Guild Info

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Locking IDs on Gear

When you re-ID your gear at the armorer, he gives you the option to lock one set of ID that you like.
It costs a little extra trade gold, but could be worth it.

There is a little lock next to each set.

Click the lock for the set you want to NOT re-ID.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Windows 10 Deleting Patcher

Windows 10 Windows Defender is deleting the patcher .pem
If Defender wants to delete game related items, look at the item it says it will delete carefully before telling Defender what to do!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Good and Evil Quest / Dark Contract

This is a level 90+ quest that you can do this quest daily. You earn 100 kindness or cruety pts, 1 ded/fealty, 30,000sp, and a big chunk of exp. The kindness/cruelty pts help level your awakening skills!

You get the quest from the Dark Union Contract npc in the Abyss.

He gives you two choices, the top choice is for gaining cruelty pts and the bottom one is for gaining kindness pts.  
The kindness option tends to be a bit harder, but you want to pick the one that gives you the pts you need to level the Awakening side you chose. Light = kindness, Dark = cruelty.

Below is an example of one of the cruelty quests: