Guild Info

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Rift Guide

What is Rift? 

Immortal Rift is a guild vs guild event on Saturday evenings from 20:00-22:00 depending on the level of battlefield. The levels include LV1 (100v100), Lv2 (60v60) and Lv3 (30v30).

Although it involves a lot of pvp, there is also some pve in it, and that is what wins rift.

Placing Markers

From Monday at 22:00 until Tuesday at 22:00, guild leaders can go to the rift lord and place three markers on territories. These markers help open up territories for bidding, and influence the statue that can bid on them. If the winning marker on a territory is Hydrus, then the Hydrus guilds can bid for a rift in that territory. If the guild does not hold territory, they can put a marker on any of the territories open to their statue. If the guild holds territory, they may only place markers on territory adjacent to the land that they hold.

Bidding for Rift

Each guild that wishes to participate that does not already hold a territory must bid for a battlefield at Ares the Rift Lord on Thursday evening before it closes some time between 21:30 and 22:00. When it closes depends on the bidding activity. Guilds that hold territory from last week's rift are automatically enrolled in the next week to defend their territory.

A guild can only bid on a territory that is not opposing their own statue/deity. A guild leader can change the statue/deity of the guild, but it will not take effect until after the new statue has been built and weekly reset has occurred. The deity points for the guild remain even though the statue/deity changes.

The funds for rift bidding come from the guild reserve fund and any funds won from the rift are added to the guild reserve funds.

How do I participate? 

Any person in the guild that is at least lv50 and has been in the guild 72hrs (before the territory bidding is opened for the week) or longer before rift starts may participate.

Although a combat mount and license is not required, they are recommended. You can buy a short term license in rift from one of the npcs if you forget to get a license.

Please read how rift is done and ask any questions you may have well in advance of attending rift as it is extremely difficult for people to guide you through it once the battle has started.

You will need to talk to Ares next to the Alexander in Twilight Hall. You can be on any realm, however meeting on the same realm as your party allows for you to buff while waiting for the battle to open.

Forum Image
This is Ares back in Freedom Harbor days.

Choose the correct Battlefield from the Battlefields tab - look for the one that says your guild's name if your guild has a rift. If your guild did not win a rift or doesn't own a territory, you may still be able to enter an open rift. An open rift is a territory battle that had not received a bid. The rift will be open to any guild member from a guild that owns a statue other than the one that the defending guild has. (If the defending guild is Hydrus, and your guild is Hydrus, you cannot participate in that open rift 😟 )

Once you click Enter, you will be ported to the battlefield.

Once inside:

Take the quests from the npcs inside. There should be three quests altogether.

Gather with your party and find out what refinery and mine(s) you plan to go after first. Wait at the appropriate gate until it opens and you can get to the refinery.

Stick together!

The battlefield is laid out like this. Blue base is the defending guild, red base is the attacking guild. You can access this during rift by opening your map.


Each guild has a base with 350 durability. Each guild will try to lower the durability of the other guild's base. The first base lowered to 0 loses.

To lower the durability, your guild must collect crystals from the refineries to power up your cannon to fire on your opponent. In order to produce crystals, your team must occupy a refinery until it is captured by your guild. You can also occupy a mine to produce even more crystals. The more members you have in an area, the faster you will capture the area.

On this map you will see what looks like a cluster of crystals. Each of these is a checkpoint that you must bring your cart to once you have it - you only need to bring it to the two check points in the north or the south, depending on which refinery you got your cart from. You can click on them on the map to auto route :)

In addition to getting crystals back to your base to power your cannon, you can attack your opponent's two towers directly to lower their shield and increase your cannon's effectiveness.

How to get crystals:

Once you have a mine and refinery captured, you will see a cart station appear (the glowing blue thing pictured here). Hover your cursor over it until you see a hand, then click to receive the cart. You will also receive a speed skill that you shoul attach to your quick bar.

Once you are in the cart, you will be able to take a lot of damage, so just keep moving. Find your checkpoint on the map and click to go to it - OR use the autoroute in the quest you get with the cart.

Once at the checkpoint, talk to the npc and go to the next checkpoint.

You can also collect Rare Cryolite that  spawns in middle of the battlefield. There is a quest for this as well; however, it is hard to find and risky to get as there are a lot of people trying to kill you as you collect.

Captured Mine - Auto-delivers crystals at a rate of about 1 per minute.
Rare Cryolite delivery- 5 crystals
Cart delivery - 15 crystals

Teleporting in rift:
There's a big crystal at each end of the field. Choose "Mark Teleport site"/ "Start Teleporting". Once you mark the crystal, you can transport back to it by talking to teleporter Marlow in your base. Very useful for repeatedly attacking the towers.

Rift end:
When rift ends, you will see an announcement stating that your guild won or lost. There will be about 5 more minutes to finish your quests before you will be automatically transported out of the instance. There is no trackstone or npc teleporter that can take you out of the instance. If you would like to leave early, you will have to use your town portal or log out.

Rift reward ceremony:
After all the rifts are done and the scores have been tabulated by the game, there will be a guild chat announcement letting the guild know how much their guild received from participating in the rift. The fund go into the reserves. Only after this announcement can the guild leader go to the altar to activate the rift reward ceremony. The guild leader is the only one that can activate this. These npcs go dormant for a period of time starting at 23:00 Sunday. If the guild leader wants to ensure that the ceremony is started in the week the rift was run, they should start it before then. If they don't start the ceremony by that time, they can still open it after reset, however guild members can only collect the waiter rewards once a week. So, to make sure that the members get the maximum rewards, it's important to open this ceremony before weekly reset!

To activate the ceremony, the guild leader needs to go to the altar area in base and talk to one of the four rift rewards npcs: 1st place rewards, 2nd place rewards, 3rd place rewards, and 4th place rewards.  Only one will be have the Open active - whichever place the guild got for rift. Once the guild leader talks to the npc, they receive a bundle of goods which includes combat licenses and flux boxes. A waiter will appear. Guild members 50+, regardless if they attended rift or not, can receive the rewards from this waiter. Once the member takes the rewards, they will receive 10 mins of great exp by staying near the statue! These rewards are only available for 30 mins, so it's important to hurry!

Taking the rewards from the waiter are solo-based, meaning that one person taking rewards does not affect another's ability to get rewards. So take the rewards! Also, by taking the rewards, you receive guild points and add to the guild's financial points by 30! Even if you don't stay for the exp or don't need the pots the waiter has, taking them helps the guild build up some financial points - especially if we're collecting that week!

All guilds that had a winning bid for a rift territory war, regardless if they won the actual war, are eligible to receive these rewards.

Win rewards:
If the guild also won their rift, in addition to gaining a territory, the guild leader can talk to the altar to receive a special reward. Most of the time it is advanced runes. Sometimes it is a purple piece of gear of a random class. The guild leader cannot talk to the altar while the ceremony is active.