Guild Info

Monday, September 24, 2012

Guild Officer Roles

There are various officer positions in the guild. These positions solely function to serve the guild. They are not rewards, they are jobs. They should not be sought out or used for purposes of prestige or power.

Corps Leaders: The corps positions are support positions to the guild and vice leaders. The main purpose of the position, like the guild and vice leaders, is to serve the guild; it should not be sought out for purposes of prestige or power.

Each leader is assigned a corp. These are sections of the guild that the corp leader will be especially responsible for. However, an Enigma member is an Enigma member; therefore, all leaders will be expected to assist all members.

Duties include:
Be familiar with the game and guild services and help people get what they need.
Recruiting members that will fit in with the guild.
Help new members get acquainted with the guild services and guidelines.
Help organize parties for instances guildies need.
Guide new players through various quests. Help them find the answers that they need.
Relaying various information to the leader

Vice Leader: Their purpose is to serve with the leader, filling in for the leader when they are not available. This position is to serve the guild and should not be sought after for purposes of prestige or power.

Duties include:
All the duties of a corps leader
Monitor guild funds to ensure that guild fund accounts remain balanced daily
Organizing and starting campfires
Organizing and starting exos
Organizing and starting crucible event daily
Organizing and leading various guild events, such as EB and Astral Shine

Guild Leader: The guild leader's purpose is to manage the guild membership, benefits, and activities in order to maintain a comfortable environment for the guild members to enjoy the game. The guild leader position is to serve the guild and should not be sought out for purposes of prestige or power.

Duties of the leader include:
All of the duties of the corps leaders
All of the duties of the vice leader
Bidding for rift
Starting builds and opening them for service when the build is complete.
Starting the rift reward ceremony
Promoting/demoting members
Managing the guild finances, decide how to use the funds

Expectations of all the lead positions in the guild includes:
- kind, friendly, patient, and hard working

- will interact regularly with the guild

- put their things aside to help others
 - understand and consistently represent the spirit of the guild
- go beyond the guild duty guidelines

~basically set a good example - lead by example

Of course, any of our members can help the guild, they don't need to hold these positions to do that. Every time you help a guildie with an instance or a question, you are helping the guild :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Guild Work Duties

All members of the guild are expected to pitch in to do their share. 
Here is a list of the goals for all guildies and tips on how to get them done.
Guild contribution goals:
  • Guild/base base quests at least 4 quests per week.
  • Nightmare Oasis at least once a week for those lv60+. (send alloy to Savanbelegil)
  • Exorcism weekly for members lv30+ or rift weekly for members lv50+.
If you'd rather do more guild/base quests rather than do NQ or an exo, feel free to substitute!
(NQ: 2 base quests or 1 guild affair;  Exo:  12 base quests or 3 guild affair) 


Goal: to fill 4 guild quests a week minimum

Currently our guild base quests (gbqs) consist of envelopes that you can get from talking to the Guild Base Manager. The number of envelopes that you receive depends on your level. The higher the level, the higher the number of envelopes. Don't grab the envelopes until you are ready to complete a bunch of them as they are timed (10 hours).

There are a few types of quests you can pick up to complete these envelopes: Prosperous Development and Construction are the two main ones. The Guild Base Manager will actually make Prosperous Development available to you once you take the envelopes from him. The Construction quests come form the Construction Manager. The major difference between the two is that the Prosperous Development quests give us building materials while the Construction quests actually build the structure.

If we are building, take the Construction quests until we reach our max construction quests for the day (currently 200). If we are not building, or we have reached our max quests for the day, take the Prosperous Development quests. You can check where we might be at on a build by hitting G and going into the construction menu. I recommend checking this before choosing which type of quest to take.

Another option when we are building is to take both and run them at the same time. Each will start one envelope, so you will be finishing two envelopes at once. This can often save you time, and Prosperous Development quests also generate gold for the guild, which is always welcome :)

For you, these quests give very good exp and merit that you can exchange with Lawrence in Freedom Harbor for very nice rewards.

Things to remember:
1) You will need a flying mount; so, visit Nadine and get one if you don't already have one (40sg).
2) Make sure that you have at least 2 quest slots open for each quest you take. If you only get half the quest, you will not be able to complete the quest and abandoning a base quest costs you the envelope and the reward that it would bring.
3) Running construction manager and prosperous development quests at the same time can run you into trouble if both are the same as you can only turn in the quest to one npc. In this case you will end up losing an envelope. I keep running out the quests until the unfinished quest is all I have left and then I abandon it in order to get the maximum quests done that I can.

