Guild Info

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Construction Complete!: Vault Lv1

We have completed the construction on the Vault Lv1. Great work everyone! This was the last piece of the lv1 base, which means that we will be moving to a lv2 base soon!

Back to Prosperous Development quests to build up the materials that we need to start our next build - Castle Lv2!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Base Construction: Vault Lv1

We have the 3000 economy that we needed to start the Vault Lv1! Great work guys :)

Resume construction quests to get t built. Keep an eye on the max quests though so you can switch back to prosperous development quests as necessary.

Thank you everyone!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Double Talent Tree

Guest post: by InvokerAbel

Double talents allows a player to have two full trees on one character and be able to switch between the trees for varying game play. It is available with purchaser reward level 4 (title of Eyrda Lord, which requires you to spend $100 on the game).

"Switch Talent" button opens up the 2nd talent tree option where you place your points all over again. 

Once you have attained the status of Eyrda Lord, you will then have access to double talents by hitting N and going to your talent tree. In the bottom left corner you will see a button called switch talents. You will notice that in order to unlock the feature itself, you must make a one-time payment of 5 diamonds in gold coins, which is a very hefty price. However, the feature itself is very much worth every last copper.

Upon purchasing the feature and activating it, you will be given a whole new set of talent points (according to your level) and you now have the power to allocate the newly acquired set of points in order to use however you like. With the new set of points, you can set up another set of talents which you can dedicate to PvE and/or PvP, depending on what you’d like to do. In addition, it gives you that nice feeling of being able to play two trees if you ever were in the situation of having to pick between two very favorable ones.

Just like everything else in the game, this feature has its cons. The first big drawback to the feature is of course the fact that it costs A LOT to purchase the feature in the first place: purchaser rewards level 4, and 5 diamonds in gold coins. The second potential drawback, which you can ignore if you’re the patient type, is that there is an hour cool-down upon switching from one set of talents to the other. It is implemented so that people can’t abuse the feature and switch at will. However you can bypass the cool-down time for a fee of 5 gold coins, per bypass.

The third and final major drawback is that if the two talent trees are very different, you may require another set of gear to fit each tree, which involves a great investment of time (and gold coins if you like shopping in the Auction House). For example, take the bard and mage. Both classes have trees that scale off different masteries (bard has wind, water, and light while mage has fire, wind, and water) so you would have to invest in another offhand, potentially invest in another set of gear, and money on additional mastery training, which can be obtained through the Blademaster Quest. But there are also trees that can work well with the double talents if the class only scales off two different set of masteries such as the vampire (fire and dark) or warrior (physical and wind).

 If there are any further questions with the feature, leave a comment below or pm InvokerAbel for more info.

Gem Reforge

Do you have gems that are of no use to your character? Did you know that for a small soul gold and mentor points fee you can reforge them into a different gem?

The Glistening Lowland npc, Christer, will reforge your level 1, 2, and 3 gems. I have been able to change my useless-to-me bound azureclouds to things like ragefires, shattershards and goldsparks!! The level 1 gems cost soul gold and mentor points. The level 2 and 3 cost login pts and soul gold. A different gem is not guaranteed unless you have the VIP buff (you can get this from a VIP card).

All the resulting gems will be bound, so you might want to stick to ones that are bound and sell your unbound ones.

Construction Complete!: Residence Lv1

Great job everyone! You guys are awesome!

With the residence we have lowered our daily base maintenance costs and have added new quests that you can take to fill your envelopes- just go talk to the housing manager in base.

Our next build will be the vault which will give all of us a weekly soul gold allowance for being part of the guild. And it will allow us access to our bank stashes without leaving the base.

To build the vault, though, we need 3000 economy. The base quests from the Guild Base Manager give us economy points, so the more of those we do, the faster we can start building :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012

75+ Purple Gear

I've been getting a few questions about a purple set of gear that you can get for 75+. Here's what I know:

Lv75 purple weapon:

Guide Maid

Lv77 purple gear:

Slayer/Triumph rep agents in nightfall has the legs, hands, shoulders, chest.

Race rep agent has the waist.

Masha has the helmet.

Master/Apprentice npc gives you boots at rank 4/3000 mentor points.

Not sure where the purple weapon is though, but heard it could be a world boss or Aeon Spire drop.

Lv80 purple weapon:
Tomb of Kings

Base Construction: Residence Lv1

We got the economy we needed and are now currently building our Residence Lv1.

You can go back to construction quests. And with the extra 50/day that the last build added, we will be there in no time XD

Construction Complete! : Architect Society

We have completed building the Architect society building, and are back to prosperous development quests until we get out economy up enough to start building the Residence Lv1.

Good work everyone!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Base Contruction: Architect Society

We have gotten the 3000 cultivation that we needed and have begun construction on the Architect Society building. Among other things, this building will add 50 quests to our daily max construction quests allowing us to build things faster.

Since these constructions are going to pop up pretty fast and we will reach our daily max quickly as well, make sure you check the construction info in the guild menu before taking your quests.

Great work guys!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Construction Completed! Dining Hall Lv1

We now have a our dining hall! Our campfires will be at 19:00 daily. So come get your free and easy exp! Yay campfires!

You can also trade some of your contribution for a good chunk of exp at the dining hall. And you can take quests from the Dining Hall Manager instead of the Guild Base Manager when we are not building something. If we are building something, you still need to take the quests from the Construction Manager to get them to count toward the build.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Base Location Change

Our base location has changed to the City of Oblivion in the Sea of Oblivion.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Base Construction: Dining Hall Lv1

We got the 1000 economy that we needed and we have begun to build the dining hall!

Take the construction quests until the daily quest max is reached then switch to prosperous development. This daily quest meter resets with nightly reset, so after 12:00 server, you can go back to doing the construction quests. When in doubt, just check the construction menu.

We need 200 quests completed to get the hall, so keep up the fabulous work!
Campfires, here we come!  XD

Construction Completed! : Trading Post Lv1

We did it! We now have a guild trading post so that we can do guild trade runs. These help generate both funds for the guild and you.

If you haven't already completed your initial trade run with Christopher in Freedom Harbor, you will need to do that before you can do guild trade runs. You need to get the trade quest from the H menu (should be in the level 30 section). It will direct you to talk to Billy, off to the side of Christopher. Then you need to talk to Christopher to take the first trade run. The text will give you clues and run you through how to do it - so this might be one you should stop and read :P

If you need any help, ask. I also put a link in FW Resources in the sidebar to a basic guide.

I will be putting up a more detailed guide in a day or two.

Go back to the Prosperous Development quests so that we can get the 1000 Economy we need for the next structure: Dining Hall!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Base Construction : Trading Post Lv1

We got the 3000 economy we needed and we are now building a trading post! Remember to take your base quests from the construction manager until we reach max construction quests or we are done building. You can always see what we are building and whether we've reached our daily max on construction quests by checking the guild menu/base/construction.

Once we reach our max construction quests for the day, switch to doing prosperous development as we get a different set of points for these quests that we also need.

See this post for more details on getting and completing these quests.

You will not be able to complete guild trade runs until you have first finished the FH trade run quest from Christopher. You can complete this quest at 30+. HERE is a decent guide to that first run. I am also putting this in the FW Resources sidebar list for easier access.
Another guide is HERE.

Keep up the great work everyone!! XD

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Quick Guide to Base Quests

Acid Ants
Air Sprite
Chained Soul
Confused Soul
Covert Spy
Earth Core
Fading Soul
Flame Core
Furious Abomination
Groundwork Borer
Hideous Zombie
Inspect Clouds
Inspect Fluctuation Point
Inspect the Land
Inspect Observation Point
Leaf Core
Lost Soul
Lurking Spy
Magnetic Mist
Magnetic Sky
Magnetic Steam
Mist Core
Mist Sprite
Myth Core
Plague Rat
Skybound Wraith
Sludge Spitter
Steel Core
Swamp Crawler
Treant Refugee
Vigor Core
Void Core
Water Core
Water Sage
Wind Core
Wind Sprite

To jump to any one of these quests, press Ctrl+F, insert the quest name, and hit Enter 



Acid Ants

Need flying mount. Fly from the Guild Base Manager toward the Nexus. On a platform right before the Nexus you should see the ants. You can attack while in flight.

Air Sprite

Need flying mount. This is up on top of a floating rock. Talk to it.


Chained Soul

Can reach via land, but you'll want to use the balloon if you auto-route as otherwise it has the tendency to run you off the platform. Use the tool in your bag to summon the chained soul, talk to them and you are done.

Confused Soul

 Can auto-route via land. Summon it with the tool in your bag. Talk to it.

Covert Spy

Can auto-route via land. You will need to summon the spy with the tool in your bag and kill him to finish this quest.

Earth Core

Can auto-route via land. Pick it up.


Fading Soul

Need flying mount. The fading soul is on a platform next to the pond. You will need to summon it with the tool in your bag and talk to it.

Furious Abomination

Can auto-route via land. Summon it with the tool in your bag and kill it.


Groundwork Borer

Can auto-route via land. Kill the borer.

Hideous Zombie

Can auto-route via land. You will need to summon the zombie with the tool in your bag and kill it.

