Guild Info

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Bot Set-up Basics

Forsaken World has a system built in that allows you to run your character on autopilot to a certain extent. You have access to this bot system at level 60.

Click on the computer icon under your char bar.

Watch the slideshow for a bot set up walkthrough!


This is just intended to show the basics of setting up your bot system. Experiment and see what works for you!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Run As Administrator

If you are having trouble connecting to the game, especially if it seems your computer defenses are trying to stop you, try running as administrator.

It is basically a way to tell the computer and its apps that you are the boss and you know what you are doing.

Clearing Your Cache

When the game starts acting funky for me, it's usually because my game cache has collected some weird bit of junk that's mucking everything up. Although the cache collects bits of game info, none of this is really needed for normal game use, so it's ok to delete everything in the folder- just don't delete the folder.

Go into your game folder.

Open your cache folder 

 Select and delete all the cache files in the cache folder

I usually only clear it when I start having troubles because I forget to clear it regularly. But if you have lots of  issues, you may want to roll this into your login routine.

Pro Tip:
Pin the cache folder to your Start menu so you will be more likely to clean it often!

Random DCs and Map Markers

Getting a lot of random dcs? Try deleting all your map markers. Apparently more than 10 map markers on any one map can cause random dcs. Take screenshots of all your maps with markers and note what the markers are for, then delete ALL the markers (since the single delete doesn't work).

And don't add more than 10 markers to anyone map.This has helped quite a few people with their dcs.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

NM Raid-Run Overflow Run

Due to the overwhelming amount of people who showed up to our raid rollcall, we are scheduling an additional run after rift/midas tonight - so sometime between 23:00-23:30 we'll start.

We ran a tandem ESNM, so we will only be running FHoF, ToD, and MI - all normal modes.

If you would like to get into this raid, be in base at 22:30, or contact a guild officer.

Thanks everyone!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Awakening Skills

After you gain access to the Abyss at lv90, you will get a quest (when you click on the Awakening tab, it tells you the quest is called Zodiak Legend)  that eventually asks you to choose the light side or the dark side.
This is in preparation for your awakening skills!

You can only have one side at a time. Each side enhances you in a different way.

Read the Queen's descriptions carefully before choosing.

Once you choose, you have to build up light (kindness) or dark (evil/cruelty) pts in order to activate your awakening skills. You can find your total in your R menu.

There are two ways that you can get these pts. The Dark Contract npc has a daily quest that gives you 100 kindness or cruelty depending on which quest of his you take. This quest also gives you 1 ded/fealty.

The other way is through completing expert challenge - 1100 kindness or cruelty depending on which awakening you chose. O.O that's a lot of pts - and you'll need them. The skills start at 5000 pts and go up 500 pts for each level.

Some of the skills are manually activated.
This one in particular is very nice - who couldn't use more healing options? I'm an elemental warrior, and I can finally heal myself! - limited, but still.

And some are passive.

Read the skills carefully before choosing them! Some are not so great, costing you valuable pts and soul gold for skills that don't help you. And some, like this Divine Uphold, can actually be detrimental to your build! This is a passive skill that reduces the very thing you want Divine Uphold for if you are going for hit power! And being passive, that means that you cannot turn it off! O.O

If you do make a mistake in choosing your path or choosing your skills, you can switch and reset. But it will cost you.

Oh, and don't forget the soul gold, These skills cost 10sd42c for every level! When you reset, you may get your pts back, but it says nothing about getting that soul gold back as well - ouch! Best to choose right the first time!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Guild Skills

There are two npcs in base that offer you special skills in exchange for merit and soul gold. They are located near the rune npc just below the swamp crawler.

Will Gorriam's skills:

You can collect all of the skills Will has to offer, so start building up your merit and soul gold! The later levels are very expensive!

You can see in the Efficient BOT I have four levels lit up. I am not at level 4, but the 4th level is available to me, so it's lit up too. Check your skill level carefully before purchasing a skill, but generally, it is the last one in the line that is lit up that is the next one to purchase.

Biggy Weber's skills:

Increases your movement speed 

Teleports you forward 

Curses the target reducing movement speed

Instantly teleports you to your target

 The books are for reseting to a new skill since you can only have one of Biggy's skills at a time. As you can see, it's pretty expensive to change, so choose wisely!

Friday, January 13, 2017

We Defeated Evil Henry!!

Monday we will get a code for the rewards:
Piggy emotes
Smackdown title
Dark Mecha C-8 pet stone
Bag ext
Divine token

Watch world chat for the code! When I get it, I will post it in the News banner here as well and on the guild board in game.


Update! We have the code. It's good for a week, but get it in now. You can apply to one character per account, and all of it is bound, so choose wisely.

You get the following items:


 Good stuff, although disappointed at the weird translation for Smackdown :/

[update: as usual, the text is wrong and the title is actually Smackdown!  :D ]

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Defeat Evil Henry!

From the Forsaken World Webpage:

Defeat Evil Henry

By Gwaera Mon 09 Jan 2017 10:02:00 AM PST

After years of planning, years of sneaking about, YEARS OF MAKING US RUN HIS ERRANDS, a new foe has finally revealed himself!


