Guild Info

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rune Guide


First off this is probably the meat and potatoes of what you will want to bookmark and be referencing. It is a google doc and I am pretty sure requires a gmail account to view.

The rune system as relates to Dyos/Nyos is as follows:

In your Dyo's/Nyos tree you will have 6 normal what I will refer too as primary slots (red/blue/yellow) only
and 6 normal mixed slots these are:
Purple: (Red or Blue) x2
Orange (Red or Yellow) x2
Green (Blue or Yellow) x2
You will then at lv 70 Soul Power (need confirmation on all classes) have 3 Primary Advanced rune slots. 

65 gives you a white rune slot but, as its PVP related,  I do not yet know how to aquire this or what it's difference is but the tooltip on it says it requires a Decree Rune. [You get Decree Runes from completing the daily win in FF. You will get either a lv1 or lv2 rune. You can Combine these runes to get lv3, 4, and 5 at the FF lady in the building behind Henry in Nightfall].

Ok so enough about slot's for now lets now look at the right side of your Dyos/Nyos tree in the rune tree. This is the area where the stat on runes where noted: Max Fervor/Wisdom/Nature comes into play (Reference the link or PDF attached at the top for a list of possible outcomes of Fervor on different level runes. Also this stat is not dependent on anything else a 5 Star lv 5 could end up with 6  Fervor and a 1 star lv 5 can end up with 10 fervor so good luck on your combines :D)

This is where you mainly want to focus. yes skills are nice but you will probably end up with useless doubles but let's ignore skills for now.

the 3 tree's correspond to the 3 primary colors
red - Fervor
yellow - Wisdom
blue - Nature

I highly recommend putting AT LEAST lv 1 runes in the 3 bottom primary slots just to get all 3 skill bonus's activated at the start of your tree's .

Ok you have what I will call GOLD bonus's at lv's 1/35/70 (I briefly looked at my brother SaviorButts's tree and his gold bonus's were different - check these for each class but these examples I'm using are for prot)  Every other bonus is just reducing the cast time by 10-20% or so for the pictured skill. So in general runes make you cast faster. [OR they will reduce cooldowns on the skill named - which means that you can use it again faster]

(NOT PROVEN but I think this may be a translation error as cast time for 90% of my skills is already less then a second so this is rather trivial if its CAST TIME and not COOL DOWN but have not had the ability to properly test this before I add new runes later I will watch cool down of skills to be changed and watch for this)

The major bonus's you want are the gold skills these add some flat rate bonus to a skill of your class and also get a growing additional effect for every point in the tree. (point being the farther the bar goes up it gets even stronger)

To illustrate more on this I'll use my Dyos Nature lv 1 bonus that reads:
Guardian mode triggered from Dyos Counter strike increases your defense by 22. Defence is increased by a additional 2 per point in Dyos Nature.

As soon as 1 point was put into nature and this was activated by tooltip for Counter strike became Dyos Counter strike and this was also added to the skill description as green text. 

Ok now let's go back into more on the actual rune's socketing and combining them.

Runes can only go in corresponding color slots obviously. But just like your stat slots have multiple levels so do rune slots. 5 levels respectively to runes lv 1-5. so a Level 4 blue rune will require either a level 4 blue purple or green slot.
If you min/max your slots to one color (AND YOU SHOULD) you can get a total of 6 normal slots to that color and 1 advanced slot. Now as the max bonus for lv 5 runes is 10 that means to get my 70 Nature bonus I need all 7 perfect outcomes as 10 favor lv 5 runes. I personally find this hard to swallow need confirmation as I have seen youtubes of people boasting 86 in a certain category so I am overlooking something here please assist me on this) [Runes do not have a max of 10, I have seen them higher].

Rune combining I know more about. Their is a combine NPC in Nightfall that allows for basic and advanced combining. Basic combining may be transferring favor from 1 rune to another as their are only 2 slots and an item to assist the combine slot. I have not yet played with this. [You can use the basic combine to try to get a more favorable rune from 2 like runes - it's only worthwhile if you have a lot of extra bound runes laying around and have a good base of rune energy already].

Advanced combining is the act of taking 5 of the same level runes and combining them to make 1 rune of the higher tier. This works exactly like gems in this aspect. [This is not a guaranteed higher outcome on energy - sometimes you can end up with less energy than you had on many of the runes that you were combining. Use runes of the same energy levels to increase the likelihood that you will get one of a greater energy level].

However some randomizing notes you want to know are:

5 runes of the same color result in the same color:
any other combination of different color runes even 4 red 1 yellow can be ANYTHING this example could result in a red yellow or blue rune) TESTED
The skill +'s work with a few rules:
1. no active skill can be acquired from a rune only. To say this another way if you do not yet have a stat in your talent tree granting you a skill the + from a rune will be pointless. [This is not true of all rune skills. There are some that CAN be learned directly from the rune. They are called True runes. They are rare and expensive when sold].
2. Passive skills or stat adjustments on skills CAN be obtained from only runes and no points are required.
3. Rune skill points do not count toward pre-reqs on skills farther down the tree. (to create a example of this getting 5 runes to a tier 1 talent will NOT unlock the tier 2 talents you still need to spend points in the tree as normal to continue down the tree spending points if this makes sense)
4. Runes can not push any talent more then 1 above its cap. So a talent that is 3/3 points can not go past 4/3 even if you have 2 or more runes adding to it. However you could say have that talent at 2 points and use the 2 runes to make it 4/3 this will work. (Tested)
5.The class result is always random unless using the runemakers in the cash shop. Reference this list below for costs and yes a level 4-5 combine DOES require 15 runemakers (tested but have not actually made level 5 runes yet because of this very expensive fact)

                    Level     /         Cost/    Combination Fee/    Total Fee/       Runemakers Pages/      Energy

10.200N/A2 - 6
446.31.821.334 - 7
5236.34.8111.3155 - 10
31, - 9
45,036.34.836.358 - 11
525,190.38.8190.32510 - 15

1 comment:

  1. For Elden Ring players looking to enhance their gameplay experience, MMOexp is your best bet for acquiring Elden Ring Runes. Whether you're aiming to upgrade your gear, unlock powerful abilities, or simply expedite your progression, MMOexp offers a reliable and secure way to purchase Elden Ring Runes. With their commitment to safety and competitive pricing, MMOexp ensures that you get the most value for your investment. Don’t let the challenge of collecting Runes slow you down—visit MMOexp today and power up your Elden Ring adventure with ease.
