Guild Info

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pet Combine Basics

Combining pets is a great way to make them better. Hicks will help your pet basically absorb other pets. In the process, new stat levels can be given to your pet. Choose the pet that you would like to improve. This one goes in the first slot. Now pick a pet that is of the same required level, has a lower rating, and has a higher level in at least one talent. This one goes in the second slot. Hit combine, and your pet will absorb the second pet and it's talents. Simple huh?

The two pets shown here can be combined since they both have the same required level and the pet with the lower rating has the added talents that the higher rated one does not. For this combination, the khonem would go in the first slot as it has the higher rating and has lower level added talents (in fact, it has none).

When these combine, the scarab will be lost as it will absorb into the khonem. The khonem will get a boost in its rating and will have all the added talent levels that the scarab had. The next pet that you will have to have to combine into the new khonem will have to be of the same required level, have a lower rating AND will have to have lv2 health, attack or defense - since the new khonem will have lv1 of each- or lv1 mana - since it would not have any added talent in this.

NOTE: You can use a pet that is one required level lower than the pet you will be improving, but the talents may not transfer - it may only improve the rating of the pet.

 Good luck, and happy capturing!

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