Guild Info

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Token Shop Is Closing!

If you have tokens left over in the Token Shop (look on your CoreConnect page on the Forsaken World website), you will want to spend them now. FW is closing down this shop and any unused tokens will be lost when they do. This was posted yesterday on their forum page:
The Core Connect Achievement system and Core Token Shop will be closing 30 days from today.

Why are the Achievement system and Core Token Shop closing?

We're going to be implementing a whole new, revamped Achievement system and Token Shop under our new platform, Arc!

What will happen to my Achievements and Tokens?

Unfortunately, those won't be carried over to our new system, and when these two systems are closed, those items will be lost! Be sure to spend any tokens you have within the next 30 days!

We'll have all new Achievements to earn and items to purchase under the new Arc platform!
Stay tuned, as we'll be adding these new features and more to Arc soon!

There are some really good items in that token shop, and even if you don't see anything in there that your character needs, there is an option to gift to a friend! So make use of those tokens!

Nightmare Revelry / Underworld Floater

Level: Unsure. The quest says that it is a level 80 quest, but I know a level 78 completed it (Hi Karlisson! xD )
Main Quest: you get Wisdom Fruit for freezing a job

I have to say that this quest gave me and a few other people quite the headaches. The quest is not easy to follow and can appear to just end suddenly. Also, some of the directions in the recipe are misleading. Hopefully these instructions will help you too.

Charon's fishing pole is needed to get this quest. You can get it form Mathieu in the SoO, just outside of Towerpush - I'm sure you ran into him while doing those lv30 quests but couldn't get the fishing pole from him because you needed persuade or intimidate to get it. You can borrow persuade or intimidate from someone who has it. Have them target you and use the skill, then talk to Mathieu.

Take the rod to Stone Depot and fish. You should eventually end up with an Underworld Floater - a green bottle. Open this to get the quest:  Gold Midas Parchment Tavern's Letter. This quest prompts you to go talk to Charlie. This quest is a yellow text quest!

Charlie will give you the Nightmare Revelry recipe and a Dream Boiler bowl. If you lose this bowl, you will have to abandon the quest and get another Underworld Floater to start over.

You need to go to the Great Tree Spirit trackstone in Lunagrant. Gazrot is in a little hollow to the southwest of the tree-- right below the dragonlings. He wants griffin meat. Go get him 10 of those and he'll give you  Superior Griffin Meat. You need to take this meat to the flies. They are near the griffins, almost directly west of the Great Tree. The flies will turn the meat into a "rotten jackal corpse" that is actually flies eggs. Pick it up. Go talk to Angeric just west of the Valley of Whispers trackstone .

Angeric will give you the Cinerary Casket, but you have to use persuade to get him to talk. He will tell you to get something from the graveyard. If you are not paying attention, it will appear that the quest dies here. Go up the hill directly behind Angeric behind the musoleum there is some sparkly earth. Dig. Bring the Evil Bone back to Angeric to get the casket.

For the next part, you need to have the fly egg and a piece of nightmare meat in your bag along with the casket. You can get the nightmare meat from nightmares near the griffins. You may need to be under a certain level for a realistic drop rate, so get a lowbie to help out :)

Right click the casket to start the brining process. The text in the quest says to pickle the meat for 10-13 mins. IGNORE THAT. As usual in Forsaken World, you can't always believe what you read. Instead, look for a buff that that looks like a knife and fork. It shows up when there is 2 minutes left on the brining, so be patient and keep paying attention. Open the casket when there is about 30-35 secs left of brining. If you lose the casket, Angeric will not give another one until you abandon the quest, get another Underwater Floater and wait until reset to start the quest over.

You will get Special Nightmare Meat. You right click the boiler in  your bag to start cooking the nightmare meat. There will be a large cooking pot that shows up next to you. Watch for the knife and fork buff again and click this pot next to you when there is 30-35 secs left. This will complete your quest.

If you click the boiler in your bag instead of the pot on the ground to finish the cooking, it may tell you that you have cooked the meat incorrectly and you will have to start the quest over...from the very beginning.

Thankfully Karl was able to crack this quest so that the rest of us could check it off our list!

and here is additional forum info I pulled from the web on this quest:

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Base Construction: Well of Energy Lv2

This structure will allow for even more energy conversion. Keep up the great work everyone!

Only three more structures after this one to max our guild :D

Construction Complete! Vault Lv3

Thanks to all our hard working members we have completed the Lv3 Vault. There is apparently a guild stash included with this structure. As soon as I figure out how it works, I will let you know!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Glistening Lowlands

Level: 40+
Location: Party apply (T)
Late entry: No

Glistening Lowlands is a fairly easy instance that gives a nice reward of gem boxes, jade gold, and 2 ded/fealty. It is part of the What Passes for Fate instance grouping. This is a guild quest for certain levels.

Getting a Party
  • Your party class makeup isn't that important, although it doesn't hurt to have a priest. 
  • You should keep in mind that the mob levels are based on highest level party member. 
  • The majority of the party should be near the same level and the rest a lower level.
  • I believe taking a lowbie gives you mentor points.
  • You can sometimes pick up extra people for your party by just queuing.

This instance has two stages. Your objective is to combine small crystals into bigger crystals and then meld them into the respectively colored even bigger crystals until the boss pops (20 big crystals in all), then kill the boss. Pretty simple, but there are somethings to keep in mind.
  • It's best to keep pets in for this instance as they can interfere with the crystals, even if you have them on idle.
  • Use your base attack to hit the crystals when moving them.
  • If your crystal seems to be going in the wrong direction, sometimes it helps to back away from the crystal, target it, then hit the hot key for the attack instead of clicking the crystal to attack.
  • You can combine any two color crystals to make a new crystal.
  • You do not need a certain number of any one kind of crystal to complete this.
  • Crystal eaters will appear and eat whatever crystals they can get their boney hands on. Someone should be in charge of killing these. They can be tough, so high dps or tank will do. 
  • Low level chars and pets can increase the number of crystal eaters.
  • Crystal eaters will attack the boss, so if you want a little help taking him down, stop killing them near spawn time.
  • When you see that you have around 15 big crystals absorbed into their home crystals, stop using green crystals for combining and make at least one pure green crystal. Just leave this for when the boss appears.
  • Do not attack the boss until he has been fed a weakening crystal as he may not eat one after he rampages. 
  • The best weakening crystal is green - I think this does an overall weakening; but blue cracks his armor, yellow makes him sick, red reduces his attack, and cyan works too. Purple is just useless to him.
  • You can tell when he has eaten a weakening crystal because he rampages.
  • Once you have fed the boss, you can take your pet out.
  • The small crystals will power up the boss, so why not have squishies and lowbies combine them into bigger crystals that can actually hurt the boss while the heavy hitters attack the boss?

Triple Threat Rewards Have Arrived!

All those henry quests you grumbled through are finally going to pay off! The rewards are coming via system mail, so check your mail.

7 days of 10 henries got you the flirt action. The guy ones either look like they are proposing or begging for forgiveness and the female ones are pretty much them hiding their face. Still, new actions are nice and they are pretty cool.

14 days of 10 henries got you the lotus hair. I have not seen either of these yet.

21 days of 10 henries got you the ultimate prize: Weapon W title. This title also grants you an added 50 attack! I have heard differing opinions as to whether you have to actually have the title on in order for this to take effect. It appears that the Hawk title granted you permanent increased accuracy after wearing the title once, so maybe this one will too. Update: The attack title is permanent, but now there is a difference in opinion as to whether it adds the stat upon opening the box or when you equip the title - so before opening the title, get a ss of your attack stat with your unopened title box also in the shot. If your attack stat does not increase 50 when you open the box nor when you equip the title, then put in a ticket.

If you were expecting a package and didn't get one, like me; or you have a problem with it in general, contact game support at
I already put in my ticket.

Current common known issues with this reward:
  • The title is not increasing attack on some chars
  • The Flirt action is bumping off an action if  you have 11+ actions already (seems to really be affecting juggling)
  • Some people are not getting them - the gms say that the rewards are going out in stages and are still going out to players.
UPDATE: After a couple back and forths with support, they sent me a code to get my triple threat reward :)
And the attack adds when you first equip the title. Mine worked xD

Monday, July 22, 2013

Speed Leveling

Although I do not recommend leveling your character fast since you miss out on so much in the process; I know a lot of people really want to level fast. So here are some ways to zoom through those levels.

Main Quests
Frequency: variable
Although these can be long and tedious, they give lots of exp and gifts to help you as you level.

