Guild Info

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Base Construction: Architect Society Lv2

This building will allow us to complete more building quests each day and will reduce the cost of building in the future.

Construction Complete! Dining Hall Lv3

We finally have our lv3 campfires and can use the campfire buffs we gained access to a while back :D

More EXP!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Base Construction: Dining Hall Lv3

With this build we will finally be able to use all those campfire buffs that we have been fishing up in our new fishing pond :) MORE EXP!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Construction Complete! Alchemy Room Lv2

We now have lv70 pots!! And new recipes for those who have maxed their alchemy. Very nice things to have now that we have so many guildies in the 70s :D

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Base Construction: Alchemy Room Lv2

This room will allow us to finally buy lv70 pots which will help quite a few of us now :)

Construction Complete! Geology Association Lv2

Now that this is built, we can get on to building the Alchemy Room Lv2 and get our lv70 pots!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Base Construction: Geology Association Lv2

This is the last build we need to start the Alchemy Room Lv2 (lv70 pots!).

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Construction Complete! Garden Lv2

We now have access to the higher level spade and can collect higher level botany :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Nightmare Carnival

Level: 20+
Location: Party apply (T), Carnival Island (northeast of Freedom Harbor)
Late entry: No

This instance is only open Saturday. You may only go into this instance 3x per day. It is one of the guild affair quests and gives great exp and sp! The tokens that you earn from the game can be traded in with the npcs by the fountain for valuable things. Check out their shop!

You can just queue for this instance as the party make-up does not matter that much, so many people will just  queue. I never have an issue getting a random party and I make a lot of friends this way :)
You can also do this with less than a full party. I have successfully completed this instance with a party of four.

As the name implies, this instance is a carnival full of games. There are four rooms, each with a different game. Talk to the goblin in the first room to start your NC quest line. At the end of each room you will talk to another npc to collect your reward. You will need at least 3 spaces in your bag to fully complete this entire quest.

First Room: Gas Chamber

This room is filled with gas. You can cross one of 2 ways: you can follow the healing disc across or a male character can carry a female character across. The disc is erratic and can be difficult to stay on. If you carry, you can go straight across with a slight stun in the middle unless you can manage to hit the disc on your way across.

If you need help getting across this room, say something right away. Once a character moves to the next room, they can not come back to help you.

Second Room: Saidas Says

This is probably the trickiest room. Saidas will tell you to either do something or not do something. To complete the task, you must follow his instructions.

This is a one-player at a time game. All other players just chill out until Saidas asks for another player to step forward or until three turns have been successfully completed and you can advance to the next room. It is a good idea not to hang out in the center of the room as the person taking their turn may have a hard time seeing what they need to in order to complete their turn. Do not hit anything in the room unless it is your turn. Only 2 players are really needed for this as, although you can not complete a turn consecutively, you can complete a turn again in the same instance. Therefore, the first player to complete it can also complete the third turn.

Do as I say: ignore what Saidas does and only hit the target that he says to hit.
Don't do as I say: hit any target except the one he tells you to hit.
Do as I do: hit the target that he hits.
Don't do as I do: hit any target except the one that he hits.

This room glitches sometimes and you will not be able to see what Saidas is doing or you will hit the correct target and he will tell you that you are wrong. The only one of the four that I have not seen glitch is do as I say. Just keep trying until you get that one. Also, put your pet away! If your pet hits the target, he will tell you you did it wrong.

Third Room: Balance the Weight

This room is tricky in that it's easy to fall asleep and not move when you are supposed to. So stay awake! Your party is counting on all of you!

There are two circles in this room. One player gets on each circle. These will be the circle leaders and control the circle activities. If they tell you to move on, you move on. If they tell you to move off, you move off. Only they will remove the excess goblins, so if you are not a circle leader, you should not be killing anything in this room.

Each circle should have a wingman. This person will be in charge of backing up the circle leader. If the circle leader calls out for 1, their wingman should be the first person to move on to the circle.

The other two players will hang out in the middle and fill in as needed.

Talk to the npc to start the game. He will call out a number. Your goal is to make sure that each circle contains the weight of this number. Stonemen are 3, marksmen are 1, all other races are 2, and the goblins that appear in the circles for each round are 1. Now you just need to count and remember what each player weighs.

It's a very good idea to put pets away for this room as they can confuse the counting process.

I have found that if you have a stoneman in the party, it is best to have them stay in the circle. It's far easier to count. If you have someone who will go afk or has no idea what is going on, have them stand in a circle and do nothing while the circle leader kills and moves off when necessary.

You need to successfully complete 10 rounds of this to move to the next room.