Inspect Clouds


Inspect Fluctuation Point

You can auto-route here via land. When you get there, sometimes you need to click on the blue light to get the quest to complete.

Inspect the Land

Drop off the west side of the guild entrance deck and wait a moment while the quest clears.


Inspect Observation Deck

Use the autoroute. Once you get to your destination, you will need to cross the bridge to the structure on the other side that contains a blue, glowing object. Once there, your quest should complete.If the building is built, you only have to cross the bridge and go down the stairs on the right.

Leaf Core

 Can auto-route via land. Just need to pick up the core.

Lost Soul


Lurking Spy

When facing the Guild Base Manager, he is on your left, on a ledge below the area that you go for the Furious Abomination. Summon him with the tool in your bag and kill him. Don't use knockback attacks. This mob has abut a 3 mins reset, so if someone has recently killed him, you'll have to wait.

Magnetic Mist

Need flying mount. Head below the base then use auto route. Use the tool in your bag once you get to your stop.


Magnetic Sky




Mist Core

Need flying mount. Pick it up.


Mist Sprite

Need flying mount. Talk to it.


Myth Core

Can auto-route via land. Pick it up.



Need flying mount. Use auto-route. Flying through the Nexus should complete the quest.

Plague Rat

Can auto-route via land. Kill the rat.

Skybound Wraith 

Need flying mount. You can only kill this while flying.

Sludge Spitter

You can auto-route via land. Kill it.

Steel Core

Need flying mount. Pick it up.

Swamp Crawler

Need flying mount. Must dismount to kill. Don't use knockback attacks.


Treant Refugee

  Can auto-route via land. Talk to the treant.

Vigor Core

This is on a ridge above the trading post.

Void Core

Water Core

Can auto-route via land. It's in the water. Pick it up.


Water Sage


Wind Core

Need flying mount. It's on a rock. Pick it up.

Wind Sprite

Need flying mount. This is on a ledge high above the pond. Talk to it.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Construction Completed! : Castle Lv1

We now have our Castle Lv1!! Great work guys :)

Our next goal is to get our economy up so that we can build the next structure: the trading post!

Go back to doing all the Prosperous Development quests that you can each day. These are the ones that you get from the Guild Base Manager.

Remember, the envelopes are on timers, so don't take them until you are ready to do a bunch. Do not trash the envelopes either, as you can not get these back.

Whether we are building a structure or not, the envelopes should be completed daily. Each of these quests completed help build up different points for the guild that help it to level. Without the quests being done regularly, we can not grow.

Keep checking the guild menu (open the Base tab and look in Construction to see if we have started building anything. Once you see a structure listed there as in progress, you can start taking your quests from the Construction Manager again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Base Construction : Castle Lv1

We are currently building our first base structure: Castle Lv1. The only requirement for this structure besides having a base is that we complete 100 construction quests. These are the quests that you get from the Construction Manager npc, not the Guild Base Manager npc.

Building this structure will provide the following for our guild:
  • Base will level to Lv1
  • Guild will level to Lv4
  • Adds 100 Max Prosperity
  • Adds 2D to Max Guild Funds
  • Adds 4000 to Max Economy
  • Adds 4000 to Max Cultivation
  • Allows us to build Lv1 buildings
  • Unlocks Castle quests (additional ways to use your envelopes)

Although this structure does not cost anything to build, there is a daily maintenance fee associated with this structure of 2g/day. This will get paid through the guild quests that we do daily.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Guild Base Quests

Finally, we have our base!! All those Jessica quests that you completed really paid off. Now we have another quest option open to help the guild - guild base quests (gbq).

Getting the Quests 

When you enter the base, you will see an npc called the Guild Base Manager. Talk to him he'll have three quest options. One will give you a quest to finish 4 guild base quests, one will give you the envelopes and one will give you a guild base quest. Take the first two every time he offers.

 BE VERY CAREFUL HERE: if you click Guild Donation and you have enough gold in your bag it will take 5g (not soul gold either - the unbound stuff) from you without any warning. I suggest keeping your gold in the Leaf Exchange from now on until you need it.

There are two options for base quests: Prosperous Development quests and Construction Manager quests. Prosperous Development raises economy and funds, both of which we need to stash up to grow. The Construction Manager quests give us points toward a current construction. Each structure has a certain number of these points that must be reached in order to build it. We have a max number of construction manager quests that we get credit for in a day, so when we reach that, we need to switch back to prosperous development to get the most from our quests.
  • If we are not currently constructing anything: take the Prosperous Development
  • If we are currently constructing something: take the Construction Manager quests instead (she is on the other side of the tracstone from the Guild Base Manager). 
  • We are currently constructing something, but we have reached out max construction quests for the day: take the Prosperous Development quests again.

You will need to check to see if we are currently constructing anything, or if we have reached our max construction manager quests for the day. You can do this easily by checking the guild menu (G), opening the Base tab and looking in Construction.

You should be able to see:
  • if we are building anything
  • what we are actually building
  • how many more quests we need to complete to build it
  • if we have reached our max construction manager quests for the day
  • and even what we have already built :)
This picture shows that we were in the process of building Dining Hall Lv1, had 0 of the 200 needed quests completed, had 97 of the maximum 100 daily quests used (those were used for the previous build). Once we reached the 200 needed to complete the build, or the 100 max quests for the day, we would need to stop taking construction quests and move on to Prosperous Development quests.

    Completing the Quests

    You should already be somewhat familiar with how quests work in Forsaken World. The guild quest work in much the same way. All of them are in-base quests that take a minute or two. The quest will most likely contain an auto-routeable link.

    NOTE: For many of these quests you will need a flying mount. If you do not currently have one, talk to Nadine near the Magic Fountain in Freedom Harbor. She will sell you a permanent balloon mount for 40sg.

    The auto-route will not work if you are in a weird position. If you get a message that you can not auto-route, check the quest text again to see if it is an in-base quest or it is asking you to go someplace outside the base. If you are supposed to be in-base, try moving away from whatever you are next to and try auto-routing again.

    Once you find what you are looking for, do whatever it is you are asked to do. Your quest may not complete immediately. I have had to wait 30secs or more before the quest turned green and was marked as competed. So be patient if you know that you did it right. You also should not have to wait at the point where it should have completed - I usually start heading back to where I need to hand it in and have not had any trouble with the quests filling eventually yet.

    Once your complete your quest, go back to the appropriate manager to turn it in.

    Each envelope allows you to complete 4 of these quests. each completed quest and envelope earns various types of points for your guild, including zeal and contribution, and earns you exp and soul gold for yourself.
    Your first envelope also earns you 2 dedication points - bonus!

    NOTE: The envelopes do have an 10 hour time limit on them. Only take them when you will have the time to complete the amount that you want.

    {Details on each quest can be found HERE}

    We Have A Base!!

    Congratulations everyone!! All your hard work paid off and Enigma is now the proud owner of it's very own guild base!

    We are located in the Floating Fairy Isle in the Gloomy Forest.

    You can access the guild base by either going to the base entrance in the Gloomy Forest, or by talking to Matthew, the teleporter on the dock in Freedom Harbor - or by talking to Lawrence at the top of the stairs by Jessica.

    Monday, December 10, 2012

    Gear Improvement - Fortifying Gear

    You have your gear and it is identified, now what? Time to fortify!

    Fortification allows you to add extra points to your gear's base attributes and opens up gem sockets on your gear. You will see on each piece of gear a certain max fortification level. Your goal is to max this out to gain the most added points to your attributes as well as having the most gem sockets you can have. You can fortify it using various star material.

    Dim Star Debris is for gear below 50.
    Recharging Shards is for gear above 50.
    Star Crystals - well, just hang onto those for now.

    You can get these star mats in a variety of ways.

    Dim Star Debris:
    • <lv50 world mob drops
    • weekly through Shylia Market
    • Eyrda rewards
    Recharging Shards:
    • >lv50 world mob drops
    • weekly through Shylia Market
    • AoS drops
    • some pet journeys
    • Eyrda rewards
    Star Crystals
    • >lv50 world mob drops
    • leveling memento boxes
    • Shylia Market one time
    • Masha gives out for certain achievement levels
    • Drops in Dusktown with mantra kill
    • Odyssey boxes from Shylia Market
    • Eyrda Boutique 
    • Prayer
    • There is also a rumor that you can fish these up on rare occasion

    To fortify, the gear must be bound. Take the gear and the star mats to Gabriel. Choose "Fortify Gear" from his menu.
    Gabriel is in the Bazaar in Freedom Harbor

    Here is a piece of gear before any fortification. Notice that the fortification level is 0/12. It has max fortification of 12 levels. The attributes circled in green will get a boost with every level you fortify.

     Place the bound gear into the "Gear" slot. The other slots will auto-load with what you have in your bag. Always start with the lower grade star crystals first. Click the add button until you at least over 90%. Notice that this does cost soul gold. Be sure you have it, or it will switch to your unbound gold!  Then click start.


    You will see the gear start to glow if the fortification was successful. As you can see in this example, the success rate was 100% with two star debris, but after fortification, 2 star debris is only 90% success rate. Each time you fortify it takes more and more debris, until finally you will need to move on to a higher grade star.

    After 5 fortifications, you can see the addition to the base attributes has increased decently and that the piece now has a gem socket open. Every 3 levels, you open a new gem socket, so this piece has a possibility of having four gem sockets. And with each gem placed, you gain even more from your gear.

    Fortification is a good thing :)

    Note 1: You can fortify with less than 100% success rate, as it is just that - a success rate. Dim star and recharge shards are fairly easy to come by, so keep trying with them until loading all 8 will get you 0% - then move onto the star crystals.

    Note 2:  I would not recommend using your star crystals on gear below 70. Star crystals are not easy to come by and should be saved until absolutely necessary. Besides, you really do not need more than 5-6/12 fortification on your gear below that for most purposes. Save the star crystals for later when they will do you more good, unless you plan to purchase those you will need.

    Friday, December 7, 2012

    Gear Improvement - Choosing Gear

    Choosing gear is a very personal choice for the most part. It really depends on what your goal is for your character and how much effort and $$ you are willing to put into it. However, there are some standard ideas to keep in mind.

    Gear Grade

    • Gray and white gear is not very good. This does not sell in ah; just sell this to an npc unless you have nothing else to wear.
    • Green is better, and it can be sometimes easier to get. It would be fine until you can find better. Green gear sometimes sells better in ah than blue as long as you keep the price reasonable - scavengers can get good mats from it.
    • Blue gear is what you are looking for. There are several shades of blue gear - but these shades do not indicate a quality difference, blue is blue. Blue gear that you can not use can be sold fairly well in ah. OR, see if your guildies can use it :)
    • Purple is your epic gear. Get this gear if you can find it and afford it. Otherwise, blue gear should be just fine for most purposes.
    Gear also comes with grade marks. These are little badge-like symbols under the name of the gear. The theory is that the more of these there are, the better the gear is - but really I have found that it is more important to concentrate on what the attributes are than worry about these marks.

    Gear attributes

    Although choosing gear attributes is an even more personal thing, there are a few things you want to consider when choosing which gear you will use and which you will sell : what are your character's strengths and weaknesses?

    To know what will boost your character's strengths are, look at the skills that you have, especially the ones that you use most. If they are water based, you will want to get some gear with water attributes. If they are fire based, you will want fire attributes - etc.

    You most likely already know what it's weaknesses are. Do you find yourself dying way too easily? Maybe a little defense or evasion built into your gear could help. Do you find that your attacks are not up to what you would like them to be? Then look for gear that will increase that.

    Also keep in mind that there are certain things that you can get from gear that you can't get from adding gems. For instance, mastery is not something that you can really gain from gems. Gems can be used to increase attack, mana, evasion, defense, accuracy, crit rate, crit defense - so use them and look for the attributes for things gems can't give you.

    Some gear also have more attributes than others. I only recommend buying gear that has at least two original additional attributes (before IDing the piece). The more attributes you can get on gear, the better off you will be.

    Make sure to identify the gear before binding it - if it does not come out the way that you want, then you can still sell it to another player. Fire id for you may not be good, but maybe another player is looking for just that.

    Thursday, December 6, 2012

    Gear Improvement - Identifying Gear

    So you have your gear, now what? 

    One of the easiest ways to improve your gear is by identifying it. Identifying your gear instantly increase your stats. You can get the items used to identify most gear from Shylia Market under Favor/Refine. Scroll of Sages will id gear under level 40. Scroll of Prophet will id gear over 40. You simply need to have the scroll in your bag, right click on the scroll which makes your cursor turn into what looks like a magnifying glass with a pointer on it, then click on the gear that you would like to id.

    As you can see in the first pic, the gear is unidentified (yellow circle). Take a look at the orange circles. These show the stats that eventually get affected when this particular piece gets id'd.

    As you can see in this lower picture, the gear gained 3 accuracy, which is reflected in the accuracy going from 181 to 184. And the gear gained 121 mana, which is reflected in the overall mana going from 7854 to 7975.

    I highly recommend iding the gear before you bind it to your character - especially if you have choices between gear. Then you can see if it would be worth binding, or if you should try selling instead.

    If you end up with additional attributes that do not suite you, but the original attributes are good, you can try re-iding your gear. You will need the appropriate re-id scroll and will need to bring everything to Gabriel. I only recommend re-iding if the item will be on your character for a long time (i.e. higher level gear). It does cost real gold to do this, so make sure it is worth it.

    Note: I recommend only spending effort on gear that has at least two original attributes. You will always gain another two on blue gear, but having four attributes is obviously better than only three.