Guild Info

Monday, October 1, 2012

Contribution Contest 10/1/12-10/07/12 - WINNER!!

We are working hard to get Enigma to level 3. For that we need 2000 zeal; and with the 10% deduction nightly, we need all hands on deck!

I have enough materials to make one lv40 offhand, so I decided to reward one of our new people with their very own offhand! To win it, you need to be the person lv50 or below to gain the most guild contribution between start of 10/1/12 and end of 10/7/12.

I took a snapshot of everyone's progress on the first and will announce the winner in this post once I tally everything up. The winner will receive their prize in their mailbox.

Good luck, and good work!!


With a total of  20 guild contribution points for the week, Xavikak will receive a shiny new offhand! Congratulations! Good work Xavikak!!

There were several people who leveled themselves out of the running for this prize. Those people will be sent something special in their mailbox sometime this week as well:
HuNtEr_ElF with 58 contribution! Wow, great work :)
Harndir with 44 contribution! Another busy guildie - much appreciated!
Zacaera with 36 contribution! Great job!

All of this hard work from these people and the rest of the guild has helped us get to over 3800 contribution and 1200 zeal! Great work to everyone! We'll be level 3 in no time!  ^.^

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