Guild Info

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Login Issues 7/24/2012

There is a known login issue. This is affecting Forsaken World as well as some other PWE games.

One thing that has worked for some accounts is opening a client in Arc, but not logging into that one - just leave it on the opening screen "Welcome to Forsaken World!", no further in than that. Opening a second client in Arc and logging into that one. It doesn't work for all - so good luck!

Reinstalling did work for some people.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


First recomendations: Have party that knows what they are doing. You will need a very good priest. HIGHLY recommend a Light Bard in party to for revives and that all members have at minimum 25,000 health.
General info: GoS consists of several different rooms, each with one boss. You get rewards whenever you finish a room. You can also leave the instance, and if you return within the same week (maybe with a different party), you can continue in the next room (it depends on which rooms have already been completed by the party leader when you return).
You can check your progress (which rooms you have successfully completed) at Donald Blake near the Magic Fountain in FH.


When you first enter the Gauntlet of Storms, you start off in the lobby of the instance. The party leader has to speak to the teleporter NPC, then a portal will open to the first room.
Whenever you finish a room, a NPC called Lily will appear. Talk to her to get your rewards, then use the portal to the next room.

Room 1: Istar

When all members of your party are in the room, climb to the top of the cage in the middle of the room. When enough people are on the cage, Istar the Lord of Corpses will spawn. Then climb down quickly!

Important notes for the fight:
Keep an eye on the onscreen messages from Istar!
Stop attacking when he has reflect up (onscreen message and boss buff "Exploding shell")
Infectious poison: One member is infected, and will infect everybody standing near him. So if you see the message that you are infected, go far away from the others!
Lots of other poison attacks with damage over time

Room 2: Tatar

Nothing big here, if you have at least one good AoE in your party:
Tatar will spawn adds (Explosion Worms, Explosions Larvae, Larvae). Kill them as fast as possible, otherwise they will debuff you (Worms) or explode and take away your health (Larvae).
Larvae drop Toxic Bug Fluid, which can be used to counter the debuff from the Explosive Worms.
The adds like to swarm healers, so put someone on healer guard duty.

Room 3: Samir or Misar

Two different bosses wander around in Room 3 when you come in. However, only one of them can be targetted, the other one will vanish when the fight begins. Things to watch out for:
Keep an eye on the onscreen messages and do what they say (get close / run far away / don't use specific skills - it's a good idea to know which skills your class is not to use so you are prepared)
When they say they want to test your damage for 20 seconds, they will remember how much damage you did to them. When the 20 seconds are over, they will return the same damage to you.
Infectious poison: When you are infected, go far away from all others.
A glowing circle wandering around on the floor gives you damage or mana loss over time. Sidestep if possible.
Summoned Bloodthirsty Drakes are annoying with a Slow debuff. Kill them as fast as possible.
The adds like to swarm healers, so put someone on healer guard duty.

After the death of the boss, a pet stone can appear as a roll - no need to capture. Samir has a Lamp Demon soul and Misar, has a Hare Guardian soul. These are very good pets, both of them can also be combined into a Mage Guardian pet.

Heroic Mode
If your party can take some additional beating, you can try to get heroic mode. To do that, you must fight with full power during three DPS tests (and expect to get high damage back after the tests). That also means that you have to do low damage (auto attacks) in between the DPS tests, so that you don't kill the boss too early. Heroic Mode gives slightly better rewards.

And no one must die.

Room 4: Eldon or Laufey

Again, you will fight only one of these bosses: Eldon (if you fought Samir in Room3) or Laufey (if you fought Misar). At first, only a Mirage of the real boss will be visible. In the course of damaging it, you will see a message that a soul crystal is escaping. Target the soul crystal and kill it as fast as possible. If you are not quick enough, it will despawn, and you will have to try again at the next spawn. When the soul is killed, the real boss appears, and can be a real pain:
Lots of debuffs, including mana loss, DoT, Slow, Stun.
Exploding water crystals. Kill them as fast as possible
Half of room will be filled with green or purple poison: Move out of it as quickly as possible
From time to time, the boss calls out 2 or 3 party members. They MUST stop any skills and just run around (does not matter where they run to, as long as they are moving). Otherwise, they die.