HP: 2,000,000 / 2,000,000

Having kidnapped the real Henry long ago, and using a modified identity potion for all these years, the Evil Henry now has enough chain links and pet stones to put his nefarious plan into motion! His first objective:
Shave the Beard off Claudius Aepelio!
Defeating Evil Henry will be no easy task… But we’ve got to fight fire with fire! Thankfully our GM’s have volunteered to be our last line of defense to way lay Evil Henry with so many items he cannot reach the king to shave his beard! But they need your help!
This is going to take a solid concentrated effort on all fronts so our GM’s will give each server a chance to take down Henry!

Here’s how this will work:
  • The GM’s will spawn in Nightfall Citadel in 1 server each day, they will spawn for 20 minutes at a time per session for 3 sessions.
  • The GM’s will announce their presence via World Chat with their coordinates and realm
  • During that time simply open a trade with the GM and give them the items you wish to use in aiding in the fight against Henry
  • Please trade for a maximum of 10 slots at a time.
  • Stacks of items are okay
  • You may trade as many times as you wish within the time allotted
  • The event will end when Evil Henry is defeated or time runs out
  • All items are based off a set sliding scale of attack damage; For example: Exp Items and SP items range in attack from 1,000 points of damage down to 1 point of damage depending on the quality of the item.
    • Average levels of damage for high level items (80 – 100) 15 ~ 500pts per item
    • Average levels of damage for mid-level items (50 - 79) 15 ~ 50pts per item
    • Average levels of damage for low level items (1 – 49) 0 ~ 15pts per item

Start Time: January 9, 2017 @ 10:00 AM PST
End Time: January 17, 2017 @ 11:59 AM PST

EN Trade Times:
- 11:00 - 11:20 AM PST
- 2:00 – 2:20 PM PST
- 5:00 -5:20 PM PST

DE & FR Trade Times:
- 12:00 – 12:20 PM CET
- 03:00 – 03:20 PM CET
- 06:00 – 06:20 PM CET

Server Days:
1/9/17 – Nyos Server
1/10/17 – Dyos Server
1/11/17 – Lionheart Server
1/12/17 – Shylia Server
1/13/17 – Storm Legion Server
1/16/17 – Eyrda Server
1/17/17 – Illyfue Server

If we can defeat Evil Henry, he will drop a code for some of his most coveted items: A special Unreleased Smiley, A special Title, A very cool Pet Stone, BAG SPACE, and Divine Tokens!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Dusk Melee

I haven't actually run Dusk Melee before, but some were asking for a guide. I found this on the Forsaken World webpage. I also put up a link to a video Vivillae posted on YouTube of their Melee run. Hopefully this will help!

Guide: The Dusk Melee
By Gwaera Fri 23 Sep 2016 10:00:00 AM PDT

Now that Homecoming is finally here and as we’re sure some of you may have seen, we have a tough new instance on our hands! Hopefully by the time you read this some of you may have braved the perils of the Dusk Melee and lived to tell the tale… For those that haven’t, we hope this quick easy-to-use guide will help you through!
The Dusk Melee is a group instance for 12 to 32 player’s level 95 and above. Make sure you have a solid team assembled and you are ready for bear!

To Begin the instance please find the NPC Gill Silenttown aboard her ship just off the starting point in Sanctuary. You may choose either the Normal or Heroic modes for this instance.
Once everyone has queued up, you are transported aboard Gills ship and ready to sneak onto the Dusk. Make sure once you board Gills Ship to talk to Vivi Merk, the wererat to acquire a balancing tool for the battle ahead.

With tool in hand, walk into the swirling portal and jump on your flying mount… the battle is about to begin.

To start the first phase of the battle speak with Gamora the insurgant, she will activate the cannons and the battle will begin.

In preparation for the first phase, split your group into two teams: Port and Starboard. At the start of the battle large cannons will appear on either side of the ship. The trick is to maintain the ships balance and destroy a cannon and it’s opposite within 10 seconds of each other. This means if you destroy the front port cannon, you have 10 seconds to destroy the front Starboard cannon.

Occasionally the system will call out a side with which the cannons will fire. If it calls out port, everyone needs to move starboard and vice versa. If a player is targeted, they need to move over to the deck because they will be knocked off their flying mount. After several rounds of moving port and starboard, you should have destroyed all four cannon and are ready for the Captain.

Captain Bronzehammer is no slouch by any means. His single attacks hit hard and his AOE hits even harder. The battle will be fast and furious but there are 2 things to watch out for.
First in the system messages, callouts will appear telling the group the ship is unbalanced either to the left or right. When this happens, move the entire group to the opposite side of the ship.

Second an individual player will become targeted by the captain. If this happens, that character needs to get as far away from the group as they can. They are about to be hit by a wall of fire

If you can follow the system messages and keep on your toes, Bronzehammer will fall giving you spoils of war the like of which are unheard of!

Light Health and Light Mana Potions Materials

If you do the daily guild alchemy quests, which you should if leveling alchemy since it gives 200 alchemy pts!, you will eventually get a quest to make 100 light health or light mana potions.

These used to be a straight-to-abandon quest since the mats dropped in fissures that we could not get into. However, for a while now, they have been dropping from mobs in the Free Isles.

You will need lv2 alchemy to complete the potions.

The violet kelp can be found near Winebarrel Village in the Polar Borderlands.

Tip: have an alt make the potions if you are past lv2 alchemy to save on vigor.