Go HERE for help with completing some of the base quests.


Goal: to fill 4 guild quests a week minimum

You can get the guild quests by hitting G, taking the envelopes, and accepting the quests from the list. You can take as many quests as you have envelopes.

The number of envelopes that you get and the type of quests you get depends on your level. All quests should be level appropriate, but if you need help completing any of them, make sure to ask a guildie. And, when you are getting help with instance runs, make sure to grab a recruit order! It gives an even bigger benefit to those higher level guildies that help :)

You will get a new set of envelopes at each daily reset. I recommend taking these every day. The envelopes are on a timer, so you'll want to accept the quests from the list as soon as possible.

You do get credit for anything that was completed since the last reset, so it may be better to try to complete as much as you can on the list, then grab the envelopes, and choose the ones that you completed.

It's fine if you don't complete the quests you choose in that day. They will stay on your quest list until you complete them or abandon them. The easy ones to finish each day if you are lv45+ are fissure and God's Trial since you can send your pet to finish these for you!

These quests give the guild zeal and other points it needs to stay healthy. Plus, they give you lots of exp as well as some goodies when they are completed.


Goal: Optional

This quest consists of Jessica asking you to bring her something. Sometimes this is just something you harvest, sometimes it is a crafted item. Take this quest every time that you are on. If you can not gather or make what she asks, contact Savanbelegil. If she is not online, just send her an in-game mailbox message stating the exact name of what Jessica is asking for and how many she wants. Sav will send the item to your mailbox the next time she is on.


Goal: Once a week or substituted with 2 base quests or 1 guild affairs.

This consists of a party going to Crescent Pond / Immaculate Oasis in the Sea of Oblivion, fishing up the Nightmare Queen, Alanna, and killing her.

  • This is a level 60+ quest, but any level can help out.
  • There has to be a person in the party that has the fishing job.
  • They must use special lures, Raisinger Dream, that can be bought from the The Fleet of Myth merchant, Bob, who stands on a dock south of the Water Observatory trackstone.
  • You should have 10 lures, and it may take this many.
  • The person fishing has to have the oasis quest, or they will not be able to fish her.
  • You can only take the quest once a day, so don't use up all your fishers in one party!
  • Fuzzy orbs spawn at either end of the pond. Kill them or they will replenish her health.
It is not necessary to have a healer if you have a lot of high level players, but it is a good idea.

Lower levels can take care of the orbs so that the higher levels can concentrate on killing the queen.

This quest does not get accepted retroactively so be sure to take the quest before Alanna is killed!

At the end, you may receive either Void Dust or Void Alloy. You can give the voids to Jessica. These items are used for building structures in the guild. You can only donate this dust to Jessica once a week, so if you have extra, send it to your guild leader.

Void Dust: gives you 5 contribution and 5 merit, helps the guild build structures.
Void Alloy: gives you 10 contribution and 10 merit, helps the guild build structures.
Gear Drop: sometimes

Helpful tip: you can do this quest with less than six people if their levels are high enough, you have a good tank, and you have a good healer (I have successfully completed this with just a party of a 75 ele warrior, a 74 blood vamp, and a 68 mix warrior -- and I have also done this with a party of just a 78 ele warrior, a 66 blood vamp, a 67 glacial priest, and a a 48 mixed warrior.). Have one person stay at the west side of Alanna so that they can see to the end of each tip of the crescent. You can also keep track of where they are by using the map. As the fuzzies start to come toward Alanna, that person can either shout out to other players, or they can run get them themselves. Be sure to have someone other than the tank or the main dd take this position if they plan to take out the fuzzies themselves.

Having people in your party that can not get the quest does not affect the people who can take the quest; so if there is room, and lowbies want to help and learn, feel free to let them join :)
If you are not in the party that initiated the battle via first contact, you will not get credit for the kill. People who are not in the initiator party can help kill Alanna, but they will get no credit for it.
As long as the fisher does not finish the quest, they can fish up Alanna again - so you can use one fisher for multiple parties by just having them not finish the quest until the last party.