Heroic Mode
Must kill the second soul (unsure about that, some people say this does not matter)
Must kill 4 waves of water crystals before they explode
Nobody must die in this room

Tip: Eldon is worse than Laufey. If you get Eldon and don't want to fight him, you can leave, reset, and come back in to see if you get Laufey instead.

Room 5: Tree boss Yggdras

The boss will from time to time entangle someone in the party, and this one will be killed in 30 seconds unless the vine is killed and the poison the boss drops is used within that 30 seconds. A ranged class (mage/mm) will have to kill the vine in the poison cloud on the bottom level, and the boss will drop a poison that must be rolled on. It is best to have only one person roll on this poison and the person should be decided before starting the fight. A back-up person should also be decided in case the poison handler is the one needing saving. When the roll comes up, the designated person (or back-up) should be the only person to roll and all others should cancel immediately so that the poisoner can get the item in time. Whoever does get the poison must use it on the entangled member to keep them from dying. If the entangled person wins the roll - they will die as they can not use this on themselves.

Some more remarks on the fight:
When the boss says he hates spells, every skill cast on him will give you a mana-drain debuff. Stop casting to remove the debuff.
When you receive a DoT debuff, you can remove it by stepping into the poison cloud (or just outheal the DoT).
Death Twist: Remember to roll for the drop only if you are the designated player, or cancel it as fast as possible!

Heroic Mode
Drag the boss Yggdras into the corner near the entrance, a black circle will spawn there when a member gets entangled. Do that 2 times.
Nobody must die from death twist

Room 6: Electric boss

The boss (either Golz or Ancaius) is immovable in the middle of the room, 4 electric wires lead to him.
When the boss tells you to get close to Ancaius and away from Golz, do so (depending on which boss you are fighting). If you are ranged attacker, stay there during the whole fight.
Alternatingly, the boss puts a reflect debuff on all party members:
when the icon reads "1", step on one of the wires to counter the debuff
when it reads "2", step off the wire.

Room 7: Ushie and Tiya (and Jars)

In this room, there are 2 bosses, immovable on opposite walls, and you have to kill both at the same rate or they will heal each other. Before starting the fight, divide your party into two groups (with similar dps), one for each boss. The main healer (and sometimes another one) stand in the middle of the room.
Have one party member check hp of both bosses from time to time and balance the dps.
Ushie will summon some jars in the middle. Solve the riddle within 25 seconds, or the whole party gets a lot of damage (damage increases for each attempt, so make sure you don't fail too often). Designate one party member to do the jars:
"Keep going! 1 3, 2 -1" (no jar in the middle). Kill the jars on the outer circle, so that only 1x jar with 3 on top, and 2x with -1 survive. If there are no pots that match what you need to leave, normal attack a pot to change its value to the one you need.
"Balance the jars". Look what value the jar in the middle has. Kill outer jars until the sum of the outer jar values equals the middle jar (e.g. middle is 3 => leave 1x 2 plus 1x 1)
Middle jar has -1: Do not touch the outer jars, but attack the middle one (basic attack) until it's value equals the sum of the outer jars (e.g. outer jars are 2x -1, 3x 1, 1x 2 ==> sum 3 ==> hit the middle jar 4 times: -1 -> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3)
Make sure nobody uses AoE on the bosses while jars are summoned, or they will break. Better not use any AoE skill from the time the first jars are summoned.

If you can kill the bosses fast enough and have op heals, you may be fine not doing the jar puzzle.

Room 8: Deadly Guards

First, kill the guards before attacking the boss!
Whenever the boss summons some more guards, make sure the whole party targets them and kills them as fast as possible. If one survives for 15 seconds, the whole party dies. Having a strong AoE in the party is a great help here.
Sometimes, the boss curses some party members. Remove the debuff by standing in one of the three purple areas on the..

Room 9: Last Boss

Heroic  mode: No one dies and kill him FAST. (around 3 mins)