Guild Info

Monday, April 29, 2013

Base Construction: Tavern Lv2

We have begun building the Tavern Lv2, which among other things will give us access to more recipes and materials.

We're all doing a fabulous job!

Construction Complete! Fishing Grounds Lv2

We now have fine bait! So, if you have the fishing job, grab some bait from the fishing assistant; and fish away. You may get lucky and get campfire buffs, things you can trade for soul gold, or even star crystals!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Base Construction: Fishing Grounds Lv2

We have begun the construction on the Fishing Grounds Lv2 to allow us to fish for buffs for campfires.

Construction Complete! Residence Lv3

This build is now complete and has helped immensely with the daily maintenance. We can now also get 6 lionheart scrolls from the Housing Manager each week (next to the pond).

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Guild Construction: Residence Lv3

We have begun building Residence Lv3. Among other things, this building will help reduce the daily maintenance cost of the guild by 20%!

Keep an eye on the daily quest amount completed. Once we get to 180/200, don't start any more envelopes with the Construction Manager, finish the ones you have left on the envelope you started, then switch to Prosperous Development until after reset.

Construction Complete! Castle Lv3

We did it! We are now a 6/3 guild!

Thanks to all those who put in the extra effort on the Prosperous Development quests to get the building materials that we needed and to all those that put in the extra effort on the Construction quests to do the actual building of the castle. We were able to get this built in 4 days!

The new castle does greatly increase our daily maintenance, so it is important that we all do as many guild quests that generate funds as we can.
  • Any of the guild affair quests 
  • Prosperous Development quests (the ones from the Guild Base Manager)
  • Guild trade runs
  • Exo 
Also, remember to keep an eye on our construction for the day (press G, Base/Construction). If we are 180/200 of the construction quests that we are allowed daily, please switch to Prosperous Development quests. Once our max construction quests are met for the day, the only thing that the construction quests do for the guild is add zeal, while the Prosperous Development quests bring in building materials, guild funds, and zeal. In other words, we get much more for the same quest.

Go Enigma!

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Code Has Arrived!


Dear Players of Forsaken World,

The Coupon Code we promised is now ready. We apologize deeply that it's taken a while . Our hope is that the contents within were worth the wait! As a reminder, we're giving this code out to everyone as a token of our appreciation for the patience, understanding, and support that our community demonstrated during the technical issues we encountered in early April.

To pick up your items, please head over to and enter the code ABMYJWH to claim the below prizes:

Star Crystal x50
Soul Leave Pack
Warlord Pack (7-day)
Battlefield Card (7-day)
VIP Card (7-day)

And, for purposes of nostalgia, the pack will also include a title pack which will unlock the title of Supernova on the designated character! Thanks again for sticking with us and supporting Forsaken World!

This code expires on 4/30/13, and can only be redeemed once per account.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wade's Fishing Hole

Level: 60+
Location: announced in World Chat, manual entry only [update: part of What Passes for Fate now]
Late entry: No

This quest has three versions and is used for leveling soul gates [no longer needed for soul gate], finishing weekend bounties [bounties are no longer available], and for a quest for Figaro the mouse in Nightfall. Each version supplies a different part for Figaro's quest.

The three versions are treant, which supplies the unbreakable wood; spider, which supplies the bait; and naga, which supplies the scales for the lures. The world chat announcement will tell you which monsters Wade is fishing for at that time and where you can find Wade [defunct - randomly gotten through Fate now].

Once you see the announcement in world chat, you have 90 mins to get your party together and enter the instance. Your entire party must be on the same realm and at Wades when the leader enters. anyone left behind can not get in. You can only enter once per announcement, so be sure you are ready [also defunct - randomly gotten through Fate now].

