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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Nightmare Revelry / Underworld Floater

Level: Unsure. The quest says that it is a level 80 quest, but I know a level 78 completed it (Hi Karlisson! xD )
Main Quest: you get Wisdom Fruit for freezing a job

I have to say that this quest gave me and a few other people quite the headaches. The quest is not easy to follow and can appear to just end suddenly. Also, some of the directions in the recipe are misleading. Hopefully these instructions will help you too.

Charon's fishing pole is needed to get this quest. You can get it form Mathieu in the SoO, just outside of Towerpush - I'm sure you ran into him while doing those lv30 quests but couldn't get the fishing pole from him because you needed persuade or intimidate to get it. You can borrow persuade or intimidate from someone who has it. Have them target you and use the skill, then talk to Mathieu.

Take the rod to Stone Depot and fish. You should eventually end up with an Underworld Floater - a green bottle. Open this to get the quest:  Gold Midas Parchment Tavern's Letter. This quest prompts you to go talk to Charlie. This quest is a yellow text quest!

Charlie will give you the Nightmare Revelry recipe and a Dream Boiler bowl. If you lose this bowl, you will have to abandon the quest and get another Underworld Floater to start over.

You need to go to the Great Tree Spirit trackstone in Lunagrant. Gazrot is in a little hollow to the southwest of the tree-- right below the dragonlings. He wants griffin meat. Go get him 10 of those and he'll give you  Superior Griffin Meat. You need to take this meat to the flies. They are near the griffins, almost directly west of the Great Tree. The flies will turn the meat into a "rotten jackal corpse" that is actually flies eggs. Pick it up. Go talk to Angeric just west of the Valley of Whispers trackstone .

Angeric will give you the Cinerary Casket, but you have to use persuade to get him to talk. He will tell you to get something from the graveyard. If you are not paying attention, it will appear that the quest dies here. Go up the hill directly behind Angeric behind the musoleum there is some sparkly earth. Dig. Bring the Evil Bone back to Angeric to get the casket.

For the next part, you need to have the fly egg and a piece of nightmare meat in your bag along with the casket. You can get the nightmare meat from nightmares near the griffins. You may need to be under a certain level for a realistic drop rate, so get a lowbie to help out :)

Right click the casket to start the brining process. The text in the quest says to pickle the meat for 10-13 mins. IGNORE THAT. As usual in Forsaken World, you can't always believe what you read. Instead, look for a buff that that looks like a knife and fork. It shows up when there is 2 minutes left on the brining, so be patient and keep paying attention. Open the casket when there is about 30-35 secs left of brining. If you lose the casket, Angeric will not give another one until you abandon the quest, get another Underwater Floater and wait until reset to start the quest over.

You will get Special Nightmare Meat. You right click the boiler in  your bag to start cooking the nightmare meat. There will be a large cooking pot that shows up next to you. Watch for the knife and fork buff again and click this pot next to you when there is 30-35 secs left. This will complete your quest.

If you click the boiler in your bag instead of the pot on the ground to finish the cooking, it may tell you that you have cooked the meat incorrectly and you will have to start the quest over...from the very beginning.

Thankfully Karl was able to crack this quest so that the rest of us could check it off our list!

and here is additional forum info I pulled from the web on this quest:


  1. Puedo hacer esta misión siendo level 43? ya tengo la caldera de sueños y el nightmare's

  2. If you have the quest, you should be able to finish it; however, I have not done this with a char that was under 70.

    Si tienes la misión, usted debería ser capaz de terminarlo, sin embargo, no he hecho esto con un char que estaba debajo de 70.
