anima upgrades! Check the npcs in the Hall of Glory. (We won't have to do round 25 of Wota!)
  • You can use your extra soul power to trade for apotheosis points. (I always have too much sp too little sg).
  • Instances now take a chunk of either energy or vigor to enter :(  So if you make a bunch of fusion gems, good luck getting anything else done for awhile... You do get a little free vigor and energy each night between 20:00-22:00 (really bad time for many of us, and easy to forget to do it). You can also buy extra with Shylia Favor.
  • Most instances have been combined into a pot luck in the T menu. You apply for one of the groupings, and the game decides which one of the instances to throw you into. Good luck! We were shooting for SI and got TM :/
    Tip: you can all leave, reset and reapply to try to get something else - you only have a cd of about a min or two on reapply (it's not a full 5 mins).
  • Instances give you a personal luck roll at the end for goodies if you queue in using the T menu. You get rolls for prizes on the wheel - it looks much like the guild lottery game. Gear instances give you the chance at big chunks of wargod points, permanent mounts, and flame crystals!! 
  • You can still manually enter most instance to get a specific one. But that means no more picking up the stray queuer. IMPORTANT: you do not get the bonus personal roll when you manually enter. In fact, you get very little as the set gear no longer seems to drop in gear instances :/
  • LCS, Wades, GL, and DDT still exist! They are in the What Passes for Fate instance grouping. 
  • LCS has abandoned Storm Force Crystals - they do not have the tab for trade. But, the achievement for using the instance items remains. And LCS still drops divine tokens!

  • Wades still has all three versions, so you can complete your Figaro quest. Wades still drops soul tokens.
  •  GL only gives 1 unbound gem. You do get rolls for additional goodies.
  • DDT offers the elusive Twilight Castle version that gives ghost warrior pet souls. The souls are catchable from the first set of mobs :)
  •  The fishing title guy still exists!
  • You can get the crystal shells for bait recipes from fishing in the base.(This was rumored, but I have had no luck with this...) Still no luck.
  • You can buy any race wings to use on your char. They are available in Eyrda Boutique for soul leaves for a limited time. They are only visible once equipped if you have the chroma necessary for wings and are only the level that your chroma allows. These are treated as fashion.
  • Training ground weapon no longer says that it is not transferable. ALSO it only fortifies to 9/12. :/
  • You can buy fusion agents from the npc again -- not sure how long this will last. I know last time they said that this offering would be periodic, so maybe get them while you can!
  •  Mount bag with 42 slots - for real.
  • No extra fashion slots T.T
  • Extra slots in your main bag available to open with cash shop levels.
  • You can add short notes on your friends in your friends list.
  •  You can set a motto for your character that will be seen by people.
  • There are more quests that will give guild pts and funds.
  • Mastery and resistance training and unlocking is available directly in C menu. No more running to your tutor!
  • No more Blademaster quest to open Mastery and Resistance training. Looks like it can be opened as soon as you are the correct level.
  • HR gives twice the goods for each round now that it is only once per week.
  • There is a ratkin-like creature that pops up when you mine and pick plants. Kill him for a card box drop! They even give the rare cards!
  • You can enter the crucible on any realm. The npc will automatically switch you to realm 2.
  • The seals are now linked in the quest text.
  • Queuing for dragon tower now tells you the name of the person who has already done dragon that week :)  No more 30 mins of finger pointing and trial booting.
  • The king still gives the reward box to those who have reached the level cap. He also has some additional unsealable items.
  • The locked boxes that contain the scroll of enigma that were scattered across Freedom Harbor are now scattered across Nightfall Citadel.
  • New tavern quests. Some are dailies.
  • Pet journey offerings have changed up a bit. No more sending your pet on fissures, but you can send them to do Run Boy, Run and Watch Rotation
  • New invader instance, similar to invasion, but much easier and faster! You don't get the bonus boxes at the end, but you do get a couple personal fate-rolls for some good stuff. FYI - you only need to kill Zorkas (the last boss) to finish this.
  • Invasion times have changed! 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00 -- 30 mins each. These are also the same time as the new invader instance, so you will have to choose which to do.
  • Fissure times have changed! 15:00-30, 19:00-30, 23:00-00:00
  • You can collect white roses, lavender, red quicksilver, copper, and tin in Deepsea Gateway instance.
  • They merged fusion gem catalogs. Less catalogs to keep track of.
  • You can get 30s grey gear from general beach mobs.
  • Lower level skills are directly learnable in the skill menu. No more visiting the skill tutor.
  • They fixed the female drunk elf dance! It's now synced and she twirls as she is supposed to, instead of looking like she's about to pass out or throw up over her shoulder.
  • Some world bosses have been showing up in unexpected places! We found the robber ringleader on the beach. We killed him and it counted for achievement!

