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Saturday, February 20, 2016

Elemental Relic Guide

[taken from Forsaken World General Discussion page] 

Elemental Relics are ancient artifacts imbued with primordial power, forged long ago to empower the armies of Light and Darkness. These relics have been untouched by mortal hands, but a journey into Ever Abyss may uncover some of their secrets.

Elemental Relics are a new type of gear introduced in the Forsaken World: Awakening expansion. When equipped, the relic will give characters a variety of passive bonuses to their statistics. There are many different types of relics, each focusing on a different statistic as its primary bonus. While it is possible to find Elemental Relics as rewards for high-level instances, players must complete a series of quests in Ever Abyss in order to unlock their true potential.

Elemental Relic Quest

Morin has been dispatched to Winter Heights to direct the campaign against the Storm Legion. Amidst the fighting, Lionheart troops came up a mysterious artifact that resonated with untold power. While Morin must stay at his post, perhaps some adventurers may be able to continue the search for the artifact’s origin.

Your journey to discover the powers of the artifact begins with the quest “War Trophy” in Winter Heights. The quests for the Elemental Relic run parallel to the quests for Awakening, meaning many of quest-contacts for Awakening will also be able to help empower your newfound relic.
(Note to players: Not every quest for Awakening has objectives for Elemental Relic, but many do share the same NPC-contacts. If you find yourself lacking progress for Elemental Relic quests, make sure you’ve made all previpous progress. Example: You will need to visit Rose Queen in Land of Origination for Awakening and Relic quests, but if you finish the Awakening quest first she will teleport you to a different map. You may need to return to Rose Queen to continue the quest for the relic.)

Once you have gathered the proper materials to bring the artifact back to its former luster, you will be given the choice between two basic Elemental Relics. A “Sharpness” relic will focus on increasing your offensive attributes, while a “Toughness Relic” will focus on increasing your defenses.

Along with a free Relic, you will also receive the ability to perform Elemental Relic Operations, which can now be found in your Basic Skill page. Elemental Relic Operations include
• Fusion – combine Relics to increase their Growth, and Upgrade their Level
• Promotion – Take a fully-upgraded relic and Evolve it into a higher-ranked relic
• Transfer – Use Relic Spirit items to transfer additional bonuses into your relic

Relic Fusion

Using Elemental Relic Operations, you can fuse relics together to increase the Growth of one relic at the cost of another. Place the relic you wish to grow into the magic circle, then place the relic you wish to sacrifice into the slow next to Relic Fusion button. The sacrificed relic will be destroyed to give its power to the fused relic in the form of Growth points. Growth points gained by the fused relic is dependent on the Growth, Level, and Quality of the relic that is sacrificed. Once Current Growth reaches or exceeds the Growth Required, the Current Level of the fused relic will increase, adding to the bonuses the relic grants a character. Once the relic’s level reaches 9, and the current growth is at its maximum, the relic can be promoted to a more powerful item.

Relic Promotion
Once a relic has reached its maximum level and growth, it can be promoted. A promoted relic will start back at Level 0, but the Elemental Relic Lv will increase by one. The bonuses may change their type, but all bonuses will be greater than the lower Lv relic.

When a relic is promoted from Lv1 to Lv2, it will become a stronger version of the same relic. When a relic is promoted from Lv2 to Lv3, there are two possibilities (of equal chance) to what type of relic will result. When a relic is promoted from Lv3 to Lv4, or Lv4 to Lv5, the possible outcomes are greater in number, and while the chance of receiving a specific relic type are random, there are ways to increase the odds in your favor.

There are two types of items sold by Heart of Miracle in Ever Abyss which can help with Relic Promotion.

Transfer items are used to increase the likelihood of a particular outcome from Relic Promotion, but only when promoting relics to Lv4 or Lv5 for the first time.

Subsidiary Transfer Items will increase the likelihood of a specific outcome from Relic Promotion, but will not guarantee it. The rarer Directional Transfer Item will guarantee the outcome to be a relic of a specific type. If you are building a specific relic, make sure to have a transfer-item to control the wild powers of the elemental relics.

Relic Transfer
When your relic has reached Lv4 or Lv5, it will have the capability to unlock Relic Spirits. Relic Spirits are items that can be slotted into an Elemental relic to further augment its capabilities. There are 5 types of slots, each type of slot can change a variety of specific statistics. The 5 types of Relic Spirits are: Line, Mark, Flare, Omin, and Sigil.

Each slot in your Elemental Relic corresponds to one of these types of Spirits. Sigil Spirits can be used in any type slot, while Sigil Slots will accept any type of spirit.

Spirits can be embedded into slots at any time for free, but removing a spirit from a relic will cost Gold.

Finally, when a relic reaches Lv5, it has achieved its peak power. You can reroll the types of slots it may have, but you cannot promote the relic any higher. All relics used as examples here are of Quality 1, but perhaps there are other relics with higher quality (and higher bonuses too!)

Post edited by thenamesdomino on January 29

Friday, February 12, 2016

Relic Quest Walthrough

You will get a popup as soon as you turn 90 that starts this quest line. It is a bit tricky in that the quest line disappears easily if you are not paying attention. Hopefully this will help those who lost their quest line.