Lionheart Scrolls
Frequency: unlimited
These scrolls double the exp that you get from killing mobs. You can get these from Shylia Market, your guild (G menu and from the housing manager in base if you have one), and Eyrda Rewards. They also come randomly from prayer, Rio's study quest, and some other quests.

Frequency: 5-10 each day
These potions give you instant exp. You can get them from Shylia Market, Eyrda Rewards, randomly from a variety of quests, your leveling box, and you can make them if you take the alchemy job.

Memory Berries
Frequency: 480 daily
You can pick these up from Shylia Market and get extra exp from killing monsters. These are also random drops from certain quests and GT trial rewards. You can also get these from killing certain monsters in the training grounds once you are 40.

Memory Lotuses
Frequency: ## daily
These give you extra exp while you are standing in the training area. You get a bunch when you use a meditation scroll/book. You can also get these from Shylia Market and killing certain monsters in the training grounds.

Godlike Glory quests (henries)
Frequency: 30 daily
Everyone in FW has a love/hate relationship with Henry. His quests give lots of exp and nice gifts, but his quests can be long or nearly impossible.

Luck Quests
Frequency: 5-7 daily
I usually pick up all the luck quests, just in case they are easy or are something that I was doing anyway. I don't necessarily go out of my way to complete them, but they do give good exp.World lucks give more exp than personal lucks.

Evernight Island
Frequency: a couple times a week manually, daily with pet journey
Use your lionheart scrolls in here to zoom through your 20s! Have a pet out to level them too!

Guild Base Quests (gbqs)
Frequency: 3-5 envelopes of 4 quests each (depends on level)
This is just one of the many benefits to being in a guild. These quests go fast (I have completed 20 of them in less than 10 mins quite a few times)

Guild Campfires (CF)
Frequency: you can get exp from these for 20mins daily (buffs may be effective more often than once a day.)
If you can get into a party that has additional buffs for exp, you may just cruise through a level.
You can buy buffs from the Garden Assistant and the Tavern Assistant. You can also fish them up in base if you have level 5+ fishing and use a lure from the Fishing Assistant.

Guild Exorcism (Exo)
Frequency: multiple entries, only get reward quests once.
These events last about 30 mins to an hour but provide massive exp. You get a set amount of exp to gather each week and can gather it across more than one exo, but you can only get the quest rewards once per week.

Rio Quests
Frequency: daily
Little known fact that Rio's perfume quest gives tons of exp!

Nightfall Dailies
Frequency: daily
There are 3 of these: Run Boy Run (also known as Hanks/Running with Hanks),  Nightfall Secrets, and Watch Rotation. Each gives good exp. Hanks has a very rare chance of rewarding you with a divine token (bound) if you do it manually. Watch Rotation has a pretty good chance of rewarding you with a spy that will drop a soul token (unbound) when you kill it. Nightfall Secrets gives the most exp of the three.

Extermination Orders
Frequency: 15 daily (unlimited with Infinite Extermination Orders items)
Get these from Melinda. Use a party to kill faster and get more pts. The twisted versions give even higher exp.

Dangerous Bounties
Frequency: 5 daily
You will need to party with a higher level doing their bounties. The dangerous bounty will give them extra soul power, exp, and mentor pts. You get lots of exp.

Phoenix Orders
Frequency: 7 weekly
These can be very time consuming and difficult unless you get into a party. Pair these with the extermination orders (15 daily) for even more exp.

Master/Apprentice Quests
Frequency: One quest every 10 levels 30-50
Although it is not critical to get a master early on, these quests are quick and give very nice exp. You can also get meditation books that will give you exp when you read them.

Training Grounds
Frequency: 12 hours daily for each union
Your character can even get exp while you are not playing. If you stay logged in and park them in the training area with the training ground quest, they will get a nice chunk of exp for just standing around. Use a meditation book that you can purchase from your rep agent and you get 2x the rep pts plus a bunch of memory lotuses. Use memory lotuses and berries for even more exp!

Pet Journeys
Frequency: 10+ daily
As soon as you are 45, start using pet journeys! I highly recommend paying the gold to open the additional journey slot. You should have enough gold by then from instance rolls if you save up. These let you run multiple quests at the same time! Plus, some of these quests give better exp and gifts than if you run them yourself. Do the ones that are also guild affairs quests or Luck quests for even more exp!

Dedication Rewards
Frequency: variable
You can get a chunk of exp every week from the dwarf across from Henry for reaching 80 dedication. You can also pick up exp books from Shylia Market in the Dedication tab for having a certain amount of dedication. You can see the quests and instances that will give you exp by hitting the How do I get Dedication button at the bottom of the Dedication menu in Shylia Market.

Frequency: variable 
When you do instances in which a party member uses a recruit/elimination order, you get glory pts. These pts open rewards in Shylia Market under the Gem Light tab (it's called this because Forsaken World swapped things around in Shylia without changing the tab titles...). The rewards cost mentor pts, but many are well worth it. One of the rewards is exp books. No longer available.

Frequency: Once per day
There are two quests to get: Petals and Seals. Both are daily.
At level 60 you can start doing the petal quest daily. The petal quest gives a huge chunk of exp and is very easy. Pick petals in a party to make it go faster. The quest says to bring back 80 - but you will get bonus exp for every 10 you collect past 80 - the max is 160.
At level 70 you can do the seals quest. If your guild opens the bonus and you get your quests within the 10 mins following, you will get an additional bonus exp/sp when you turn it in.
Also in Crucible, you can collect the fel irradiate ores (if you are lucky enough and fast enough). These give a big chunk of exp and sp when you turn them in to Ariel. You can turn in 10 per day.

Frequency: unlimited/7x per week per variation for boss reward
At level 70 you can start doing invasion. This mob-killing instance is on Butterfly Island, 3-6 party, and manual entry only. It starts running at 13:00 and the npcs stay up for 30 mins. The schedule for these npcs is in the Calendar menu (U). Although each has pretty good exp, one is actually for exp - mer-creatures. Save your boss rewards (the little present boxes that pop into your bag after killing the boss - provided you killed ALL mobs FIRST) until you have 145 ded for bonus rewards! The boxes contain cards that give you a lot of exp.

Altar of Time
Frequency: unlimited
This event shows up periodically across Nightfall. Pick up a time from the clock and give it to the altar. It will tell you if you are right, if it is too long or if it is too short. Once you give it the correct time, you will get a bunch of exp and soul gold.

Random Concert
Frequency: one concert by each performer each day

The concert location, performer, and realm is announced by the system in world chat. Go to the location, listen to the whole song and cheer at the end using the encourage action to get a hug chunk of exp.

Lost City
Frequency: daily at 22:00-22:30
You can just go in there and sit for very nice exp! But there are also things you can collect that are nice too - but the collection is very competitive.

Rift Reward Banquet
Frequency: weekly and only if your guild participated in rift - win or lose.
Note: this banquet is open to all 50+ in the guild whether you went to rift or not
Once you collect your reward from the waiter, you get very good exp for 10 mins.

Charlie's Quests
Frequency: daily

The daily quests Charlie gives offer a lot of exp and stories for your Tavern collection.

Vengeance Quests
Frequency: daily
These quests can help level you up fast, give you war god pts for killing the bosses, and level up your vengeance rank for neat stuff.

Daily Challenge
Frequency: daily
Henry has a daily quest called Challenge. Complete what he asks you to do and turn his quest in to him for goodies and a chunk of exp. The quest he asks you to do is to complete a gear dungeon of your level - sometimes higher than your level, but that's a bug. If you get the bugged quest, try the instance of your level and see if it completes anyway.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Base Construction: Vault Lv3

This structure will increase the amount of funds that we can hold in the Guild Funds, increases the amount of soul coins we get each week from the cashier, and unlocks the guild storehouse.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Everyone at Enigma would like to give a very warm welcome with lots of hugs to all those that have recently come over from our ally guild Dragonsouls. We offer our condolences for the loss of your guild; we know that it meant a lot to all of you. We hope that the transition is going smoothly for you and look forward to helping you all make Enigma your happy new home.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gear Improvement : Gems

 Once you have fortified your gear enough to open up gem sockets, you may want to put some gems in to increase your stats even more. 