  • Guild member names column has finally been adjusted!
  • When you add a soul token manuscript to your soulpower tree, it actually shows that you did it!
  • Master and apprentice program seems to be drastically changed, but you can still graduate the apprentices that you have the same way you did before. Except all apprentices graduate at Hugh Sutherland. (Someone in forum says that you can still do the apprentice-led quests and you can get friendship by doing the apprentice's level instances with them - you should see friendship gained at the end just like when there was a recruit previously.)
  • Christer is in Nightfall and will still exchange your lv1, lv2 AND lv3 gems! He does not have the entrance for GL.
  • Crystal shark soul still spawns. Look in the water.
  • Farmable mats moved to the Borderlands. They are even harder to find :(
  • HR roses can be added in batches! No more clicking piles of roses to add!
  • HR gives temporary titles with goodies each week to all players in a ranking grouping.
  • HR has a new second part - Hell Road Depths! This is open to those who have completed all floors of Hell Road.

  • Ayrshi sells a buff that includes all sharable buffs for 10g. Be careful! It is in the form of a quest ! . Put all your gold in the bank if you are not already doing that. Lots of pickpockets in FW!
  • You can buy the rage anima upgrades with wargod pts - npc is in Hall of Glory.
  • Soul gold is far easier to accumulate! I has soul gold again! \o/
  • Columbus doesn't give adventurer quests any longer, but El Nino has some that you can take every 60 mins up to 5x per day. They are easy and give 10 adventurer pts each. (You must have observation to complete them).
  • There is a new TM bypass (unsure of how this works).
  • Pet Transformation!
    - With Illusory Grass and a pet as a prototype, players can permanently transform the look of their pets.
    - Transformation can be undone at the Pet Trainer, however, the cost of Transformation will not be refunded.
    - Illusory grass drops from the boss monster of the Immortal Pool in Creekbank Valley and can also be purchased from the Eyrda Boutique
A new orb with new goodies!

Fox fashion!

Centaur pet!

Panda mount!

Friday, February 6, 2015


You can now complete the Heptermeron achievement by collecting 7 Books hidden throughout Nightfall Citadel.

Once you have collected a book, you can turn them in to the NPC Ariston. He is located in Nightfall Citadel.

Once you have collected them all, talk to him again:

You will get the Heptameron Book!

Right Click to read/add

Get your Achievement!

================================================== =======


Golden Curse
Magic Academy, next to the telescope

A Child's Smile
Magic Airship (fly up or teleport to the ship. Pick the book from the table)

Tears of Pharaoh
On the wall next to NPC Azora Starlight (Crystal Light Exchanger)

Amethyst Soul
On the Alchemists table, in the Rosemason Hall NPC Rachel

At Sundown Theatre, on a bench seat

Crystal Crypt
In the Mercury Marketplace, on the Rune Combination counter

Tears of an Angel
In Charlie's Tavern, on a table, bottom floor

Monday, February 2, 2015

Forsaken World 2 Changes

Forsaken World 2 is said to be launching tomorrow night!

Update 02/03/15: According to the FW Mod, we are being pushed out until Monday 2/9/15.

O.O !!!!!!!!

A little nervous about these changes, but here are some of the things that we may expect from Forsaken World 2:

New Race:
-- well, we already knew this. Demon. And it has it's own class - Tormenter, which focuses on dot rather than just straight dps.

Areas of the map will become inaccessible:
All of Kalaires, Sea of Oblivion, Lunagrant, Gloomy Forest, Hazed Wilderness

It is highly recommended that you move all characters that may load into these areas. Move them to Nightfall and reset their town portal to Nightfall.

Finish your achievements that are in these areas..
Visit the Treasure seeker in Hazed Wilderness for your 10 trade gold.
Trade all your NC tokens for gold.
Get your wheel of tracing from Morin in SoO.
Get your rewards from Masha.

All current starter zones are gone -- not sure if this actually includes the fairly new lycan starter.

BUT, we will be getting new starter zones.

No more FR, EC or AoS! T.T how will I get my glory now? They didn't mention the fissures other than SoL would give more exp.

There will be a new level 30 instance to replace those instances, and LLH will become a lv40 instance.

Instance changes:
A lv85 and a lv90 instance are coming with gear drops!

I can't tell what is going on with NC - but it looks like it may only be available once per week - Tuesdays. :(
But we gain some extra time on FK -- it will be open at noon on Mondays.
GFC will only be open on Wednesdays, I think. :(
But will gain 2 days on wota -- not sure which days these will be.

Some new pvp stuff, with a new battleground instance, and some changes to the FF schedule.

HR goes down to once per week, but the pts will double so no loss of pts unless you miss altogether.
New floors will open up and we will get gift boxes after every 10 floors.
People who advance to the new floors can collect new roses to further upgrade their Aryshi.

Gear and stat changes:
Fortification of higher level, uncrafted rings and necks to add gems like the gear.

New gem system (sounds similar to the fusion gem system) to add stats to gear such as PVE intensity and HE.

Reduction in fortifying and fortify transfer of gear.

Changes in gloop and arena that I really don't understand. The only thing I did understand is that your 6v6 and 3v3 rankings will no longer affect each other.

And there will be some changes to the classes/skills as usual.

Extra cool stuff:
Purple pets!! Pets with rating of 6500+ can be upgraded.
And we will be able to bind a second skill of same level if there are enough slots opened.

Realm swapping via minimap.

Mount bag!! STORAGE!!
And a random mount skill, lol.

Wing fashion so you can change the look of your wings. Looks like wings will no longer be tied to class -- so if you want a steampunk elf, go for it!

New luck quest system.

This, of course, does not include all the info in the patch notes, but we will find out all soon enough. :S

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Soul Gate

Once you have chosen Dyos or Nyos, you can start working on leveling it. At the end of each level, there is a gate that you must break to get to your next level. The gate number is the same as the level that you are currently in. For instance, you start on level 10. Once you add enough soul power, you will reach your level 10 gate that keeps you from getting to level 20 until you break it.

You break each gate by completing a series of quests in a particular order in order to resume leveling your vice/virtue. The quests might say that you have 4 hours - but that changed a while back and they didn't change the language. You actually have 7 days. These 7 days are not affected by weekly reset.

For the most part, the quests must be completed in the order that they are listed. If you do something in the wrong order, it doesn't mean that you have to start all over though. You simply have to complete the part of the quest you are on and then do the next one that pops up.

The quest text and the actual requirement don't always match up. If you are having trouble figuring out what the quest actually wants, you should be able to get a description of the actual task needed by hovering your cursor over the quest in the queue.

Soul Gate List

Level 10

1. Complete one Nightfall Daily Event (Run Boy Run, Nightfall Secrets, Watch Rotation)
2. 5 Henries (Used to be Nightmare Oasis)

Level 20

1. World Luck: Solarien's Gift
2. World Luck: Tyara's blessing
3. Evernight Island (Used to be Balloon Bonanza)

Level 30

1. A "Friend: is expecting you - follow the quest link. Nightfall Daily.
2. Unlock a Locked Chest in Nightfall Citadel. (Hint - look by trees)
3. Daily Training in lv 60 Lionheart Camp (Solo Instance in T)

Level 40

1. Complete Nightfall Citadel daily Watch Rotation
2. Henry Quests x 11
3. Reach 11th floor in Hell Road
4. Flower Quest in Crucible

Level 50

1. Reach 30 points dedication.
2. Gods Trial 2 (GT2 - can complete with pet journey)
3. Reach 16th Floor of Hell Road
4. Adventurer quest from El Nino (used to be Enter Defend Dusk Town and use the Strong Blood Mantra (green) to summon and kill the Devious Blood Lord.)

Level 60

1. Reach 60 Points of Dedication
2. Seal quest in Crucible. This does not have to be opened by the guild. (used to be enter Defend Dusk Town instance & use Grand Blood Mantra (blue) to summon & kill Murderous Blood Lord. Check your quest text.)
3. Speak to Lieutenant Dan in Nightfall Citadel & complete his Run Boy Run quest
4. Reach Floor 21 in Hell Road
5. Enter Creekbank Valley: Immortal Pool and kill Zeke Warrior Lord

Level 70

1. 100 dedication. - check your quest text. (used to be Enter Defend Dusk Town and use the Deadly Blood Mantra (purple) to summon and kill the Terrifying Blood Lord.)
2. Reach floor 26 in Hell Road
3. Watch Rotation. (Used to be enter the CRACKED Shrine of Light and kill 5 Servant/Venomous/Evil Satarya and later changed to Henry's daily Challenge)
4. Sloth's sheep quest - get it from Charlie. (Used to be Kill Desollar in Tomb of Kingsand text says to find the lamb in ToK - no lamb in ToK).
5. Alchemy Training with Luia. (Used to be kill boss in Evernight Island - not by pet journey)

Level 80

1. Enter floor 30 of HR. (Used to be enter Shrine of Light (not cracked) kill Tarkocia)
2. Kill Bloodstained Summoners for 300 Summoner Essences
3. Reach 120 Points Dedication
4. Get 5 Crystal Lights
5. Enter Hell Road and collect Penitent’s Tears from 20th Room Boss___Still 1 penitent's tear. You don't have to get the tear yourself. They are tradeable and the only requirement is that you have the tear.

Level 90

1. Finish Daily Arena Quest (3v3 or 6v6 - will retro fill for the same day)
2. Claim one Frostgale Fjord daily reward (will retro fill for the same day)
3. Enter room 31 in Hell Road
4. Have 140 dedication
5. Finish one guild base round of construction quests


Quest pickup is done through the the V menu or via the gate npc, Eiffel. She is in Nightfall Citadel next to the dragon/phoenix/bounty orders npc.

Cracked fissures are open 18:00 to 23:59 ST and require a cracked crystal for each party member that is entering. You can get these crystals by running the regular fissure or buying from AH. If you die or leave, you will need another crystal to get in. You do not need three people to enter the cracked version, you can go alone, but you will probably want at least three people. All of these cracked fissures are entered by going to realm 2 and talking to the underwater npc in the Coastal Ruins in Sleeping Jungle.

Pentinent's Tear is gotten either from finishing your apprenticeship, from getting to floor 20 in HR, or from another player. If you lost your tear and you can't find one in AH, an option for getting one would be to create an alt and graduate them. It is completely possible to level a char to 60 in even as soon as a day. Speed Leveling Guide

Arena/FF can be difficult to get into, and daunting for the pve'r. Go during times that others are participating and queue. You don't have win; you just have to get in.

Hell Road (HR) is meant to be a progressive instance. Although you may have gathered the sp to open your gate, you may not have built your character enough to beat the necessary rooms of HR to finish that gate.
  • Get your gear up to level and ID
  • Fortify your gear to at least 3/12 and put at least level 1 gems in all slots
  • Reforge whatever you can to add attribute pts to your gear
  • Make sure you have placed all your talent points
  • Learn all the skill scrolls you can get 
  • Level up your soul power skills
  • Place any mastery/resistance points that you have collected - run instances that drop mastery/resistance. Borderland Invaders and Fate are good, easy, quick ones for this.
  • Farm evil souls to feed and strengthen your Aryshi - reset a particularly generous floor instead of progressing. You can get more evil souls per run this way :)
  • Get Buffs! Get ALL the BUFFS!! (don't buy them from Aryshi - she's a big ripoff. Guildies and others will give them for free. Or, do what I do, run HR after running an instance that will have enough different chars to give you all the buffs xD)
  • Use a health serum if necessary. Many people I know were able to beat a particularly difficult floor with the help of serum.

What to do with all the soul power building up until you can open your gate? The game actually gives you a few alternate uses for your soul power:
  • Give it to your deity in the temple next to Eiffel (need to have gate 70 completed).
  • Pet control training (if you have it opened up - I heard it opens once you reach 85 now)
  • Open the other side of your soul power tree and start adding pts to that tree. This quest starts at Rogers in Nightfall once you have surpassed your 60 gate. you'll want to do this even if you have no plans to use this other tree because some of the skills are unaffected by soul power. In other words, THEY ADD TO WHATEVER TREE YOU ARE USING. Extra points!