Fourth Room: Antique Collecting

In this room, you just need to pick up as many of the antiques on the floor while avoiding Meid and the groups of fireflies around the room.

Generally, someone who has all the titles from NC will volunteer to collect the flies so they don't bother the other players. If they are collecting, do not kill the flies - unless they are already directly attacking you. whatever you kill will come back later multiplied.

It's a good idea to get a pet out for this and set them on defend.

You do not have to pick up any antiques in this room to complete the guild quest; so you can collect flies and still complete the quest. However, you will need to have two spaces in your bag to collect your final prize and complete the quest. If the final npc does not offer you a "!", check your bag for spaces.

Trading In Your Tokens

For completing the instance, you get carnival tokens.

The carnival booth lets you trade your tokens for a carnival weapon, fortifying shards, or skill scrolls.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Base Construction: Garden Lv2

This build will open up new plants and botany tools for all those using botany; and is one of the pre-requisites for the lv2 alchemy room (which will give us higher level pots!).

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Construction Complete! Tavern Lv2

The tavern is open and there are new recipes and materials for those who already maxed out their cooking!

Friday, May 3, 2013

RIFT This Saturday!!

Enigma was successful in it's bid for a Rift Territory War this Saturday! Yay!
We will be going up against Allegiance. The 30 vs 30 battle starts at 22:00 server time.

Any member that is lv50+ and has been with the guild for at least 72 hours prior to the start of rift can participate.

It helps to have a combat mount, but is not necessary.

It lasts about 1hr, similar to exo.

There is pvp and pve that needs to be completed, so everyone can help out.

The guild will get rewards even if we do not win the rift.

After the guild completes rift, there is a ceremony that is like a super-campfire! Major exp!

Everyone that is able to make, please come help out on this. It will be a fun event to do as a guild :)

There are some links in the sidebar to some great pages that explain the whole rift system. Look through them to get prepared, but don't worry too much about being experienced. I'm sure many of us have never participated in a rift before, so we'll all be learning together.

Base Services Have Been Restored

The services to our base have been fully restored!
Thank you all for your patience and understanding :)
You guys are the best! <3

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Guild Services Are Temporarily Suspended

I just want to apologize to everyone for the service suspension today. I am deeply sorry. Our daily activities on Wednesday did not generate enough gold for the Guild Funds to cover the daily maintenance fee, and although I normally carefully monitor the funds and convert from the reserves when necessary to cover the daily maintenance, I missed doing that last night. This put us into low maintenance at reset, which made some guild services unavailable today - you will get a red message telling you we are low on funds and to do a trade run.

I have since converted enough funds to cover everything - now we just have to wait for the next reset to go back to normal.


For those of you that are curious about how all this works:

Everytime we do certain guild activities, funds go into the one of two guild fund accounts: Guild Funds or Guild Reserves.

prosperous development -> Guild Funds
guild affairs ->Guild Reserves
construction quests -> no funds generated
guild trade runs -> Guild Reserves
exo -> Guild Funds
rift -> Guild Reserves 
direct donations -> Guild Funds
mentor donations -> Guild Funds
development conversion -> Guild Funds

There is a minimum amount that we must keep in the Guild Funds to prevent us from going into the low maintenance state. 

Every night at reset, the daily maintenance fees are automatically pulled from the Guild Funds account. If this pull makes the account go below the minimum, then we go into low maintenance.

If the amount of funds we generate in a day are not enough to cover the daily maintenance, the funds can be converted from the Reserves.

Amounts can be transferred  from Reserves to Funds, but they can not be transferred from Funds to Reserves.

There is no limit as to the amount of gold that can be held in the Reserves.

There is a cap on the amount of gold that the Funds can hold. Once this cap is reached, any amounts that would have automatically gone into this account (ie prosperous development and exo) just go into oblivion.

SO, we don't want to just transfer a bunch of gold from the Reserves to the Funds, as we would rather not hit that max amount and lose out on gold that was earned for the guild. We only want to transfer necessary amounts to pay our bills.

I monitor the funds everyday. If it does not look like the guild activity is going to bring in enough gold to the Guild Funds to cover our daily maintenance cost, I transfer the funds from Reserves. Last night I forgot to do that. We were just shy of what we needed and we dipped into the low maintenance zone.

To get the guild out of low maintenance, the Guild Funds account deficiency needs to be corrected, then everything will go back to normal at the next daily reset. I have corrected the amount and put a bigger buffer in the account as well. Now we just have to wait until reset.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Guild Video: Nightmare Carnival

Karlisson was kind enough to capture this video of some of us going through Nightmare Carnival. It covers a lot of the little quirks in this instance and may help some of you who are new to NC.