Getting gems

There are a variety of ways to get free gems in the game:
  • Glistening Lowlands (GL)
  • Prayer
  • Guild base quests - your first envelope each day will give you a gem box
  • Check-in quest
  • Attendance box
  • Guild chest
  • God's trial mini-bosses (random showing)
  • Dedication rewards in Shylia Market
  • Glory rewards in Shylia Market
  • Achievement rewards via Masha
  • Eyrda Rewards (Forsaken World webpage under Community tab)
  • Token Shop (Forsaken World webpage under Community tab)
  • Trading with players
  • Turn in Jade Gold to Lawrence (each guild base quest envelope gives you a number of jade gold based on your gem collection level and you get jade gold from GL - you do need to have learned gem collection from Lawrence to get the jade gold. You need to have 300 fealty to get your level 1 skill and you level up the skill by collecting more fealty)

Choosing Gems

Each piece of gear can be fortified to open a total of four gem sockets.
Each socket will take any level gem.
Each socket in a piece of gear must contain a different type of gem. 
Because you will have a limited number of sockets and some gems can only go into specific pieces, you will need to choose carefully what gems you will use where.
Another thing to keep in mind is that some of these stats can be picked up through the vice/virtue tree, so if you only need a little, you might just want to pick it up there and save the socket for something more useful.

Solarflare I
Embeddable into all gear
Embedding Effect: +10 Defense

Azurecloud I
Embeddable into all gear
Embedding Effect: +150 Mana

Bloodstone I
Embeddable into all gear
Embedding Effect: +150 Health

Ragefire I
Embeddable into all gear
Embedding Effect: +30 Attack
Eagle-Eye I
Embeddable into: Weapon, Hands, Shoulders, Head
Embedding Effect: +6 Accuracy

Shattershard I
Embeddable into: Weapon, Hands, Shoulders, Head
Embedding Effect: +5% Crit Damage

Mistshroud I
Embeddable into: Chest, Waist, Legs, Feet
Embedding Effect: +3 Evasion

Crystalline I
Embeddable into: Chest, Waist, Legs, Feet
Embedding Effect: +5% Crit Defense

Twilight I
Embeddable into: Chest, Feet
Embedding Effect: +1% Crit Dodge

Goldspark I
Embeddable into: Weapon, Head
Embedding Effect: +1% Crit Chance

The most exclusive and elusive gems are goldspark and twilight. Pretty much everyone could use goldspark, so plan to have a socket in your weapon and head reserved for this gem.

A good way to plan for gems is to take the following diagram that shows all the potential gems for each piece of gear:
 ...cross off the ones that you know you will NOT want and circle the ones you DO want...

 ...and then choose from the remaining gems for each piece.
As you can see, this makes it obvious for certain pieces what you want to choose - the chest and waist are left with only 4 gems after crossing off the ones that I don't want, so I know that these will be the four that will eventually be in these pieces for me. If I know that I will only want 2 solarflare altogether, then I can cross the remaining solarflare off the other pieces of gear, making my choices for these pieces even easier.

Combining Gems


Additional helpful site HERE.


Monday, July 15, 2013

New Things Coming To Forsaken World

There are hints at some new content coming to Forsaken World.

[the following is from Forsaken World website]

One thousand years ago, Shylia sealed away the forces of evil who stole their way in to Eyrda. Time, as well as the machinations of the evil hordes from hell, has eroded the magic keeping these seals in place. Adventurers are called upon to travel to No Man’s Land and aid in the effort to reinforce this seal. Evil Wraiths and spirits haunt this land, as well as hungry flora that wish to consume you whole. Fight them off and you will be rewarded- but beware, death in this zone has a cost. While every adventurer aids the Lionheart Champions in bolstering the strength of the seals, beyond the sanctuary gates it's every adventurer for themselves.

Giant Gluttonous Flowers!

Elsewhere in Eyrda, Dark Dwarves are mining Cryolite Ore from the Crystal Rift. This ore is wondrous and powerful, and any unsanctioned mining is strictly prohibited. The Dark Dwarves mine on, in defiance of the laws against it. Deep inside the Dark Dwarves' Mine lurk evil creations such as Singh, the mighty golden construct. His armor is nearly impenetrable, and it will take strategy and cunning to defeat him. Deep inside the mine, evil awaits any foolish enough to delve into it's depths.

Super-heated armor!

Do you have what it takes to prevent the legions of hell from spilling out into our world? Will you bring justice to the ore-poaching dwarves? Prepare yourselves, and stay tuned for more information about this exciting update!

Template Changes

I'm going to be messing around with the template over the next week to address some concerns over the readability of the page. Although the old page looked really nice, it was a bit too hard to read for some. So bear with me as we undergo this construction.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Getting jobs

 Jobs/occupations are different from class. Any of the jobs can be taken up by any race or class. They are great to have as they can help you finish quests, make items that would otherwise cost soul or trade gold, and some of these items can even be sold for trade gold to other players.