Goal: Optional, but highly recommended. Can be substituted with 12 base quests or 3 guild affairs.

A guild base exorcism, exo for short, is a fairly easy, multi-guild event that anyone lv30+ can do. If this event is hosted by another guild, there is a 10s entrance fee. Our exos are currently hosted at 14:30 every Thursday. They are free entrance and because they are ours, attending this one increases the amount of benefit given to the guild, so it is recommended that you attend our guild's exo if possible.

Registration for an exo begins 15 minutes before it starts. There are no late entries, so be there early. You can use that time to get into a party.

Make sure you have 10s with you. Enter the hosting base. You will see three npcs standing near the trackstone. You want to talk to the larger one in the middle if it is our exo - he will charge you nothing to transport you to the exorcism field. If you are going to a different guild's exo, you will need to talk to the one on the left - he will charge you 10s to transport you to the exorcism field.

Once at the field you will have to wait for the event to begin. Use this time to get a little snack, a drink, and make friendly with your fellow exorcisers.

When the exo begins, three altars will appear along the back of the field. You will need to pick up the nodes from the altar (just hover your cursor until you see a hand, then click). Once you have a node, run it down to the corresponding vessel at the other end of the field. Running through the vessel automatically drops off your node and replenishes your hp. Continue this until your vessel is full. Once yours is full, move on to another altar and repeat.

Tip: You can pick up as many nodes as you have space in your bag. After picking up a node, move away from the altar, then back to it. You should now see a hand again that will let you pick up another node. Be aware that while picking up nodes you are also being attacked by mobs - don't let your health get too low before going to the vessel. When you get to the other end, you will need to run through the vessel, away from the vessel, and back through it again for as many nodes as you have in your bag. It helps to have your bag open while doing this so that you can monitor when all are gone.

Once all vessels are full, presents will appear on the ground. Pick one up - you will get exp for you; zeal and contribution for your guild.

Next step is raising the pylons on the power traps. The trap bases will appear on the ground on either side of the generator in the middle of the field. Spam click on the base until the pylon appears. Once your pylon appears, move on to the next base.

Once all are done, more presents appear. Grab one. Yay! More stuff.

Next phase is killing the chaotic souls that will attack the traps. Malevolence (the boss) will follow one player around. That player can try to pass him off onto another player using the skill they will get automatically to repel Malevolence, or they can just keep him busy.

Once all traps have been protected, more presents will appear. You know what to do.

Now it's time to kill Malevolence. Lowbies man the traps while the higher levels attack the boss. The forces can be released form the traps by clicking on them. Fire damages the boss, Holy reduces his attack, and Pure reduces his shield. Hit Pure as much as possible.

Once Malevolence is dead there is one more present to pick up and the exo is over.

The guild gets the stats it needs and you get great exp: win-win. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to Enigma!

Enigma is a Forsaken World, Storm server guild established 09/21/2012.

Our goal is to provide a fun, friendly, helpful guild for fun, friendly, helpful people.

Our rules are simple: show respect for others and do what you can to help!

Activites/benefits include:
  • daily guildie instance runs
  • daily campfires
  • daily seals
  • exo 2 times each week
  • weekly komog
  • weekly esnm
  • weekly rift
  • astral shine parties
  • gear from guild community stash
  • mats from guild community stash
We want to help our guildies reach their goals! If you have a quest that you need help completing, or an instance you'd like to run, let us know and we'll get your quest/instance in the run schedule! If you have a goal for certain pts (champion, wargod, battlefield) let us know and we'll try to get you through the runs you need to get them! If you need gear or mats, let us know - most guildies stash things and are glad to donate to help you out!

Honorary membership is reached at 50 contribution/5g in guild reserves.
Full membership is reached at 100 contribution/10g in the guild reserves.

Guild members can add additional characters once they become a full member.

If you need help completing any guild quest be sure to ask your guildies! And if someone needs help with a quest, be sure to help when you can.

This is a no-drama guild. Respect is expected, both to your fellow guildies and the Forsaken World community as well.
However, cheekiness and shenanigans are fully appreciated ;)

Guild campfire times are listed in the sidebar. Come meet us!

If you have any questions, or would like to join Enigma, please pm Savanbelegil, or any of the corps leaders listed in the sidebar.