Things to consider when forming a party (at level):
  • You will need good heals.  These guys hit hard and can mob unexpectedly.
  • Combat resurrection is especially good for the treant and naga versions.
  • AOE is good as well - but should be well controlled or your party will get mobbed.
  • DPS is a must as there is a timer to this instance. 
  • You will need a good tank for all of them - but especially the spider version as someone will need to aggravate the mob into breaking the crate/jar.
The most important things to remember for each of these is to keep the mobs away from the resurrection spawn area and to break the mobs up for killing.

In each version, you will see a roped off area that has three dyads with a ! above their head. DO NOT CLICK. These offer a one-time emergency assist. You want to save them for that emergency.

Treant Bank tips for at level completion:
Get your group away from your spawn area immediately. Gather down the hill to the left. You want to gather in an area that will not aggro the mobs as they collect together. Once they collect, you can pull them in small bunches until they are all dead. The treant collect near the player spawn site which makes it very difficult to get back in the fight. You may need to send a player on a suicide mission to draw them away while everyone else leaves the spawn site if your party wipes.

Naga Shore tips for at level completion:
You need to break eggs to summon the naga. Only ONE person should be in charge of breaking eggs, and the mobs summoned must be drawn away from the egg area to avoid breaking more. And make sure that pets are all off attack mode as they may go break an egg or two themselves. If too many eggs get broken, too many mobs come and will wipe your party. The naga default to collecting near the player spawn area, making it tough to get back into the fight. You may need to send a player on a suicide mission to draw them away while everyone else leaves the spawn site if your party wipes. The best place for your party to collect is to the far right of the shore. Then have a designated puller bring a few to the group for killing.

Spider Bog tips for at level completion:
This I find to be easy since the mobs do not collect at the spawn site. The thing that makes this harder is that you have to make one of the mobs break a crate or pot to summon the rest - so you need a really good tank, and you can't kill all the mobs as you need one remaining to break the next box. Have the group stay above the crest of the hill and have a designated person pull a couple of the mobs up to them to kill. If the designated puller gets themselves into trouble and gets mobbed, it's best to let them die and respawn.
Warning: there is a hole somewhere at the base of the rock that the mobs sometimes slip into. If too many people are at the bottom on the shore, the bugs find their way into this hole and go missing for a time. The instance will not progress until they find their way out again. 

THIS may also help although it is very difficult to read.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Guild Construction: Castle Lv3

Great work to everyone that worked so hard to get our guild contribution to 80,000 and our zeal to top 5k! We did it!! We're building our lv3 castle!! And at the rate that we are getting these construction quests done, we should have it completed by Friday :)

Reminder: keep your eye on our construction quest max count. We are only allowed 200 quests each day, any completed past that each day do not contribute to much. It's much better to use those remaining quests on Prosperous Development which brings funds and development pts to the guild.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Emergency Maintenance 04/11/2013

times will be Eastern: 10pm-12am, Central 9pm-11pm, Mountain 8pm-10pm


Hi Everyone,

This is a friendly notice that all FW servers will be down for the emergency server maintenance today at 7:00PM PDT to address the issue with Leviathan / Clockwork Orbs and PVP Arena.

Server maintenance will begin @ 7:00PM PDT [4/11].
Server maintenance will end @ ~10:00PM PDT [4/11] .

While we understand that 7:00PM is not the most favorable time for the server maintenance, we had to work out the most optimum time with the dev who performs the server maintenance. We sincerely apologize for the unexpected and unusual maintenance time.

Q. What will happen to the orbs that did not give any prize for the last two days? And when will I get back the Orbs?
A. We will give back equal number of Orbs that gave out no prize for the past two days. Since we can only start investigating the logs after we apply the patch today, it will take us a couple of days. But we will definitely be giving back the Orbs that gave out no prize.

Q. Any update on the compensation coupon code for the server rollback?
A. We believe that we owe an explanation why this is getting delayed. Quick version of it is that we are currently having an issue generating the coupon codes. To be more precise, the Star Crystals and Soul Leaves have been fixed to be bound. But when we send them using the coupon code, they become tradable. Last thing we and the players would want would be to see the economy being flooded with Star Crystals and Soul Leaves. So we are trying to fix this issue as soon as possible. We have elevated this issue, so there is some progress. But we are not positive when we will be able to release the code at the moment.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vice/Virtue Quest

Level: 60
Location: Ferrie, Freedom Harbor (guy in white robe in front of library) [update: this is now gotten through the Guide Quest system and should be available via that book when you reach 60. You will get a quest called "Audience with the King]
Items to have with you: 50 Great Mana Tonic
Tips: do this quest in a pair to speed up the killing.

When you reach lv60, the quest to open your vice/virtue tree will become available to. You can start by talking to Ferrie. He will ask you if he can teleport you to the Aepelio - say yes.

Once there, you will auto-route to the king. He will give you two quests: The King's Commission and  Blade of the Magical Citadel (which asks you to find Velastus). Ignore the quest for Velastus and follow the other quest instead.

Your first stop is at the foot of his stairs to talk to Gaius. He will give you Kazmer's letter. Open your bag and read the letter to start the next part of the quest.You should now see a quest to go talk to Rodgers (at the fountain near the east gate of the Citadel).

Rodger will send you to Byron (at Overlook Village).

Byron will send you to kill a Bloodthirsty Werewolf (between Overlook and the Citadel). When you kill the werewolf you will get a Peculiar Token in your bag. You will need to identify this by right-clicking it (now I think it is identified by talking to Archilaus).

You will be sent to Archilaus (near the GoS npc in the Citadel) who will identify your token, showing you it is in fact a blood pact charm. He says you need to find the other part and sends you to a gravesite to use the Blood Pact Charm to summon the owner of the other one (at Autumn Manor near Ghostfang Castle) . Auto-route to the spot and right-click the charm to revive Asar.

Asar will tell you some things, then say that he needs you to kill 99 bloodpacts to nullify the charm. Kill them, and go back to Asar. Use the charm to summon him again. He will tell you more than you care to hear, and then he will disappear.*

You will now go back to Archilaus to tell him what you found out. He will tell you that you have to go visit Eve. You could auto-route, but it's easier to just take the nearest trackstone to Dark Hallow in the northern part of Nightfall.

Eve will tell you that she needs Joy Powder from you before she will be willing to talk to you. She will suggest that you buy it from Finch. But the quest will give you another option. Getting the item from Finch will cost you 5sd. The other way of obtaining the item is free, but will take some time as it runs you to a few other places.

If you go the cheap route: You will need to go back to Rodger (use the trackstone). Then you will go back to Finch and use intimidate to get some info from him. You will go back to Rodgers with this info. He'll tell you all sorts of fun, dirty little secrets about his brother Henry. He'll send you to intercept the smuggled Joy Powder. Bring the powder back to Rodger. He'll send you to Eve.

Eve will tell you what you need to know and send you off to Niko.

Niko will tell you before he can tell you about Velastus, he needs you to steal some firewood. There is one pile by the building that is not by a triggered mob. It does regen rather fast, so you could just stand there collecting until you have enough.

Niko will send you to Thom at Ghostfang Castle. Thom will send you to Carrel. Carrel will tell you to bring him some magic. You will need to give him 50 Great Mana Tonics. He assesses your ability to control Velastus. He will tell you you have the ability to become a god and will introduce you to the Vice Virtue system. From there, you will be sent off to find Velastus.

Back to Eve, who will send you to Carole. Carole will not give up the information easily, you will need to use lv3 intimidate on her (lower than lv3 intimidate will work, but not often). If you don't have that, someone with the skill can let you borrow it by using it on you before you talk to her. Carole has changed her difficult ways and now actually does give up this information quite easily :P

She will send you to talk to the Odd Noble. He will give you Velastus.

You need to return to Carrel with the sword. He will summon Tine's soul who you will have to defeat after you choose your path: Vice or Virtue. Talk to Pascal for Vice or Garth for Virtue. Defeat Tine and talk to Carrel. You will need to right-click the sword to activate it to finish your quest (I think it says something about talking to the soul - it means the one in the sword).

You need to go back to the Citadel and talk to Eiffel. Eiffel will tell you to initiate your new power by completing a Dragon Order which you can obtain from Melinda. You will have 7 days from taking this quest to complete it. Go back to the King with the sword to complete the rest of the Vice/Virtue quest.

Congratulations - you are now on your way to becoming godlike!

btw: Once you bring the sword back to the king and finish this quest, Kazmer's letter will still be in your bag - you can destroy this as it is no longer needed for anything.

* If you misplace your charm: you cannot abandon the quest. You cannot get another charm. BUT, you can have someone who has the charm summon Asar for you! Even if you do not have the charm, once he is summoned, you can complete your quest.
Also, if you have the Velastus quest but not the other part of the Vice/Virtue quest, it could very well be that you did not grab Asar's final quest to continue. Summon Asar again and see if he has the quest for you.

[pictures to come!]

Maintenance Did Bring Changes

The maintenance last night did bring a few changes to the game. Along with new orbs (I shuddered at first too - until I saw the goodies they could hold. A llama or whale mount??? Ok, I'll get over my fear of orbs), there are some substantial game changes.

We no longer have to leave base for guild base quests!! I don't know what to say other than: awesomeness.

We no longer have to mess around with envelopes for the guild affairs quests!! And you can do everything on the list. It just fills as you do it. So no more taking up space in your quest list. No more guessing which quests you will actually do. No more forgetting to take the guild quests for the quests that you did - it's all automatic!

There is a new GT. This GT takes place on a boat. You get to experience what it would be like to have lv3 wings and an extra 1000 mastery. How awesome is that? It's easy; it's fast; and you get to learn some nautical terms. It does throw a lot of crap in your bag, but over all, it seemed fun.
Henry has an initiation quest for this - or you can take the quest from the H menu. 

Your flying mount may self-engage when you auto-route. This has been an annoying change and one I hope that they reverse - or at least put in a way to turn it off.

PvP has not been working. The game sees PvP as cross-server and will not let people join. This is not really a change, I'm sure that it is just a program error that they will fix.

There is no appreciation code yet. I know they promised that it would come today - but... well, you know.

At least it was mostly good changes :)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Forsaken World Second Anniversary Giveaway


Perfect World is pleased to announce that this month we will be celebrating our two-year anniversary! We want to thank all Forsaken World players, both new and old, for making the last two years an astounding success! Last year we took you to the faraway city of Nightfall, delved deep into the lost Tomb of Kings, and finally, we charged into the War of Shadows with our new allies, the Lycan!

To celebrate our two-year anniversary, we're giving all players a free in-game prize package! All players (including new players), are eligible for a prize package:

Forsaken World players with a Level 60 character created on/before 9/01/2011 are eligible for:
- Lifesbane
- Conqueror Skeleton
- 1 VIP Pack
- 1 Box of Great Wealth
- 10 Edge Badges
- Title [Yellow] – Forsaken Original
- Title [Purple] – Forsaken Anniversary II

Forsaken World players with a Level 30 character created on/after 9/02/2011 are eligible for:
- Conqueror Skeleton
- 1 VIP Pack
- 1 Box of Great Wealth
- 10 Edge Badges
- Title [Purple] – Forsaken Anniversary II

Lifebane [Special Edition]:

Conqueror of Skeleton:

Thank you all for playing Forsaken World! We wouldn’t be anything without each and every one of you, so claim what is yours, and conquer the forces of darkness for great justice!

*Deadline to receive your prize package: April 16th, 2013
*LIMIT ONE PER ACCOUNT. Some items are bound (for example, the mount). So please, choose your character carefully (only the qualifying character will appear in the scroll down).

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Perfume Quest

The perfume quest is a quest that you can get from Rio and is actually one that gets prompted for you at an early level. It gives lots of socialite pts to help level your socialite job, it gives great exp, and some other goodies, like actions.

This is a very easy one to mess up since it is not very intuitive - and the first one is very misleading. NOTE: If you automatically got this quest as a low level, you may have instructions to find someone with a particular perfume or gift. IGNORE THIS. Just complete the quest as described here.

The FIRST thing you want to do is party with a member of the opposite sex with the female as lead and both in the same realm.

Then, you both will take the quest from Rio.

The female will go to the perfumer at one end of FH [just outside of the Union Market in Citadel now] and the male will go to Lt. Colonel Sparan --- at the other end of town.

The female will get a perfume from the Perfumer. This is completely random. She has no control over which perfume she gets, so she must get this BEFORE the male picks the gift.

The perfume will look like an empty flask in her bag. She will use the perfume and both parties will receive a message in yellow in the world chat box as to which perfume was used. It is also in blue text in the personal chat box. If the male misses this message, the female can just tell them :)

It is important that the male not be intransit/offline when the perfume is used or his quest may not advance.

The male will tell the Lt. Col which perfume it was and will get a corresponding gift. The quest officially finishes for the male at this point, but they still have one last thing to do.

He will take this gift to female and give it to her.

She will give this gift to the Perfumer which will finish her quest.

Very easy once you know how!

[Note: these screenshots are from when it was in FH, but it is essentially run the same way, just in a new place - Nightfall. Also, pro tip: there is a portal up the stairs from the Perfumer that will bring you to the Colonel area and back - How handy!]

Monday, April 1, 2013

Base Construction/Complete! : Supply Transport I - again...

Déjà vu, this build is complete, again.

We are still working toward getting to the 80,000 contribution that we need to build the level 3 castle.
We need 100 void alloy form the Nightmare Queen event to build another transport to reduce our daily maintenance costs even more.
And we need 100 base cores to build another structure that will help with maintenance as well.

The void alloy is going to take some time. So if you are 60+ and have time, please get into NQ parties and send your alloy to Savanbelegil.

The cores pretty much only come from the cash shop, and I am working on obtaining them. They also on very rare occasions come from the attendance gifts. If you do get one and would like to donate it, send it to Savanbelegil.

We Got Rolledback :(

So the servers are back up - and they did in fact roll us back to Friday night reset. T.T
This means ANYTHING that happened between then and the time that servers went is reversed, gone, just a dream.

IF you were in the guild Friday night and are no longer in the guild - get in touch with one of us if you would like a reinvite. We did not kick anyone this weekend.

Here's the official announcement from the Forsaken World forum:

Hello Everyone,

First off, thank you for the support and dedication that you have demonstrated during this unexpected downtime. We are grateful to have loyal fans that appreciate the game so much, and the work that is done to keep it going, even when things do not go as smoothly as we would like them to.

Recently, we unintentionally altered the price on Nova Packs to a value that was significantly lower than it should have been. This caused players to be able to earn Star Crystals at a rate that was much higher than intended, and, consequently, upgrade their gear at a rate that was higher than the design intended. While under normal circumstances, we would simply write off an incorrectly-priced item as a loss on our part, this particular case proved more challenging, as the impact of the high volume of Star Crystals and upgraded items caused a disturbance in the overall game experience, affecting progression mechanics, PVP balance, and overall game difficulty.

After an in-depth review of all possible solutions, we came to the unfortunate conclusion that the only way to remedy this issue was to perform a server rollback. This means that all characters will be restored to a previous state. Specifically, right before the moment the Nova Packs were introduced into the game. All purchases using Zen during this timeframe will be automatically refunded over the next couple of days. This includes Leaf purchases that were made using Zen.

The exact time that characters have been rolled back to is dependent on the server:

US, Lionheart: 10:02PM on March 29 Pacific Time

US, Eydra: 9:29PM on March 29 Pacific Time (12:29AM on March 30 Eastern Time)

US, Storm: 11:29PM on March 29 Pacific Time (2:03AM on March 30 Eastern Time)

EU, Illyfue: 10:02PM on March 29 Pacific Time (6:02AM on March 30 CEST)

EU, Shylia: 11:02PM on March 29 Pacific Time (7:02AM on March 30 CEST)

EU, Dyos: 6:02PM on March 29 Pacific Time (2:02AM on March 30 CEST)

EU, Nyos: 11:02PM on March 29 Pacific Time (7:02AM on March 30 CEST)

For those who purchased Zen to take advantage of this offer, we understand that you may wish to request a refund on your Zen purchase. That is understandable. Please contact our customer support team directly, and we will be happy to discuss the options that are available to you.

We apologize profusely for this situation, and do wish that there was a more elegant solution to provide. Unfortunately, after spending several hours evaluating the different paths, all research pointed to a rollback being the only viable option.

We are doing a thorough review of our release process to ensure that this does not occur in the future. Our first priority at this very moment is restoring the Forsaken World servers back to a playable state.

To show our gratitude and appreciation for your patience and understanding, we are offering a special gift to all players of the Forsaken World community.

This is a coupon code that offers the following rewards, completely for free. This coupon code expires on April 30, 2013, so please redeem it (once per account) as soon as possible.

Coupon Code: XYHL46M

Coupon Code: CKB5997 *updated code* Try this one instead
- New code with the 50-bound star crystals will be posted on April 3rd, which means you will get another code for 2k soul leaves, vip pass, warlord pack, and battlefield card!

This code provides:

*50-bound Star Crystals
*2k Soul Leaves
*VIP pass (7-day)
*Warlord Pack (7-day)
*Battlefield Card (7-day)

Thank you for your support,

-The Forsaken World Team


Where can I redeem the Coupon Code?

You can redeem the code here:

Will the Zen refund be immediate?

No, unfortunately this scripted operation will take several hours to fully complete. We will post an update when all players have had their Zen refunded.

Many of us were negatively impacted by the downtime, as we were not able to complete the weekly goals necessary to receive our rewards. What will be done to help us out?

We are looking into different options for what we can do for players who were negatively impacted by the downtime. More information will come once we are able to resolve the current issues and restore the servers to an online state.

Will Zen I spent after the Nova Packs went live be refunded to me?

Yes, your Zen will automatically be refunded to your Perfect World account.

I purchased Leaves using in-game gold. Will my gold be refunded?

Technically, yes. Since your character will be rolled back, your gold will be restored to the amount it was at before the Nova Packs went live.

Why not just make Soul Crystals bound?

We evaluated this option, but unfortunately we found that even if we disallowed the trading of Soul Crystals, the game balance would still be negatively impacted, as characters who purchased the Nova Packs during this time frame would have more stronger gear than players who did not.

If I purchased Zen during the period of time that was rolled back, will I still keep that Zen?

Yes, you will still have that Zen in your wallet.

How are in-game systems like Rift, Battlefields, and Dedication affected?

We are looking into the specifics of this and hope to have an update for you ASAP. It is our hope that no guilds lose diamonds or any other valuables as a result of this issue.

I'm getting an error message stating that my mailbox is full.

Please log into the game once it's online and empty out your mailbox. Even if it was previously not full, the roll back may have affected it. If you still get this error after emptying your mailbox, please let us know.

How are charge awards affected?

The situation with the charge rewards will have to be dealt with separately. As of now I don't have any information regarding how this effects the charge promo, but will hopefully have some as early as possible on Monday.

I purchased Zen using a gift card/Playspan card. Can these transactions still be refunded if I elect to request a refund?

We are looking into this and hope to have more info in the near future.

How are auctions affected?

All items that were up for auction will be sent to your character's Auction House mailbox. Please check their for the items that you had previously listed.