You will get job points as you complete your main quest line. There are a total of 6 job points that you can get for your character and a total of 12 jobs that require the use of these points:
Artisan (requires mining products)
Archanist (not yet available)
Weaponsmith (requires mining and scavenger products)
Armorsmith (requires mining and scavenger products)
Jewelcrafter (requires mining products)

You will need to decide which jobs to choose, since you obviously can not have all the jobs. The jobs that are good for pretty much all players to have are botany, alchemy, chef, fishing, and mining.  These five jobs come up often in quests and provide everyday, useful items. The items you can gather or make using these jobs can also make you a little bit of trade gold.

Of the other jobs that you can get with your points, only 2 do not require items from another job: tamer and scavenger.

Tamer is a good job to have. People pay well for good pets, and everyone needs pets. Although everyone does get the soul catching skill for free, they can not level beyond the basic without the tamer job. Jewelcrafter and Artisan are two other good jobs to have to have, as necklaces, rings and offhands can not be picked up as drops in instances like armor can be; however are nonetheless extremely useful and desirable.

There are three jobs that everyone gets and do not require points:

Leveling Jobs

You level the jobs by using the job.To use the job, you will need to pick up tools from the tutor:
Botany (Daise): spade, custom spade for lv5+ available at guild garden assistant
Alchemy (Luia): recipes, ingredients, lv5+ ingredients available at guild supply agent and alchemy assistant
Chef (Michel): recipes, ingredients, lv5+ ingredients available at guild supply agent and bartender
Fishing (Neiven, Dotora): fishing pole, recipes
Mining (Hegen): pick, custom pick for lv4+ available at guild geology society

Each level will require a certain number of usage pts. For most jobs you get 2 pts for each thing you do at the level you are currently at and 1 pt for anything you do at the level immediately preceding your current level. For instance, if you are a level 3 botanist, you will earn 2pts for every lv3 plant you collect and 1pt for every lv2 plant you collect. You will receive no pts for any lv1 plant.

Once you reach your level max pts, you will need to visit the appropriate job tutor to learn the next level.

Some jobs have levels that do not come available until you are level 80: alchemy and chef are two of them. Once you reach 80, the tutors will have these levels available.


Leveling fishing is easy - they give you auto-fish!! So all you have to do is make sure you have enough spaces in your bag for every type of thing you might catch at a spot, set your character to auto-fish, and come back later. So simple.

Neiven seems to quit teaching levels for fishing at lv6 - but I have gotten two suggestions from two threads. One says that after 6 you can only get exp using the special bait when you fish - it also says that you can only get it when fishing in base without any bait, so who knows? The other says that you can further your levels by talking to the traveling merchant in Lunagrant Woodland -- the guy with the camel that needs help being protected from thieves as he completes his delivery. I haven't tried either of these, so not sure if they work. I will update this post when I do find out.

Here and here are posts about special bait.
And here is a forum about why we can not level above 6.


To level chef quickly, use the auto-fish skill. Fish whenever your energy replenishes and make food and drink with the fish. You should be able to do this with all levels of chef. It practically levels itself.

To make Lv5 and Lv6 items, you will need to be a member of a guild with a Lv1 Tavern.
To make Lv7 items, you will need to be a member of a guild with a Lv2 Tavern, and be level 80.

Botany and Mining

These are not easy ones to level. What I have done is just find some time when I want to relax, get a route, collect, realm hop, and collect some more. Even at the higher levels where the items are few and far between, I can usually get 100+ mats in about an hour.

Another tactic is to collect every time you are doing guild base quests. This will take longer, but is easier since you are completing two tasks at once. Also, the materials replenish faster than outside of base.

To collect Lv5 and Lv6 botany materials, you will need to be a member of a guild with Lv1 Garden.
To collect Lv7 botany material, you will need to be a member of a guild with Lv 2 Garden and be level 80.
To collect Lv4 and Lv5 ores, you will need to be a member of a guild with Lv1 Geology Association.
To collect Lv6 ores, you will need to be a member of a guild with Lv2 Geology Association.

Note: While leveling your botany from Lv1 to Lv2, you may want to hang onto about 100 wild roses. You will be asked to make a red rose for one quest from an npc in District 9, and ten red roses to complete the tavern quest in Nightfall. Plus there is an achievement for making 11 red roses.