First stop Hugh Sutherland. He'll send you to Morin in Winter Heights. (He'll also ask you to kill 300 nagas - wait on that for now).

Morin will send you to the other side of the Winter Heights map (north center). You need to go out onto a peninsula to talk to another Morin! He will give you an artifact and send you to the Shrine of Genesis in the Land of Origination to talk to some people there to find out what it is.

You will talk to Shylia. She shrugs and send you to the Rose Queen (just in front of her). She tells you it is an unawakened elemental relic. She helps change it from a Piece of an Artifact to a Dimmed Elemental Relic. She sends you to Andros in the Abyss.

Andros isn't as easy to convince that he help you and wants you to prove yourself. Go get him some undead dragon bone. And some bone shards. And some unique undead dragon bone. Find the grinder in your bag and grind the bone shards to dust to fuse with the Dimmed Elemental Relic to create a Glimmering Elemental Relic.

Andros also gives you a Dragon Chine for gathering the 40 unique undead dragon bone. Take the Dragon Chine to the Rose Queen at St.Rosale Palace in the Abyss. The Rose Queen sends you to see the distressed captain of the airship. He is in the northwest corner of the Abyss map.

The Distressed Captain sends you back to see Hugh Sutherland. (I didn't get this quest until my chars were 93, so check back then).

Hugh sends you back to see the Rose Queen in the Abyss.

The Rose Queen sends you out to get soul remnants from the Skeleton Warriors and Skeleton Mages. Once you return with the items, she tells you about the Child of Light and the Child of Dark. This is actually a quest for opening your Awakening skills, but you might as well do the quests now. Talk to the children and take their requests for food. There is a chef at the bottom of the veranda that they stand on. Make the food and bring it back to them. The Rose Queen will ask you to make your choice. To choose light awakening, talk to the Child of Light; to choose dark awakening, talk to the Child of Dark. If you're not sure, wait and go back to it later - you can choose only one and the item to reset it is expensive!

After talking to the children, the Rose Queen will give you the Dew of Rose to fuse with your elemental relic to create a Contented Elemental Relic. She will send you to the Clan Elder.

This is a place where many seem to lose their quest line. Open your Quest book (default is Q). Look for your lv90 Main Quests. Most likely you need to go to Clan Elder again to talk to him about Maniac Beasts. He wants cerberus hairs. Then cerberus fangs. So you need to kill a bunch of cerberus. Then he sends you to kill the big cerberus to get its fang. Bring the fang back to Clan Elder. He'll ask you to pick up a bunch of worn weapons around him. Note: due to normal FW lols, you can't pick up some of these weapons.

Bring the weapons back to Clan Elder to get a quest to collect essence of grudge from the wraiths. Clan Elder will turn the essences into a vicous essence. Use the vicous essence on your Contented Elemental Relic to make it a Shining Elemental Relic. He'll tell you to take them back to the Rose Queen. He'll also tell you to go visit the Cursed Dungeon. This is not part of the relic quest, it's part of the main quest line; but it's nearby, so might as well go check it out.

The autoroute to the Cursed Dungeon doesn't work - look for the entrance to the dungeon/cave on your map and go there. Once inside in the right spot (this spot is on the ramp just in front of the Shadow of the Rose Queen) a message will pop up telling you to go see the other Rose Queen. But before you leave, you get a quest to talk to Archdemon Bara'chin. He's on the left side of the dungeon. He gives you the quest Temple Seal. You have to wander around the dungeon until you discover where the seal should be - it will just pop up as you wander (it has been very close to where the other popup spot is). Then you need to speak to the Shadow of the Rose Queen, who is in the dungeon at the top of the entrance ramp.

The Shadow of the Rose Queen gives you the quest Breakthrough and tells you to go back to the real Rose Queen. You must be level 94 to begin the Breakthrough quest and it isn't part of receiving the relic, so just go back to the Rose Queen for now.

The Rose Queen will offer to exchange your Shining Elemental Relic for an elemental relic that you can actually use. A tutorial pops up and walks you through how to take care of the relic. After that, a menu pops up that gives you two relics types to choose from. Choose the attribute combination that you would like activated (Select Reward). The Rose Queen will also give you the Elemental Relic Operation skill to fuse things to your active relic. It can be found in your Basic Skill menu. Place the relic you want to keep in the center of the star and the relic you want to fuse to it in the Relic Fusion box. You can get 3 free relics to fuse to your relic by completing the daily Beggar's quest (check your Quest book). You can also get 2 relics each day from the Pious Man in the Waterfall in the Twin Cities area - this costs 2sd and requires you to go kill 40 of something. You can get 3 relics daily from the new Highlands floating island flower judging quest. You can get 3 relics daily from completing the Darley quest at the outpost in the middle of the Highland map.

Congratulations on your new Elemental Relic!

Additional video walkthrough series     Part 1    Part 2    Part 3

Friday, February 5, 2016

Tracking Down A Lead Quest

This is a level 94 quest that you get after completing the Breakthrough quest from the Rose Queen. The quest says "Go the and finds leads" but the autoroute doesn't lead you to the right place. Here is the correct spot: