Guild Info

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Super Nova Explosion - servers are down

Because of the Nova Pack fiasco unleashed on Forsaken World this weekend, the servers to the game have been shutdown. There is no news yet as to when they will be back up; they only said that there would be an update on the progress at 09:30pm Pacific Time (11:30pm Central, 12:30am Eastern - all US times of course). The GM has said that they are fairly certain that the servers will not be brought back up before tomorrow morning, possibly even tomorrow evening.

Also, there was mention of a possible rollback to player accounts, or even to the game overall. This again, at this point in time, is merely speculation, as even the GM on this weekend said that he was not sure what action would ultimately be taken.

I have been checking the forums to find out what this may mean for the guild's daily maintenance fees and zeal reduction. So far these questions have not been directly addressed by the GMs. This may mean that when the servers are brought back up our zeal will show a large decline and we could possibly be in low maintenance. This will mean that our guild base will have reduced services - such as lack of certain quest and access to items like pots. If this does put us into low maintenance, the issue should be resolved after the next daily reset.

I will post more information as I get it.
Until then - enjoy your holiday weekend! :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guild Construction/Complete! : Supply Transport I

This took only 20 quests, so as you can see by this picture, it is already complete!

In order to build this, the guild leader had to have the 100 void dust in their bag. The ones that you turn into Jessica do not count toward this build. This void dust is collected as a drop from the Nightmare Queen/Oasis guild event. The other drop that she gives is void alloy.

Now our maintenance is even lower :)
Keep up the good work! We will need 100 void alloy for another support structure, so keep doing those NQs and be sure to give any void alloy to one of your leaders, or mail directly to Savanbelegil.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Construction Complete! Well of Energy Lv1

This is the last thing that we can build until we get 100 void dust (from Nightmare Queen event), 100 void alloy (from Nightmare Queen event), 20 guild base cores (from cash shop and occasionally from attendance gifts), or we get to 80,000 guild contribution which will allow us to build our level 3 castle.

If you are 60+, please do Nightmare Queen as many days as you can. You can only do this event once each day. You can send the dust or alloy to Savanbelegil via game mail. We already have 60 void dust, and if we all do these quests when we can, we can build the structure that requires them in no time :)

You can help get us to the 80,000 contribution points we need for our higher level castle by doing your daily guild quests that you can obtain from pressing G. Each envelope gives you one quest, and each quest you complete from your list adds to your contribution and to the guild's total contribution. These also contribute to the guild reserve fund, so do as many as you can!

HINT: all of you over 45 can send your pet on at least 2 of these quests every day. GT and your fissures will complete by sending your pet in your place. You can get the lionheart scrolls from pressing G (you get 3 here weekly), Shylia Market (you get 3 weekly), or from the housing manager in base (next to the pond, you get up to 5 here). The scrolls you need in order to send your pets can be obtained by your race rep agent if you have leveled your rep with that agent high enough. These scrolls only cost social contribution pts which are received when you complete instances in a party.

Also, Life in the Harbor is most times rather quick, and every level gets this quest as one of their options for guild quests. If you get a quest you can't complete, it is ok to abandon it and get a new quest by trading in some of your energy (you can do this 3x a day) -- the guild quest will still fill as long as you can get to 5 Life in the Harbor quests before reset.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Base Construction: Well of Energy Lv1

We are now building the Well of Energy which will allow for some additional quest options in base as well as trading in merit for energy.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guild Base Exorcism

Guild Requirement: Optional, but highly recommended.
Location : Guild Base

A guild base exorcism, exo for short, is a fairly easy, multi-guild event that anyone lv30+ can do. If this event is hosted by another guild, there is a 10s entrance fee. Participating in your guild's exo means that there is free entrance and it increases the amount of benefit given to the guild, so it is recommended that you attend our guild's exo if possible.

Registration for an exo begins 15 minutes before it starts. There are no late entries once registration closes/exo starts, so be there early. You can use that time to get into a party. Being in a party is not necessary to participate, but it does help healers find their targets.

Make sure you have 10s with you if you are not attending your own guild's exo. Enter the hosting base. You will see three npcs standing near the trackstone. You want to talk to the larger one in the middle if it is our exo - he will charge you nothing to transport you to the exorcism field. If you are going to a different guild's exo, you will need to talk to the one on the left - he will charge you 10s to transport you to the exorcism field.

Once at the field you will have to wait for the event to begin. Use this time to get a little snack, a drink, and make friendly with your fellow exorcisers.

When the exo begins, three altars will appear along the back of the field. You will need to pick up the nodes from the altar (just hover your cursor until you see a hand, then click). Once you have a node, run it down to the corresponding battery vessel at the other end of the field. Running through the battery automatically drops off your node and replenishes your hp. Continue this until your battery is fully charged. Once yours is fully charged, move on to another altar and repeat.

Tip: You can pick up as many nodes as you have space in your bag. After picking up a node, move away from the altar, then back to it. You should now see a hand again that will let you pick up another node. Be aware that while picking up nodes you are also being attacked by mobs - don't let your health get too low before going to the battery. When you get to the other end, you will need to run through the battery, away from the battery, and back through it again for as many nodes as you have in your bag. It helps to have your bag open while doing this so that you can monitor when all are gone. Each node you deliver contributes gold to your guild's reserves in your name if it is your own guild's exo.

Once all batteries are fully charged, presents will appear on the ground. Pick one up - you will get exp for you; zeal and contribution for your guild.

Next step is raising the pylons on the soul traps. The trap bases will appear on the ground on either side of the generator in the middle of the field. Spam click on the base until the pylon appears. Once your pylon appears, move on to the next base.

Once all are done, more presents appear. Grab one. Yay! More stuff.

Next phase is killing the chaotic souls that will attack the traps. Malevolence (the boss) will follow one player around. That player can try to pass him off onto another player using the skill they will get automatically to repel Malevolence, or they can just keep him busy.

Once all traps have been protected, more presents will appear. You know what to do.

Now it's time to kill Malevolence. Lowbies and low attackers man the traps while the higher levels and heavy hitters attack the boss. The forces can be released from the traps by clicking on them. Fire damages the boss, Holy reduces his attack, and Pure reduces his shield. Hit Pure as much as possible. Fire does not do as much damage as the characters can once the shield is down.

Once Malevolence is dead the exo is over.

The guild gets the stats it needs and you get great exp/soul power: win-win.

Additional Info:
  • An exo costs the guild 10g from the guild reserves.
  • A guild can host multiple exos each game week. The number they can host depends on the guild's level. 
  • There is an 8 hours cooldown after an exo in which you can not start another guild base activity - this includes campfires.
  • A player can attend multiple exos but only get a set amount of exp via an exo per game week. This is generally covered in one exo.
  • Your exo activities generate gold for the guild only if it is your guild's exo.
  • You get 8 dedication pts total for completing an exo.
  • You have a chance of winning an starlight upon completing the last exo quest and taking your present.

Construction Complete! Taming Room Lv1

The construction on Taming Room lv1 is now complete!  Reward yourself with a new pet or exchange merit for pet essence!

Since we maxed our construction quests today completing this build, we have to wait until reset to start the next build.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Getting a Master

You will get a quest pretty early on in the game telling you to find a master. Most masters will not take an apprentice at this level - they are looking for player at least in their 40s and most likely will only take guildies. There is a very good reason for both of these practices. The master wants someone who will be around for graduation - if the person has made it to lv40, the chances are good that this person is interested in the game enough to make it to lv60, which is the graduation level. Also, since they can't graduate until they are lv60, that person will be taking up their apprentice spot for a LONG time if they take them at such a low level. Taking only guildies ensures that the person is easier to keep track of and that they are helping out their guildies.

Your guild is a great place to find a master. Check with your guildies. If you are not in a guild (for those non-Enigma members who may be reading this), join a guild! Some of your guildies may not be able to take you right now, but it's ok to wait. I can usually get an apprentice leveled for graduation in a week, so it's not urgent to get a master at anything less than lv50. In fact, it is often easier to get through graduation by waiting until later since the master will have less time to lose interest in completing it.

If no one in your guild can take you right now and you just don't want to wait, you can sometimes find a master using world chat.

Another way to find a master is to use the New Master button in the Master/Apprentice interface in the Friends menu. It will bring up a list of available masters in the area. You can click on the one(s) you would like to invite to be your master. They will get a pop-up invitation with your name, level and class. Most people will ignore these - so you may have to go through a lot of these invites before you find a taker.

Keep in mind that your class does not matter, you are not required to have a master of your same race/class. A bard can have a warrior master - it really does not matter. You may want to get the same race/class in order to get additional information from them on builds and skill use, but many of your guildies can help with that too.

If you have found a master from a manner other than using the Find Master tool in the master/apprentice interface, you will need to invite them. You can invite them from a distance by using the Search tool in the master/apprentice interface. Or you can hit New Master, type their name in, and hit the Recruit button. You can invite them if they are near you by clicking them, right clicking their target icon or name in any chat box, and choosing social/invite-master.

Note: many of the following quests are gone, but some do remain

Master Led Quests

Daily Quest:
3 times weekly

Save Jon
Under Lv40

Master is lead of party. Tutor the apprentice to get the quest from Vanessa - only the master needs to take the quest. Autoroute to the Westedge Shore. Tutor apprentice. Apprentice talks to Jon. Spirits will appear that need to be killed. After three rounds of this, the master will be able to see a ? above Jon's head. The master talks to Jon and then you will need to kill Jon. Once he's dead, it's back to Vanessa. Master tutors to allow apprentice to complete quest. [?exp ?g?s?c]

Master is lead of party. Tutor the apprentice to get the quest from Vanessa - only the master needs to take the quest. Autoroute to the strange tomb. Tutor/review (you won't be able to open the cellar unless the apprentice reviews). Master clicks the cellar doors with the ? above it revealing the carrion. Master attacks while the apprentice picks and uses the flowers to weaken the carrion's armor (right click the flower in your bag once you pick it). Once he's dead, it's back to Vanessa. Master tutors to allow apprentice to complete quest. [22343040exp 1g50s68c]

Weekly Quest
Once weekly

Master leads the party that includes only the apprentice; this quest can not be picked up if in a party of more than the master and apprentice. Tutor, pick up the quest. Apprentice gets a recruit for the instance. Get a party to complete. There will be a special boss you need to call at a certain point in the instance - the doppleganger. Using the tool in their bag, the master will call up the boss. If the tool does not call up the doppleganger, look in wc for directions on which way to go to get to the proper spot - it will be in yellow. The spot in LH is in the room in the lighthouse with the two bosses - Marina and Cook. The spot in AoS is near the back wall. Kill the doppleganger and the quest is complete. The recruit gives extra friendship and exp.

Apprentice Benefits

Apprentice: Energetic Benefits
5 times a week.
Once the favor/friendship between master and apprentice reaches 100, the apprentice can trade in for exp. [3351456exp lose 100 rep/luck]

Apprentice Led Quests

Knowledge:Evil Addict
Once per week
Apprentice leads the group. Tutor apprentice, the apprentice takes the quest. Autoroute to Tonny. Tutor apprentice. Apprentice takes the Evil Addict quest from Tonny. Tonny has another quest - ignore it. Kill the monster. Back to Vanessa. [24 amethyst shards and 5 studies of courage 12g48s71c]


The friendship between the master and apprentice must be at 1000/1000 to get the full benefits of the master/apprentice system (I have graduated 2 apprentices that did not have max friendship with me - one even on had 10/1000!), but graduation only requires that the apprentice be at least lv60. The apprentice leads the party, you tutor/review, and Vanessa offers the apprentice the "Gratefulness" quest. It is very important that they NOT take the "End Apprenticeship" at this time. The gratefulness quests will bring you to the apprentices starting area. Only the apprentice gets an autoroute, so follow your apprentice closely if you do not know where you are going. You tutor and review and talk to a guide there. This will give you a series of text that graduates the apprentice. You should see a message saying that the graduation is complete and your quest will fill and disappear on it's own. The apprentice's name will automatically move to the Graduate list in the master's apprentice menu.

After the last expansion, things changed a bit with MA.  Just do the same as always, except all of the graduations now take place at Hugh Sutherland. You can still recruit apprentices/mentors. You can still do the apprentice led quests. You can get 100 friendship by going with your apprentice to one of their level instances (you don't even need a full party or to use the T menu! No recruits or elimination orders needed - it's automatic. Other members in the party do not always get the added mentor pts anymore.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Base Construction: Taming Room Lv1

We are currently building the Taming Room which will provide pet skill scrolls, an exchange for pet essences, and offer guildies with enough merit their own ecotfruit pet!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Construction Complete! Architect Society Lv2

This build is now complete! You may notice a few buildings have sprung up in your way to your usual base quest spots :)